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I don't know why the emperor sent me here. Yes, I know that he wants Naboo in the empire but he could have done that himself by force. Is he just trying to hurt me? Everyday I soak in all the memories of this place, and then they burn inside of me.
When all business is taken care of on Naboo as far as I am concerned, I decide it's too unbearable to stay with the memories of my marriage lingering in the air. However not a trace of the petite frame that belongs to my wife.
I take one look back at the beautiful planet of Naboo, and notice two children playing by the lake. The boy closely resembles my appearance. Sandy hair, blue eyes. I only see the long, loose, dark curls that belong to the girl before they are called by their mother.
"Luke! Leia!" I hear the mother call. In a voice I know all too well.
"Padmé!" I shout at the top of my lungs. The woman turns to face me, revealing the far iliac angelic features that belong to my wife.
"Ani?" I hear her say with a look of confusion on her face. I start to walk towards her, but am stopped by Rex.
"Orders from Sidious, we must leave immediately my lord." The next thing I know I'm in the cock pit and my wife is gone.


He's alive, he was here. No it can't have been him. My husband is dead. But I know that face and that voice, they belong to my Anikin.
My head hurts as I contemplate the possibility that my husband still lives, but has in fact turned to the dark side.
I couldn't join him even if I wanted to.
"Mummy who was that man?" Leia asks, her chocolate brown eyes puzzled.
"What man sweetheart?"
"The one you called Ani," I can see the curiosity in her eyes.
"He's...he's an...old friend," I hesitate, "he's a bad person though Leia, we won't see him again," hearing my own voice calling Anakin a 'bad person' takes me by surprise. But my Anakin did die on Mustafar, I have no idea who that man is now. He has the body of my husband, the voice and the hair. But his soul is someone else's.
I'm brought out of my days from the cry of Luke,
"Mummy, Leia hit me!" He screams, but I can tell that the tears are fake.
"He pulled my hair first!" Leia argues back.
"Just be quiet both of you, please," I turn and face the lake, imagining the touch of Anakin's hand at the small of my back. He would be so proud of Luke and Leia.
Luke very closely resembles his father, the same hair and bewitching eyes. He's eager to explore anything he can and sometimes a little arrogant. But so,ermines I think Leia carries his character more than Luke, she is very strong willed and not afraid to speak her mind. Well for a three year old at least. Her hair is darker than Lukes and in ringlets like mine. If only he could see the beautiful brown eyes of his daughter.
"It's getting late younglings, time to go home." I say, placing a hand on each of their shoulders.
"I'm not tired, I want to know more about that Ani guy, you never talk about anyone." Leia didn't seem to want to let Anakin go. Part of me wants to explain that he's her father but I don't want her to associate with the dark side.
"Leia we moved away from all the people I know for a reason, I'd rather not talk about Anakin." I say sternly.
"Anakin, so that's his name," Leia grins. Luke all of a sudden lets out s large yawn.
"Someone's tired, I think it's time we got home,"


I feel tears doll down my hot, burning cheeks. I can't believe I let her out of my sight. Sorrow hits me as I realise she had two children. One of them is mine, the boy I assume, and the other must be someone else's. Unless we had twins.
Imp try to think back to their names, Luke was the boys. It's the name we had discussed when we found out she was pregnant. I can't remember the girls name, I know that the one I liked was Layla, but Padmé liked a similar name, how ever still different. Cody bursts through the door, while I am still in tears,
"Sir, we are soon to be landing back in Mustafar," I don't say anything. "Are you alright sir?" He asks hesitantly.
"She was there."
"Who was there my lord?"
"MY WIFE WAS THERE!" I stand and flip the table that my elbows are leaning on. "Leave me please Cody,"
"Of course sire," and again I'm left alone, just me and a torture house full of memories.

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