Ch. 16 France

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Edwards POV 

"Thank god, were off that dreadful plane." Rosalie muttered.

"Babe, it wasn't that bad." Emmett said trying to calm her down.

"Sure it wasn't, but for all we know the plane could have crashed and we'd all fallen and Bella would be dead!" Rose shrieked.

"Rosalie! Were in public hold your toung!" Esme scolded.

She hissed. Many people were staring at us. Admiring our beauty, but then questioning Bella. Bella doesn't exactly look like us, except for her skin of course. I almost laughed when I heard what a waitress was thinking about us. 

"I'm hungry." Bella announced.

"I'l go find your something, you guys can go and get baggage I'll meet you there." I told the family.

"Okay." Carsile nodded.

I heard the name Aro in someones thoughts, I hissed. The man who was thinking about it looked at me like I was insane and walked away quickly. The reason why I hissed was that we were in France and thats very close to Italy, where Voltaire is. Which is where the Volturi live. I got in line at a small pasta shop near the end of the airport. Bella's name is Italian, thats another reason why we came to France.

There was a red head girl in line ahead of me, the line was pretty long seven or eight people ahead of me. She sighed.

I wish the stupid line would hurry up already! My god! Hello? No, one takes this long to order a freaking pasta bowl!!!

Teenager, defiantly teenager. She turned around a little looking at the clock.

Ooohhh! Cute guy 10'o clock!!!! I'm going to talk to him.Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes!!!!!!!! Do it Miranda! Do it now! Before the line moves. Any day now!

She turned around. "Hi, I'm Miranda."

"Edward." I replied. She held her hand out for  me to shake. I reached out and shook her hand. Miranda seemed shocked by my touch.  "Sorry."

"No, its fine. I guess the airport is a bit chilly?" Miranda offered.

"Yes." I chucked.

"So, why are you in France?" She questioned.

"I'm here with my family." I said.

"Oh, cool. I'm visiting from Port Angela's." Miranda said.

"That's cool." I said. I sound weird saying that.

" you like live around that area?" She asked.

"Yes, actually I do. I live in Forks." i explained.

"Oh. Isn't the town kind of small?" Miranda asked.

"Yes, it looks like your next?" I gestured to the man waiting for the next person at the counter.

"Oh well, nice meeting you." Miranda said, hurrying to the front.

"Nice meeting you to." I chuckled.

 She hurried and went to order her noodles. Funny very funny. I'm not surprised though, of course Miss. Miranda would be dazzled by  Edward's Cullen's carm. I don't really go for human girls either, except for Bella. I guess I'm not exactly going for her, but oh never mind. What am I saying? I don't go for girls in general, human or vampire or any other super natural thing out there.

When my turn came I ordered Bella speggitte which was her favorite. I gave the man a fifty dollar bill for a bowl of noodles that cost six dollars and thirty four cents. His face was shocked, but I turned and left. There was no point in having him count out the change. He didn't sound very smart, from what I heard in his mind.

My family was standing with there luggage in hand. "Here Edward." Rosalie threw my duffel bag at me. If I wasn't a vampire the pasta would probbley have been flung out of my hand.

I handed. Bella her noodles. Esme was afraid she'd trip and drop them, she took the noodles until we got into the car. Rosalie rented a Mini Van. This way there would be enough room for all of us. Carslie drove with Esme in the passenger seat. Bella sat behind Carslie and I sat behind Esme. Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett all sat in the back.

We had a house here. The first thing we were going to do though is go to the carnival. Bella has never been on any rides. Emmett wants to take her on the roller coaster, just this year she's tall enough. Esme thinks its way to scary, but Bella said she wanted to ride the roller coaster.

A/N: I am so sorry that this chapter sucks! I just have all of these ideas, but none for when Bella's younger. I'm planning on one more chapter with the actual carnival part and then thats it. Then I'll move Bella to age 12. I'll try to update faster then last time.

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