Ch. 13 The Talk

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Edwards POV

I followed Tanya into the woods, the woods was the safest place to talk. No ears to overhear, no one to interrupt. Not that I would mind. I don't have feelings for Tanya that way, even though she apparently thinks I do. I don't like to mislead girls. It's not polite. I wait for her to speak, I slump against a tree trunk. Waiting. More Waiting. Tanya  was just standing there, staring at me. 

"Tanya?" I asked.

"Why her?" She asked.

"Bella's just a baby its not like she even loves me back and I don't love her in that way." I said.

"Sure you don't not yet anyway." Tanya muttered.

 "Get this through your blond firkin head! I do not think of her like that!" I boomed, standing up.

Tanya backed into the tree, pushing it over. "Edward." She whimpered.

"I'm sorry I barked at you like that. I have a problem with my temper and you know that." I said.

"I know." Tanya said. "And you don't care for me?" 

"I care for you as a sister." I said.

"Okay. We've got to get going. I'll see you later I guess." Tanya whispered, bolting off into a run.

I followed after her. I don't want to be rude and not say bye to the others. Alice raised her eyebrow when I came in seconds after her. I look from left to right, to show her no. Alice and I have a signal, Alice will ask me yes or no questions in her head and I would move my eyes up and down or left to right depending on the answer. Looks like Bella was up from her nap, Kate and Irina were playing with Bella on the floor.

Esme bought Bella a mini trampoline. We only had a small one in the living room because it rains so much here. Alice and Esme were thinking about installing an indoor pool and adding another room with just trampolines, like the place Just Bounce. Bella didn't notice me come in, I leaned against the wall watching them.

"Alright well I think its time to go." Carmen said, looking at the cloak.

"Yeah you right." Irina agreed. 

Everyone said there goodbyes and hoped to see each other again soon, not that I cared. Carmen and Eleazar i've never had a problem with. Irina doesn't perticlurly like me and I don't perticulry like her. Kate I always liked each other, along with Carlisle of course. And as for Tanya, well shes Tanya.

Three  years later April 5th

Bella's POV

The sun was shinning down into my bedroom. I yawned, I looked around my bedroom. Some how I must have kicked my comfeter down off my bed. I jumped out of bed and threw open my door and started to walk down stairs. Jazz was sitting on the couch with Alice perched in his lap. Rose and Momma were sitting on the floor with the laptop and other paperwork. Daddy was reading one of his chapter books. Edward wasn't around, but I could smell waffels from the kitchen. So I knew he was making me breakfast.

"Morning!" I greeted, jumping of the third step.

"Careful Bella." Rose warned.

"I will." I said, skipping to the kitchen. 

Edward was at the counter watching the waffels toast in the toaster. I plopped myself into oneof the spinning chairs. I kicked my feet up onto the other chair. I could barey reach the other chair, my heels were the only thing being able to sit on the chair. My legs weren't very long, but I looked older then an eight year old. I maybe looked around eleven or tweleve. I stared at my anklet on my ankle. There was a pincone, which standed for when Edward found  me in the woods. A apple, which standed for the first day of kindergarten. A music note, which standed for the lullaby Edward wrote me. A airplane, which standed for the trip the family was going to go on. Edward gave me the charm on my birthday even though our trip was seven months away.

"Morning Bells." Edward greeted.

"Morning." I said, twisting in my chair.

"Going to pack for the trip today?" He asked.

"Yeah, if you help me." I said.

"No, I have my own making to do." Edward whined. I couldn't tell if he was kidding or not.

"No fair! You can make your clothes in like three seconds!" I shouted.

 "I was just joking." Edward chuckled, handing me a plate of a waffels.

Edward always knew what I wanted. I liked my waffels with butter melted in and syrup. Sometimes I get whip cream and strawberries with my waffels. When I finished, I headed up to my room. I clicked my door shut behind me.  I turned on my Iphone, and played my lullaby Edward made for me. I couldn't reach the top of my closet where my suitcase was. On my bed I saw Alice already laid out an outfit for me. She layed out jeans, a blue top, with a lepoard print vest, a greenish belt, a cream colored cami, and black boots. I got dressed before trying to get my suitcase down. Once I was dressed, I pulled my desk chair out and pulled the chair up to the closet. When I tried to pull down the case all my stuffed animals fell ontop of me. 

"OW!" I yelled.

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