Ch. 7 Emmett's Gift

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"My turn squirt!" Emmett hollored with excitement.

I giggled.

He handed me a small box then a huge box. I opened the small box first. Inside the box was a primerose hat that said 'Rebel'. I took it out and put it on my head. Edward chuckled. Emmett patted me on the had. I then tore into the big one. There was a monster truck,  the truck was black with orange fire streaks. That I can drive all by myself, but none of my family can fit with me not even Alice. Wait! I know my Jasper doll.

"Way to go Emmett the kids going to be a little devil." Rosalie said, playfully hittig Emmett in the arm

"Don't worry Emmett I love it!" I said going over to give him a hug.

"Yeah, I know squirt." Emmett said tickling me.

I giggled like crazy.

"Alright, go open Momma's present now." Emmett told me, scooding my off his lap.

"Kay." I said with a great big grin.

I gave Edward the present except for the hat, I left that on.

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