Chapter 20

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{Morgan's POV}

I watched as tears started to pour from Riley's eyes as Blaine's grip kept getting tighter. I covered my face with my hands and started to cry as well. It kills me to see my baby hurting and i cant do anything to help her. I felt an arm drape over me. I look and see Wes who looks like he has been crying as well. I weakly smile at Wes who pulls me into a hug. I cry into his chest as i hear Riley scream louder and louder.

"Blaine stop!" i yell as i pull back from Wes's hug. I look up to see his hand make contact with Riley's face before he walks over to me.

"What you say bitch?" He asks grabbing me by my hair and pulling me off the couch to where Riley is crying in the floor. He throws me down right beside her. I rise up ignoring the pain from my ankle and the rest of my body to help my sobbing daughter.

"Shh baby mommy is here" i whisper as i pick up Riley and cradle her in my arms as she sobs.

"Blaine why do this? Even to a child?" Wes asks as Blaine watches me sooth Riley.

Blaine stays silent and walks off leaving us in the living room. I hand Riley to Wes and him and Niall and the rest of the guys sing her a soft melody. I stay in the floor trying not to move because by the way my ankle looks if i move one more time my bone might penetrate through my skin. I lay back in the floor thinking but I'm brought out of my thoughts by someone sitting beside me. I look up to see Keaton who keeps his eyes on the wall.

"Morgan" Keaton says looking at me all worried.

"Yeah" i say turning away from him and looking at Wes and them sing to Riley.

{Keaton's POV}

"Do you ever think about if you never came to California and we never met?" I ask while looking at her.

"Yeah, i do because i have put you and everyone else through hell and no matter what you guys still love me and i think about my life without you and then my thoughts stop because that's impossible to think of a life without you because and are my life" she says smiling at me. Hearing her say that makes me feel so much better even if we are in this place with a sick demented person.

"Guys shh" Morgan says softly while trying to get everyone to quiet down.

"What?" I whisper. she points to the door that leads to the hallway which is cracked open. I smile and looked to see everyone else smiling. Wes, Drew and I slowly walked over cracking the door more to go down the hallway.

We walked until we reached a room where we heard snoring. Wes slowly opened the door to see inside. Our eyes scanned the room. We noticed the gun laying on the bedside table along with a set of keys. I hurried into the room grabbing the keys handing them to Drew who walked out the room leaving me and Wes with Blaine. I signaled Wes to turn the lights as soon as he did Blaine shot up from the bed looking at me as I held the gun towards his face.

"Well...well...well look who grew some balls in the past 15 minutes" Blaine says rising up for his bed walking over towards me as I held the gun directly at him.

"Shot me pretty boy! do it!" he demands as he walks closer. I know just like he doesn't I wouldn't hurt anyone. Wes grabs the gun from my hands holding it directly at Blaine with more action and anger then I did.

"He might be I will" he says moving closer to Blaine as he backs up.

"Your bluffing" Blaine smirks as my brother does the same thing. Wes points the gun towards the window that leads outside and fires two shots and points the gun back to Blaine who looks more frightened.

"Since you know I'm not get you ass in the living room!" Wes yells and Blaine walks out the door with Wes hot in his trail.

Drew and Lisbeth left to go get help and Blaine sits on the couch starring at Wes who has no emotion on his face. Minutes later we hear cop cars coming closer and closer. But before they arrive a gun shot is heard around the room. I look around to see Blaine had found another gun somewhere. I check myself to see if I was shot but nothing I looked around to everyone else who seemed perfectly fine. Then I saw her laying there in a small puddle of blood. My whole world started to fall down around me.

{Niall's POV}

Drew came running into the living holding a keys in his hands. Soon enough all the doors were unlocked and we could leave. As I was close to the door I stopped in my tracks. I thought about Morgan and Keaton and Wes by themselves dealing with Blaine and I knew it wouldn't be pretty so I handed A sleeping Riley to Louis and told him to take her back to the house.

"Nialler you going to be ok?" he asked.

"Yeah just take her and go" I yelled as Louis rushed to Lisbeth's van.

I looked to see Blaine sitting on the couch as Blaine pointed a gun straight at him. It was complete silence up until we heard cops approaching fast. the sound of a gun going off surrounded the whole room. I looked over to see Blaine holding a gun, I checked myself and looked to see who he shot. My eyes stayed on Keaton as he spotted Morgan in a small puddle of blood. As Blaine started to laugh the cops came bragging in looking at everyone then at Blaine who held the gun still laughing at what he done.

Wes handed the cop the gun and as the cop left Wes looked behind him to see Morgan being worked on by paramedics as Keaton looked on with tears in his eyes.

