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Zayn's P.O.V.

It was raining as we pulled into Norman. Kate began bouncing up and down in her seat in excitement. "Um Boo?" I asked. She was starting to worry me a bit. "IT'S RAINING!" She screamed. "LOOK AT THE CLOUDS IT GOING TO STORM!" She grabbed her phone, stopping the music abruptly.

"Call my boo thing." She instructed Siri. I looked over at her with questioning eyes. Who was she call long her 'boo thing'? The call was on speaker and I breathed a sigh of relief when Peyton answered. "Parking lot?" Peyton squealed. "Parking lot!" Kate confirmed smiling. She hung up, but she wasn't done yet. "Call hot stuff." She instructed Siri again. Another girl that I didn't know answered.

"EMILY! Come to the parking lot and bring your boy! Peyton, Niall, Zayn, and I will be there in 10 minutes." Kate was yelling into the phone at this point. "WE'LL BE THERE!" The girl, Emily, yelled back.

Kate grinned as she dialed one last number. "Call baby cakes." She had some weird names for her friends! "Kenzie!" Kate yelled as another girl answered. "Kemmet! I miss you!" Kate smiled, "I miss you too! We're headed to the parking lot, you and Jason wanna come?" The new girl giggled. "Sorry babe I can't! Me and Jason are kind of in the.....middle of....something....." "Ew! Boo you whore!" Kate laughed "I'm kidding of course! Love you!" "Love you too!"

Kate hung up and plugged her phone back in. I looked at her. "So where exactly are we going? You must remember Boo, I'm not from here." Kate laughed, I love her laugh, and she looked back at me. "The University basketball stadium has this GIANORMOUS parking lot and every time it storms, me and my friends go out and dance in the rain until it stops! It's so amazing!"

I laughed. It was so unlike Kate. Rain is wet and cold. Kate can't stand the wet, or the cold. Her phone buzzed as she got a text. "Hey will you read that?" I picked up her phone and read the message aloud. "It's your mum. Are you going to the parking lot? Want us to drop the boys off there?" "Yes," she started as I typed for her. "Please drop the boys off! The more the merrier!"

Kate's P.O.V.

We pulled up to the parking lot. Peyton and Emily were already there and my parents were right behind my car. Everyone hopped out into the rain. It was coming down in buckets. I grabbed the towels and threw them over the seats, leaving the windows cracked.

I put my phone on shuffle and turned it up as loud as it would go. The first song the came up was Best Song Ever. The boys all jumped up and down, pretending to be fangirls. They each sang their part as they danced around on the wet pavement. After the song was over, we were all out of breath.

Luckily the next song was slower. 'A Drop in the Ocean' by Ron Pope was one of my favorites. Zayn came up to me and bowed with extra cheese saying, "may I have this dance m'lady?" I giggled and took his hand. He pulled me in, placing his hands on my waist. I looped my arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair. He grinned as he twirled me around. It was still pouring but no one seemed to care. I laughed again as he dipped me backwards. He pulled me back up, our faces nearly touching. He pressed his lips to mine gently before pulling back and smiling at me.

As the rain started to lighten, everyone started to pack up and leave, thoroughly soaked. I went over to chat with Emily before she left. As I made my way over to her, a familiar mix came on. We looked to each other and grinned. It was our Pom dance from freshman year! "Remember it?" I yelled. "I think I can manage!" I squealed as I restarted it. We remembered the dance way better than I thought we would! As we finished we laughed and hugged each other.

Cade and Zayn were chatting as we made our way over to Emily's car. "I see you too are getting along!" I smiled, taking Zayn's hand. "We are actually," Zayn laughed. "We're going to dinner with them tomorrow night!" He smiled at me. I hugged Em, as she got in her car and drove off. The boys had caught a ride with Peyton and Niall so it was just Zayn and I.

I shivered as I got in my car. Turning on the heat. "This is the worst part! It's always so cold after!" Zayn laughed at me. "How did I know you would be cold?" He smirked as I hit him in the arm.

"Want something to eat?" I asked Zayn as we pulled out. I headed to Sonic, I wanted a grilled cheese. "Wachya want?" I asked Zayn. He leaned across me to look at the menu. He told the carhop what he wanted. Now it was my turn. "I want a grilled cheese wacky pack with tater tots and a green apple slushy!" Zayn laughed out loud. "You are such a little kid!" He yelled. "Am not." I pouted. He put a finger under my chin and turned me towards him. "Are too!" He said, kissing the tip of my nose.

I finished my slush and stuck my tongue out. It was bright green. I giggled to myself as Zayn turned around. He began to laugh too. I pulled my tongue back in and drove home.

Harry's P.O.V.

We were already home and changed by the time Zayn made it back. He came into our room and started searching for something to change into.

"Where have you been?" I asked, crossing my arms and pretending to be flustered. Zayn just laughed at me, "Kate wanted a 'slushy' on the way home. She is so cute when she acts like a four year old." I lasted back on my bed. The words slipped out of my mouth before I could think. "She's just cute in general."

Zayn looked at me from across the room and Liam looked up from his phone. "What?" Zayn growled. I mumbled back a "nothing" but Zayn wouldn't let it go. "No you said something, I believe you called MY girlfriend cute?" I stood up. "Yeah I did. Is that a problem." "Only if you meant it." Zayn spit back. "Guys," Liam tried to step between us, only to get pushed back. "What if I did?" I was inches away from Zayn now. I clenched my fists and threw a punch.

Kate's P.O.V.

I was changing into some comfy clothes and wringing out my hair, twisting it into a braid. I heard yelling coming out of the guest room. Then I heard something smash. I heard shuffling and Liam yell something. Then I heard an angry yell.

I got worried when I couldn't hear anything. I gently pushed open the door and gasped.


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