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The next day I decide that it's time to go home to coruscant. We have been on vacation in Naboo for a long time and its was time to go home. However I'm contemplating on whether or not to let Anakin stay with us still. Inside I want to feel his touch, his lips, hear his voice and love him again but a part of me is still in fear of him being dangerous.

"What are you doing mummy?" Luke asks as he stands in my doorway watching me pack.

"We're going back home to coruscant," I say, ruffling his blonde hair.

"So daddy can train me and Leia?" He asks excitedly. I had forgotten I'd told the kids that Anakin could train them if we went back to coruscant. I suppose he does have to come with us. He is my husband after all.

"Well maybe, I'll have to think about it Lukey--"

"Think about what?" Leia then enters the room, rubbing her eyes tiredly after waking up.

"We're going back to coruscant and daddy's gonna train us to be Jedi!" Luke shouts, waving his hands in the air like hes using a lightsaber.

"Wizard!" Leia gasps.

"Now don't get your hopes up it's not definite. I have to think about it," I say firmly but I'm completely ignored and my children continue to air lighsaber battle.

10 minutes later Anakin is woken by Luke and Leia jumping onto the couch where he was still asleep. This results in a tickle fight and Anakin winning. I laugh to myself as Leia blows the hair that has fallen out of her bun from her face.

"Hey dad we're going back to Coruscant, that means you can train us!" Luke shouts to his dad.

"How many times Luke! I'm not definitly letting Anakin train you, I have to think about it," I interupt. Anakin looks at Luke and shrugs giving a *what mother says goes* look to him which makes Luke giggle.


500 republica felt so cold when we were finally back home. It had that unlived in feeling of silence and everything seemed to neat and tidy. Well with Luke and Leia in the house it wasn't going to be neat and tidy any more.

We all sit around the table at lunch and Leia asks,

"Can we see Obi-Wan today?"

Anakins face turns red and he clentches his fists, his eyes widening. I can't tell if he is red with anger or sadness. I guess it could be a bit of both.

"Um..." I keep looking at Anakin, "Um... we'll see," I reply, not taking my eye off of Anakin. I keep feeling so many mixed emotions. Right now I want to hug him and kiss him all over, tell him it's all okay and I'm here now. But other times I just don't want him in my house and I can;t forget the horrible things he has done. He notices I'm looking at him and he shifts in his seat, relaxing his face a little.

That afternoon we simply lounge around, Anakin entertains the kids while I do the odd housework chore. I hear a ship land outside and Anakin hides in his old closet. It was Obi-Wan.

"Senator Amidala, how good to have you back in the capitol." He says as he hugs me lightly.

"Nice to see you master Kenobi, what brings you by?"

"Well I saw you're ship and I thought I'd say hello and check you're okay. I heard about Naboo. Did you see him?"Obi-Wan looks concerned and I know he's talking about Anakin because his expression then saddens.

"Actually...er...he's here." I hesitate to tell Obi-Wan but I couldn't not. Anakin must have heard because he walks into the living room nervously.

"Anakin...it's you...but...no...you're,"

"Hello Master," Anakin says, smiling weakly.


The man who trained me, taught me everything and was like a father to me is stood awestruck at the doorway. I want to drop to my knees and beg his forgiveness but I don't.

"So what have you been up to? You know other that serving the sith." Obi-Wan asks arrogantly.

"Killing him," I say back, keeping a straight face.

"So I guess you did fullfill your destiny even if you were lead astray."

"I guess so."

Obi-Wan's eyes were filling up I could tell. I walk a little closer and Padmé leaves the room.

"I'm sorry I failed you master," I say, staring pleadingly into my old master's eyes.

"Anakin you have no idea how much like hell you made life for the order, or what was left of it after you killed off the majority. Why? Why Anakin, what did Palpatine have that made you turn to the dark side?" he asks, hiss eyebrows narroing and voice shaky.

"He told me he could save my wife from dying. Everything I did was out of love for her, well not everything." I can see the image of Padmé's limp body on the floor after I force-choked her.

"He lied to you Anakin, nothing would have been able to save Padméif she was in any danger." Obi-Wan was calmer than I thought he would be, he hadn't threatened me or menioned any punishment. Yet. "I should turn you in right this minute Anakin. But it's you. And you don't know how difficult this is." I bow my head in shame. "But you did destroy sidious and the imprerial empire. You have now brought peace to the galaxy and for that I thank you." I raise my head and Obi-Wan is standing no more than a meter away now.

"How are you this forgiving after everything I've done? I failed you. I betrayed you. You did so much for me and I gave you nothing back." I ask, confused and my voice now infused with the sound of my own cries.

"I haven't forgiven you completely Anakin but you did do something for me. You showed me what it was like to have a brother."

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