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Before trying to talk to Padmé I turn to the queen, who is still being held by the storm troopers.
   "Naboo will remain an independent country, i do not intend for you to loose your freedom. I have simply been following orders. But it appears I don't have to anymore."
   "Thank you sire." The queen says but the storm troopers don't let go.
   "Release all hostages." I order loudly and then all the Nubians are freed and finding their loved ones.
   "Mummy!" I hear two children shout. Padmé bends down and opens up her arms and they run into her. "Is that Anakin?" The girl asks. I smirk at the fact she knows who I am.
   "Yes, from all those years ago you still remember?" Padmé asks the girl.
   "Of course. Nice to meet you, I'm Leia," she holds her hand out to me and I shake it. She so closely resembles Padmé. The same dark brown eyes and long curled hair. However I see myself in her too.
   "Nice to meet you too." I say, smiling.
   "Leia get away." Padmé says sharply.
   "Why?" She asks.
   "Just get away from him."
   "Remember mummy said he's a bad person Leia," Luke then says. The best way to describe him is as a mini me. But I feel a stab in my heart at his words.
   "Padmé please," I plead. I step towards her and reach my hand to place on her shoulder but she steps backwards to avoid my touch and hits me away.
   I turn my head to the ground. I don't want them to see the tears that are once again forming in my eyes.
   "Well...thank you for not killing me Vader, you'd best go now."  She has tears in her eyes two and her voice is shaky.
   "Padmé," I sigh.
   "NO! You can't just do this! You can't just turn up and expect everything to be fine Anakin, just leave, I don't want to see you ever again! And stay away from my children." She shouts at me, breaking my heart more at each word. I nod and turn around to walk away.
   "Wait!" I turn around and it's Luke. "I've seen you before." He tilts his head from side to side as he studies my face and figure.
   "No you haven't Luke it must be someone else." Padmé says, placing her hand on his shoulder. Her eyes are now red and puffy.
   "I think I saw you in a dream. You told me you'd see me soon. You said that you would one day finally meet me and Leia. It wasn't that long ago, and you ended it with 'see you soon my son'" he starts to walk towards me and he stares hard into my eyes. "Daddy?" He asks.
   "Hey Luke, how you doing," I smile.
   "Mummy is this really our daddy?" Luke asks Padmé.
    "Yes," she says and then she bursts into tears and runs into my arms. I breath in her scent, her hair, her clothes. The feeling of her body on mine sends chills the whole way through me. But then she lets go.
   "I'm sorry but you have to leave. I just had to do that one last time."
   "Padmé just listen to me." She looks into my eyes and stands perfectly still, Luke and Leia stood behind her. "I'm sorry. Palpatine told me he could save you, everything I did was because I loved you and I couldn't bare lose you." My voice quietens as when I say "and I'm sorry about the accident. I was just so mad that Obi-Wan had interfered and turned you against me." I kick the ground and cover my eyes with the heel of my hand. "Padmé I..I..I love you. I have been dying every day, being torn from the inside out because of what I've done. I know you won't ever be able to forgive me. But you need to know how sorry I am."
   "Well..what are you going to do now? Now that Palpatine is dead."
   "I don't know. I have no where to go, if I stay in the streets I'll be killed. But at least then I won't feel the pain I feel without you."
   "Stay in 500 republica. It was your house just as much as mine. And go and see Obi-Wan, he might be able to help you."
   "Thank you but I doubt he's gonna want anything to do with me. I'm not going to see you all again am I?" I say sadly.
   "I don't know Anakin, for three years i thought you were dead and then to find out that you are the monster Vader. How can I let you associate with my children?" She says in disgust, putting more distance between us.
   "Because I'm their father, Padmé I love you and the children, I want to help protect you."
   "I'm sorry Anakin, I can't. Not after what you've done." She turns and walks away and I drop to my knees in pain. Luke and Leia turn their heads to watch me as I fall to the floor in heartbreak.


A very large part of me wants to turn around and run back to him, kiss him and hold him, fall back in love with him. But how can I? But I still love him. He's my husband and I've missed him terribly. We're not too far from him when I turn around and shout,
   " Anakin?" It breaks my heart to see him on his knees, his head in his hands and scrunching up his hair. His head jolts up to meet my gaze. "Why don't you come back to mine, meet the kids properly?"
   "He rises from his knees, his eyes red with tears and jogs towards us. Once he reaches me he places his hand at the small of my back how he used to and whispers, "I can't tell you how sorry am but I want to make this work. I love you," hearing his voice makes me feel at home and comforted but in some way makes me feel on edge.
   But a large part of me wants to make this work too. I just want my Ani back.

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