Ch. 19 Hospital Part 1

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A cold hand grasped my wrist. I shuddered and tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. It felt like my eyelids were taped or glued down. I reached up to my face with my hand. There was tubes in my nose and soft cushions over my eyes. I went to pull off one of the pads, but the cold hand stopped mine.

"Don't touch those Bella."

"Edward?" I asked, knowing the voice anywhere.

"Its me."

I coughed. My throat is sore.  "What happened?"

"The girls and you were in an accident. Their all okay obviously, but you broke your left leg and you won't be able to see anything for a few days."

"Where is everyone?"

"Carlisle is with another patient. Emmett and Esme are in the waiting room and the others are at home getting things ready for you." I nodded, but winced. My neck was stiff and my head felt like it weighed a hundred pounds. "Try to get some sleep. I'll find Carlisle." Edward kissed my forehead and I could hear his footsteps leaving the room.

The darkness was awful. There weren't even spots just dark and my eyes were itchy. I tried to do as Edward said, but getting to sleep was hard. I hate hospitals, but I'm used to them. I've been in and out of the hospital since I was little because I'm so clumsy. I could feel more liquid being pumped into my I.V. It made me drowsy and I figured it was so sort of sleeping meds. My neck fell off my pillow and I fell unconscious. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2013 ⏰

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