Ch. 3 Bella's Birthday

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Bella's POV

I walked outside with Alice, the photo shoot stuff was already set up. We were going to do natural scenes like the woods and stuff. There was a few dark clouds coming in, except the sun peaked through the clouds. I stood in a clearing in the woods, just outside our property line. Alice fixed my hair and then decided how I should pose. We took many pictures, I got really tired after the thirty-fourth one.

"Alice can we go inside? I'm getting a little bit cold and tired." I asked.

"Sure honey, just two more pictures. Put one hand on your hip, take your other hand, use your finger , shake it, and pucker your lips." Alice said.

I posed, she said I was done and could go  inside. I grabbed my jacket from the hanger rack. I pulled my arms in. I was really cold. when I walked into the living room everyone seemed to be okay again, except for Tanya. She was glaring at me, it scared me. I sat down on the floor by Edwards feet.

"How as your photo shoot?" Carmen asked.

"Okay. I'm not really a fan of clothes." I admitted.

She smiled. "I see. We would have brought you a gift if we knew it was your birthday." Carmen explained.

"Oh no, thats okay." I reply.

I walked over to Rosalie. "Can you take my hair down?" I asked. 

"Of course." Rosalie said with a smile. She picked me up.

I sat on her lap kicking my feet back and fourth. Rosalie pulled out the six bobby pins that held my bangs in place. Then, she pulled out the rubber band that held my hair back. I really wanted my party already. We had to wait for Alice. I let Rosalie hold me even though I wanted Edward. I didn't need to make Tanya any madder then she already was.

Alice came in holding all the equipment that was outside. "Okay Bella we can have your party now, lets go down to the basement." 

We all walked down to the the basement, Rosalie was still holding onto me. Tanya followed reluctantly. When we reached the basement there were birthday decorations everywhere. There was a sign that said Happy Birthday Bella in big letters and there were presents everywhere. There was a circle of chairs Rosalie took me over to them and sat me in a white chair that had ribbons on it. Edward sat on the other side of me. Tanya sat with Kate and Irina. Carmen and Eleazar sat together. Momma and Daddy sat closest to the gifts. Emmett sat on the other side of Rosaile. Jasper and Alice sat next to Momma and Daddy.

"Bella each of us have our own gifts for you, but we have  two big gifts for you and the two gifts are also going to be from Carmen, Eleazar, Kate, Irina, and Tanya." Momma explained. 

I nodded, with a wide grin across my face.

(A/N The pictue on the side is Rosalie smiling at Bella's party.)

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