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"I want to go to the temple so I can apologise to the order," I say to my master.

"Anakin, you are aware that they will punish you." Obi-Wan says, a little shocked at my wish.

"I know, but I can't live with myself knowing I didn't even try to apologise." At this point Padmé re-enters the room.

"I guess I can take you now if you wish,"

"Thank you,"

"Where are you going?" Padmé asks, she walks through the living room and stands very close to my side. Feeling her so close makes my stomach knot and I don't want her to ever move.

"To the temple, I want to apologise." I explain, looking down to her beautiful brown eyes.

"Will you be back?"

"Unlikely for a while senator. It's likely he'll end up in prison for some time." Obi-Wan answers for me. Padmé gives me a questioning look and I sigh, accepting the fact that I'm going to have to face punishment.

"Well I guess it's goodbye for now," She says to me and to my surprise pulls me into a light embrace. "Luke, Leia?" Padmé calls and my two amazing children come running to where we are standing.

"Obi-Wan!" Leia rushes to Obi-Wan and gives hima a big hug.

"Leia and Luke you need to listen to me. Daddy is going to be gone for a little while maybe but I promise you will see him again soon." Padmé kneels down to their height. "Can you say a nice goodbye to daddy?" And instantly I have my twins in my arms.

"I love you daddy," they both say which makes my heart melt.

"I love you too." I say back to them, kissing each of them on the forehead. "Goodbye."

"Goodbye Ani." Padmé enters into my hold again and I hold her tightly this time. I whisper goodbye into her ear and 10 minutes later I am on the way to the temple.

Obi-Wan looks a lot older and more tired now. His once hazlenut hair is now speckled with grey and his face has grown older. It calms me to have him in my pressence. I hesitate to admit it but he was a large part of my life and I have missed him a lot. Nothing compares however to how I missed Padmé.

I see the temple fade into view and my body tenses with nerves. Inside I know I'll never be accepted back into the order but apologising seems like a good start and I've gotten good at that recently. The building looks the same but a little more worn down and some of the statues that once stood are no longer there.

Obi-Wan leads me into the circular room with chairs around the edge where what was left of the order were sat. Shock hits their faces when they see me and their eyes widen.

"Hello master yooda, I have someone who wanted to see you," Obi-Wan says, bowing to the master of all Jedi.

"Skywalker it is, or Vader should I say?" Yoda says in his unique voice.

"Please call me Skywalker," I plead. Again I am so surprised at how calm they all are. I thought I woud be in cuffs and held prisoner by now but they just sit and stare at me."I'm sorry." I say to break the silence.

"The dark side you turned to, why?" Yoda asks.

"I had to save senator amidala. Palpatine told me with the powers he gave  me I could stop her from dying. I don't think she was ever in any real danger, I think he planted those visions in my head." thinking back on it makes sense. Padmé was never really in danger, Palpatine knew I'd do anything to save her and so he made me think she was in danger.

"You and senator amidala are close?" Windu asks. I turn to Obi-Wan and he signals to me to tell the truth. Taking a deep breath I look staright into Windu's eyes and tell the truth.

"Padmé's my wife. Luke and Leia are my children." I bow my head in shame. The room is filled with gasps.

"And you were aware of how against the code that was?" He asks sternly.

"Yes. But I love her."

"You caused the republic to collaps. You killed the majority of the order. You became the very thing you swore to destroy! You have to be punished. If I had any sense I'd kill you Skywalker."

"Master Windu, harsh, that is. Skywalker, in pain, he was. Killed the sith, he has. Both Palpatine and in himself. Darth Vader and the dark side, I no longer see." Yoda closes his eyes and takes ina deep breath as if trying to read my pressence.

"We can't let him get away with all he has done! Regardless of whether he has now restored peace! And eh broke the code."

"Agree I do, theremust be punishment. But violence I don't feel necessary." Yoda says to the angerd Mace Windu.

"Four months you'll serve in a cell skywalker." Windu says sharply.

"As you wish master," I bow to Windu and am taken to my cell. I thought that would have a lot worse.

A/N: So sorry for any typos, my touch screen is sooooo bad rn lol

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