{Wes's POV}

"Keaton" I said grabbing my brother pulling him into a hug as he started to cry again. After a few minutes he followed the paramedics out to the ambulance before they take a very damaged Morgan to the hospital.

"Uh Mr. Stromberg I need to ask you some questions?" Deputy Longhorn said as he walked up to me. I nodded in agreement and followed him to his car. After what felt like 200 questions he told me that Blaine most likely will be locked up for years and years to come. I was thrilled to hear that. As the cops drove away Drew and Lisbeth came back in the van.

"Dude what happened?" Drew rushes out of the van signaling to my clothes. I didn't notice I had Morgan's blood on me. I probably got it from Keaton when I hugged him.

"I'll tell you at the hospital!" I say opened the van doors to see 1D staring at me. I yelled for Niall who came running out the house and into the van.

We approach the hospital and as soon as the van comes to a complete stop I rush out running inside looking for Keaton. As I'm about to turn around and search a different hallway my eyes land on him. He looks to have his head in his.

"Keaton?" I say while I slowly walk up to him. He looks up at me and his eyes are puffy and red from him crying.

"She will be fine! this is Morgan we are talking about she is trying she will make it through this" I reassure him as he nods agreeing with me as he continues to cry. I look at his appearance his clothes are drenched in Morgan's blood. I blink my eyes while trying to hold back my tears.

Everyone else soon finds us a worried expression goes everyone else faces expect Niall's. Before anyone could say anything I look to Louis' stretched out hand to see Riley. I stay frozen to my spot as she lets go of his hand and walks over to where me and Keaton are sitting. She looked up at me then at Keaton who was still crying.

"Uncle Wes why is daddy Keats crying?" Riley asked looking at Keaton as a smile grew on his face. This is the first time Riley has ever said daddy and Keats in the same sentence. We don't answer. Riley looks around the room before turning to us again with tears building up in her beautiful blue eyes.

"Where's mommy?" she asked looking around again. instead of answering her I pulled her into my chest as she began to cry. Everyone surrounded us as she, Keaton Lisbeth cried. I wanted to cry as bad as everyone else but I had to be strong I had too.

"Morgan's family?" a nurse came up asking. Keaton shot up walking over to the nurse.

"Yes" he said sounding in patient.

"You are?" the nurse asked sounding a little to bitchy.

"She's my fiancé" Keaton says smiling a little bit as the words came from his lips.

"How is she?" I ask butting into the conversation. She gives me a look saying shut the fuck up. I roll my eyes and wait for her to say something.

"Well lucky the bullet didn't hit anything important and she just got out of emergency surgery on her ankle and he gun shot wound. she is in room 112" the nurse says while walking away. Keaton bolts down the hallway with Riley hot on his trails.

As we approach her rom the door is open. I walk in behind Drew and I'm shocked to see what I see. I look at Morgan who has wires everywhere and her head banged up a little and he ankle propped up. I look over at Keaton who is holding Morgan's hand as she lays there looking lifeless. Riley sets on Keaton's lap as she stares blankly at her mom. Soon there is a knock at the door being all our attention on a tall man who looked about in his 40's walks into the room.

"Looks like miss Morgan here has a lot of friends" he says with a little chuckle. "so I'm doctor smith" he says introducing himself to everyone.

"So will she be ok?" Keaton asks taking his gaze off Morgan to look at the doctor.

"Well she had a lot if damage down to her ankle and she had a pretty bad head injury when you guys brought her in but other then that everything was good." he says slightly smiling as all of us kept an emotionless expression as noises came from Morgan's bed.

"Where am I?" she asks looking around at everyone and everything as Keaton's face lit up with joy and relief.

"I'm let you guys talk to her" doctor smith says befitting leaving the room.

"Morgan thank god you're ok!" Keaton says squeezing her hand. she looks over at him and smiles. That smile soon fades.

"Where's Blaine?" she questions looking frightened.

"He's gone he is on his way to jail" Niall speaks up walking towards Morgan's bed. After hours of talking Niall and the boys decided to head home.

"Morgan we love you!" they all said before walking out the door.

"Morgan were going to head home as well to tae miss Riley to bed." I say looking at drew and Lisbeth who are half asleep.

"No I want to stay with mommy!" Riley demands. I shake my head and reach to pick her up.

"Daddy Keats are you staying with mommy tonight?" she asked looking at Keaton who nodded. Riley began to beg to stay with Keaton and Morgan tonight and I was to tired to argue.

"Night Morgan love you!" I say hugging the girl who means the world to my brother and me.

"Love you too Wes" she smile slightly as I walk out the door behind Drew and Lisbeth.

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