Chapter 23

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{Riley's POV}

"Riley" Lucas yelled as he approached me with Jace, Liz, Jake, and Stacy not far behind him. I haven't been the same since the day at the hopsital. I didn't understand much what was going up but i did hear them yell that they were loosing her. I knew it was bad by the way daddy Keats was acting. I couldn't help but cry, i couldn't think of my life without me mommy.

"Nialler" i yell running up to Lucas's dad.

"Yes sweet heart?" he says stopping looking at me with a big smile on his face.

"Can i borrow your phone so i can call daddy Keats. They were meant to take mommy home today." i say looking up at Nialler who just nodded his head reaching into his pocket. He dials daddy Keats' number and hands me the phone as Lucas and everyone else comes back over towards me and Nialler.

"Hello?" Daddy Keats answers the phone.

"Hey daddy Keats" i say sounding so happy.

"Hey sweet heart is everything ok?"

"Yeah i just wanted to make sure mommy is ok" i say smiling at Lucas who kept looking at me as i talked on the phone.

"Yeah she is fine, hold on i will hand the phone to her" he says while i hear russling on the other end.

"Hey baby how are you" i hear mommy talk for the first time in forever it feels like.

"Mommy i miss you so much" i say saying as i start to jump up and down in happiness.

"I missed you, and i will see you after school love you"

"love you too mommy" i say hanging up the phone and handing it back to Nialler thanking him as recess comes to an end.

Lucas grabs my hand and we start walking back into the school. Ms. Johnson meets us at the door and gives us a warm smile as we walk in. She tells us that we are going to be drawing what means the world to us and i knew what meant the world to me and that was my mommy. I began to draw as Lucas pulls the chair out that was beside me and decides to sit down. I love my best friend.

"Liz don't draw on Jace with a marker" Jake said while trying to keep everyone from getting in trouble. Liz slowly putted down the marker and looked at Jake before she started on her picture.

"Stacy what are drawing?" i asked looking over at her picture.

"My mommy and daddy" she says while putting scribbles into her dad's arms which I'm guessing symbolizes his tattoos. She is a better drawer then i was. Class went by fast with Lucas, Jace and Jake talking about what their favorite crayon was. I laughed as Liz said if you ate crayons would you poop rainbows. I couldn't help but laugh as Lucas fell out of his seat laughing at what Liz has said.

"Ok you guys need to calm down or do we need to have a meeting with your parents?" Ms. Johnson asked as she walked over to our table. Liz looks up at her and she knows as well as Ms. Johnson does if she calls her dad one more time she is going to get in big trouble. But before she could say anything the bell rang and we all rushed out the door to meet our parents. I looked around for Uncle Wes, or Uncle Drew but there was no sign of anyone. I started to freak out like how am i going to get home to see my mommy if no one is here to pick me up.

"Riley do you need a ride home to go and see your mommy?" Lucas asked as he walked up beside me. I nod my head. Lucas grabs my hand and leads me to his dad's car.

"daddy can you take Riley home?" he asks looking at me then back at his dad. Nialler smiles and nods as Lucas pulls me into the backseat with him.

I was happy to have a best friend like Lucas. He has been there for me since the begining and without him and Nialler i wouldnt be able to deal with anything that has happened. We finally pull up to the house and i saw so many cars sitting all over the place and people rushing in and out. I took a deep breath and got out of the car and headed for the door.

"OMG Riley i forgot I'm so sorry" Aunt Lisbeth says before pulling me into a hug.

"I can't breathe" i say slightly trying to take a breath as Lisbeth lets me go. She smiles and looks to see Lucas and Nialler at the door.

"Niall just the man i need to talk too" she says walking over to Nialler grabbing him and walking towards the door.

I run upstairs ignoring the sound of Lucas behind me trying to get my attention. I finally reach mommy's room. I open the door to see Mommy and Daddy Keats fast asleep.

{Lisbeth's POV}

"Ok Niall i was wondering would you and the guys like to sing at my wedding i would be honored if you did" i say smiling as Drew walks by talking on his phone which he seems to be getting really frustrated with who ever he is talking too.

"We own you guys for helping us get out when Blaine had all of us, so yeah we will do it" he says smiling. I nod and thank him before walking into the house. Little Lucas comes running out to meet his dad and then they are soon on their way.

"No that's not what we ordered" he slightly yells in the phone as he runs his hand through his hair in frustration. I grab the phone from his hand and begin talking to the very sassy flower lady who seems to be a little deaf. I walk down the hallway explaining i ordered purple roses for the bouquet. Finally she found the order and began working. After working that out for him i decided to take the phone back to Drew as he laid his head in his hands as he sat down with his elbows on the table.

"Hey babe" i say sitting in front of him. He lifts his head and looks at me. He looks so stressed out and i understand how he feels.

"How are you so calm when everything is getting out of hand?" he asks looking at me puzzled as i smiled at him.

"Because i know at the end of the day everything will be fine and tomorrow i will be marring the man i love" i say while reaching across the table grabbing his hands in mine.


This Fan Fiction is coming to an end and i would love if you guys would share it with your friends. If you like my Fan Fiction let me know because i was thinking about writing a new Keaton one. This is one of my favorites that i have wrote so far. If you like/love it please vote and comment on your favorite chapter or chapters. I love writing for you guys!

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