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It's been five years. And that single sighting of Padmé is the only thing I have to hold on to. My child (or children) would be eight now. I've a lost almost a decade of their life. I have to see them.


   "Mummy?" Luke and Leia say in unison, looking angelic and innocent. I know they want something by their expression.
   "What is it darlings?"
   "We just wanted to ask you some questions," Leia explains. She's grown up so much. She wears a plum purple tunic top over some black legging like trousers, her hair is twisted into two rings either side of her head.
   "I see, well what would you like to ask?" I ask them, sitting down onto the couch.
   Both twins come and sit beside me, snuggling into my arms.
   "Well...and this is stupid because you won't tell us. But we really want to know a bit about our dad," Luke says. I stay silent and turn my gaze to the floor.
   "I told you this was pointless Luke. She'll never tell us!" Leia grunts and then she storms out of the living room and I hear her bedroom door slam.
   "I'm sorry Luke, one day when you are older you'll understand as to why I won't tell you. But also its hard for mummy to talk about it, can you understand that?" I ask hopefully.
   "I think so," he says, giving me a hug with his fragile arms. I kiss his forehead and whisper "thank you," After Luke has shifted from my arms and is happily playing with some model fighter ships I make my way to Leia's room.
   I knock three times on her door.
   "Go away." Not taking notice of her last remark I open the door and I see her sitting at her balcony with her head in her knees. Her hair is no longer in rings but falling like a waterfall down her back.
   "I just don't understand mum." She still has her gaze fixed onto the busy streets of Courescant. "I don't get why you won't tell us, what did he do that was so bad? Do you even know who he is? Is that why you won't tell us, because you don't know?"
   "Of course I know who he is Leia."
   "Then I don't understand."
   "You will one day, when you're older you'll understand much more than you do now,"
   "No mum I am sick of the 'when you're older you'll understand' speach! You've been saying that to me all my life, I'm older now!" She shouts angrily, tears forming in her eyes.
   "Leia you are only eight Angel, the story of your father is much too complex for ears of you're age." I explain but Leia just grunts. "And I don't think I could handle going back over the story. Leia I loved him so much. And it's too hard to think that he's not here, it would hurt me if I had to relive the story. One day I promise I will tell you, but neither of us are ready just yet." There is a moment of silence and then Leia turns to look at me,
   "I never thought about it that way," she says softly. "I'm sorry," I walk over and sit beside her, running my hands through her hair and kiss her forehead.
   "You don't need to apologise, I know it's hard. But we are a family just the three of us and we need to look out for each other,"
   "And anyway, Obi-Wan is kind of like a dad when he is here," Leia giggles. I'm glad we have Obi-Wan, I don't think I could do this on my own.
   After Luke and Leia had gone to sleep I find myself of Anakins side of the bed. Soaking in any trace of his scent left in his pillow. On his bedside table lies the necklace he made me when I first met him on Tatooine.
   I reach over and hold it in my shaking fingers. My eyes burst and my breath is taken away and replaced by painful cries. I shouldn't miss him after everything he's done. He destroyed what I loved most. He destroyed the boy from Tatooine.

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