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Hey everyone! First of all is like to apologise for typos, my keyboard on my phone isn't very well calibrated! Second of all thank you so much for over 100 reads on 'a love in the stars' let's see if we can get this to over 100 too! Love ya


   "You seem distracted lately my apprentice," sidious says to me but not facing me. We are once again in his office surrounded by the heavy red drapes.
   "I'm sorry master," is all I can say.
   "Anakin I need you're full focus for this next mission, call it a follow up from the mission in Naboo five years ago. I told you no harm would come to that planet but they're not co operating, they still serve for the republic. Or what's left of it that is. I order you to send storm troopers and take their land by force." He orders, a dark, evil, malicious tone running through his voice.
   "What?" He shouts, snapping his head to face me.
   "I'm truly sorry my lord but you can find someone else to complete this mission." I say. Showing no tone in my voice and keeping a straight face the best I can.
   "If you don't do this Anakin then it will be the end of the road for you my friend." He then puts on a fake sadness and cries, "please...I beg of you... I'm too weak to do this on my own." He whimpers. I reluctantly accept, I hate to see my master in that state although I know it's fake.
   I storm angrily back to my apartment. Take one look in the mirror and break down. I cry so hard that it hurts. In my anger I smash the mirror and flip my table, knocking the entire contents on it on the floor too.
   "I WANT HER BACK!" I shout to no one.
   The next day I'm in a separatist cruiser and on my way to Naboo. I hate this. He promised me that no harm would come to it, but he lied. Now I wonder when else he lied to me. When he told me he could save Padmé? Well she is alive so maybe that was true. But I don't know how long she will stay alive, for all I know one of my troops could kill her today. But I won't let that happen.
   In the ship my full darth Vader suit is hung on its own in a large, white closet. The black helmet sits on a red velvet cushion. I take it in my hands and pull it over the waves of my hair, covering my eyes, taking me into my own world that no one else can enter.
   When I talk my voice is edited to sound deeper, darker and almost muffled. Sidious didn't want me to be recognised as Anakin Skywalker, he wanted only to see Darth Vader.
   When we land I am overcome with anxiety of what I'm about to do. The lives that could be lost. The damage in destruction I'm about to cause. But I have no choice. Anakin Skywalker doesn't get a say in this, it's a mission only for Darth Vader.
   Last time I was here I was unmasked. Padmé won't know it's me this time if she's here, but I don't see her.
   Once again screams fill the air as troopers start to charge and gather up hostages. Unexpectedly sidious comes and stands by my side. I didn't even know he was on the ship.
   "Go and retrieve the queen, I have other business to attend to," he quietly orders, a mischievous smirk across his shrivelled face.
   I don't answer I just start strolling toward the palace. Nubians all clear the path as I walk, running away from my stride. I hear the occasional blaster shot. I cringe every time I hear the sound.
   I make my way up three flights of stairs until I'm at the queens office. She sits peacefully, expecting my arrival.
   "You seem very relaxed for someone who's country is under attack,"
   "I have sent my counter attack don't you worry my lord, you're army will receive a fair fight." She says, in her incredibly calm, almost hypnotising voice she always has.
   "You could end this all how m'lady. Just join the empire and you can guarantee safety and wealth for Naboo."
   "I don't think so Skywalker," this takes me completely by surprise. The use of my real name. "What? You didn't think I didn't recognise you as Anakin Skywalker the last time you were here did you?" She giggles, "don't worry it's just me that I am aware of being aware of your true identity." When I don't say anything she continues to talk. "I still believe there is good in you. Such a brave Jedi you were. The chosen one I believe. Supposed to restore peace to the Galaxy." She laughs sarcastically, "well look how that turned out. You know--"
   "You will continue your discussion of the fate of Naboo with the emperor. He is waiting for you."
   "Yes of course." She rises from her chair and softly smiles. "Well then take me to him Anakin." I shoot a cold glare at her. "Oh sorry, my lord Vader." She corrects herself mockingly.
   As we exit the palace I am brought face to face with hundreds of Nubians being held by troopers, men, women, and children. I see the bodies of Nubian troops dead on the floor.
   "Take her." I hear sidious shout and then troops come and capture the queen. "You have lost m'lady! Either you join the empire or your beloved citizens die!" He chants.
   She turns her head to the ground and her expression saddens with the realisation that she has lost.
  "Very well. For the safety of my people." She declares.
   "I have one more surprise for my apprentice." I look up to see the sidious has him arm locked around a woman. I can't see her face but I can make a pretty good guess if who it may be. "This particular senator has always annoyed me. Too clever. Too faithful to the republic. I want you to kill her."
   "I can't, I won't," I say forcefully.
   "Are you really sure you are willing to disobey me?"
   "Please my lord! I beg you!" She shouts. I can't see her face but it's padmé's voice. My heart stops at the sound of her voice. I let it rush through my body like an electric current.
   "Padmé!" I shout.
   "How do you know my name? She says in shock.
   "Oh just kill her already Vader."
   "I'm so sorry Padmé." I ignite my lightsaber and start to walk towards my wife. I hold it close to her neck line. My right side facing her. But I swing in the opposite direction and Sidious drops to the floor. His head now separated from his body.
   "No one tries to hurt you as long as I can help it," I say to her. Her face now has a look of shock and confusion.
   "I don't understand, what am I to you?"
   "Everything." I take off my mask revealing Anakin. Padmé gasps and brings her hand to her mouth.
   "Oh my god. It's you. You're Vader."

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