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A:N: So baso I don't have time to finsih this story properly, and I prefer writing my 'Avia White and the School for the Supernatural' so please check that out. I decided that I would write a chapter set 10 years later to summarise what happened to the skywalker family x

Anakin stood proudly at the balcony as he watched Luke and Leia fly home. They were taller than him now, so when they entered into the house he made sure to stand by Padmé, she was never going to get any taller. When he heard the door open he went to greet them; they chucked their lightsabers on the couch and then hugged him.

They had grown into such amazing Jedi Knights, Anakin had trained them like he promised but wasn't allowed to be one himself. Padmé must have heard them as she entered the room, their third child resting on her hip. They had named their daughter Shmi after Anakins mother.

"I'm so glad you're home and safe," she sighs as the pulls both of them close.

"I missed you," Shmi said, reaching for Leia. Leia held her tight and then Luke did the same. Shmi was he spitting image of Luke but with long hair and Leia's eyes.

"Dad his statue is outside the temple. There are flowers evverywhere. It's really specail and you're allowed to visit, just not able to go inside the temple and mum has to go with you." Leia says after Shmi was out of her arms.

"We can go now Ani," Padmé put a hand on his shoulder and he nodded. Padmé took his hand, kissed Shmi goodbye and then headed to the ship. They flew in silence, Anakin staring at his hands in his lap. His wife could tell how much recent events had affected him and she wanted to be there for her husband anyway she can. When the ship landed Anakin took a deep breath and squeezed Padmé's hand.

They walk down the walkway leading to the temple, and all of a sudden Ani stopped.

"Ani, I'm here with you." Padmé took his face in her hands and looked lovingly into his eyes.

"I don't want this to be the end." A tear rolls down Anakins cheek.

"He will always be with you Anakin. He won't ever leave you." They continue to walk and then they reach the statue.

A large gold statue of Obi-Wan stands at the front of the temple, flowers circling around it and an engraving on a plaque saying "in memory of general obi-wan kenobi, a great ally and a great friend" anakin drops to his knees and floods his eyes with tears.

"Master," he cries out, as if trying to get his master to talk back. "Thank you for everything you did for me. You were a brother, a father, a friend. Everything I didn't have in life. I'm eternally grateful of you're forgiveness for the way I betrayed you. I can't ever forget you master. You trained me. You raised me. You taught me love and compassion. Taught me bravery and strength. You'll forever be a part of me I won't let go of." When he finishes his words padmé knelt beside him and put her hand on his shoulder. A tear of anakins fell onto a rose and then to the ground. He felt a presence around him, he knew Obi-Wan would always be there.


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