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I step of the ship and onto the soft soil that belongs to Naboo. Half expecting to see my wife I look around, but she's no where in sight. It's funny because I refer to Padmé as my wife but I highly doubt that im a husband to her.
I let the troops all file around me until I'm the only one left in the mouth of the ship. Already people are screaming, running from the clones.
"We are here to harm no one, we want to speak with your queen," Cody announces and slowly the screams fade away. For some reason I stay rooted and it takes a clone to come and get me for me to move.
It all feels so comforting, the Naboo breeze blowing through my hair and the soft touch of the sun grazing my cheek. The presence of the green trees and crystal lakes calm me and send me into a tsunami of memories.
   "Queen Jamilia, Lord Vader," Rex has the queens arm tightly gripped by his hand and she struggles to release herself.
   "Now Rex, we don't want to be forceful, let the poor Queen go."
   "Lord Vader, to what do I owe this pleasant surprise?" She asks sweetly, bowing her head slightly.
    "I'd like to say I'm here for a friendly holiday, but I'm afraid we have business to discuss," I say, staring intently into her eyes.
   "Of course, right this way,"
   She leads us through beautiful gardens, the smell of the flowers almost so strong it's intoxicating. I see the balcony on which I first kissed Padmé. A sharp pain hits my heart but I try to do what Sidious said. I need to forget about her.
While the rest of the clone army circle the palace, Rex, Cody and I follow Jamilia inside. It hasn't changed since I was last here at all. Large window and golden decoration cover the marble walls and the room is lit up by light like no other, artwork adding colour to every corner.
"Please my lord, take a seat," Jamilia says calmly, gesturing her hand towards a throne like chair. I place my body on top of the red velvet cushion in the golden frame and then Rex and Cody do the same.
   "I assume you are aware of Naboo's independence sire," the queen says in the same smooth tone. The corners of her mouth lift slightly and she folds her hands over gently on her lap.
   "The emperor isn't best pleased with this fact Jamelia," I say. "The imperial empire is growing in size and power, we need your planet to join with us and make it stronger. The emperor must have something for Naboo in mind. I'm not sure what his plans are, but I assure you that you should prepare to let Naboo be part of the imperial empire."
   "And why would you let such a peaceful planet lose its freedom?" She questions, her voice changing to a more outraged tone.
   "I'm just following orders m'lady."  I stand from my seat, "please have your maidens prepare my troops and I a place to stay, I want to fully assess your planet." This was a lie, I know exactly what it is like. I just want an excuse to stay, and maybe even see her.
   "Of course my lord." The queen also rises and bows to me.
A few of her handmaidens lead me to a villa overlooking the lake. It's beautiful. The way the water shimmers and reflects the sunlight. I peal myself away from the view and lay on the purple/grey bed in the centre of the wall. My head hurts as the memories flow in.
   My relationship with sidious is weakening, I am less his apprentice now and more his puppet. He expects me to obey his every command. So what if he orders me to send an attack on Naboo? I couldn't bring myself to harm such a meaningful place to me. But again that is showing my weakness, it's showing the Jedi still in me.

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