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I knew is end up here but it's torture. Itself the lack of food or sleep in a cell that's torturing me it's the fact I have nothing to distract me from my own mind.
   I can't keep my mind on something for three seconds before thinking about all that I've done. Thinking about Padmé and what I did to her. There's no escape.


I'm so angry at myself. It's taken me for him to be gone a month to realise...I love him. It feels like my heart has been ripped from my body in his absence. Luke and Leia don't understand why he's gone and I have no idea when he'll be home.
   I miss him so much and I wish I had told him I love him when I had the chance. This emptiness is unbearable.
"Mummy?" I am interrupted from my thoughts by Leia.
"Yes darling?"
"When is daddy coming home?"
"I don't know sweetheart I'm sorry,"
"Do you love daddy yet mummy?" She asks, hugging me. I forget that the twins haven't seen the 'in love' side of Anakin and I.
"Yes of course I do sweetheart," I answer truthfully.
"Good, I want us all to be happy." I cry when she says this and I pull her so close to me she probably can't breathe.
"Me too," I whisper in her ear.

That evening sat around dinner Luke's face all off a sudden sinks.
   "I'm turning 9 soonish. Dads not gonna be here is he?"
   "I don't know Luke, I'm afraid it's unlikely." He nods knowingly and returns to his food.
   "I know dad will be thinking about us, he wouldn't forget. And he will be home eventually, it will just make it more special when we do see him again the longer we wait." Leia sings. I smile at how optimistic she's being, she isn't usually.
    "Yeah I guess you're right. Hey Leia, mum says that when dad gets back she's gonna think about us being trained as Jedi! I mean there's not really any point not being trained when I'm force sensitive,"
    "Can we mum? Can we?" Leia bounces in her chair excitedly.
   "Maybe, and Luke, do you find yourself using the force often?" I ask curiously.
   "Of course! It's wizard!" He smirks as he uses the force to steal some of Leia's dinner and float it to his plate.
   "Hey!" Leia shouts but then laughs as she uses the force to bring it back. Luke does have a point. They're both so gifted and their father is the chosen one, it would only make sense for them to train as Jedi.


Another month goes by and their just getting more and more questioning about where their father is.
    I hate having to tell them every time that I don't know and 'I promise he'll be back soon' because truth is I don't know if he'll ever come back or even if he's alive. For all I know they could have considered his actions so bad the punishment was death.
   But I do know one thing. I am truly. Deeply. In love with him.

Hi everyone hope you all had a good Easter and are loads of chocolate :) so I'm super busy with exams and stuff atm so I'm going to kind update on a schedule. This story I will update every Monday and maybe Wednesday if I can manage and the other story I will update Friday and maybe Wednesday too. Sorry that this was such a short chapter but hope you liked it anyways xx

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