Chapter 10

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Liam's P.O.V.

Things were getting heated. Harry and Zayn continued to yell at each other. Then they started fighting. Harry threw a punch, hitting Zayn square in the jaw. Zayn was shocked, he punched Harry in the gut and Harry doubled over.

I tried stepping between them once more, only to get punched by Zayn. When Harry was standing again, he punched Zayn in the nose, drawing blood. Zayn tackled Harry and they hit the ground, knocking over a vase. Zayn was on top of Harry, punching him between every word. "!"

Harry was knocked out as Kate walked in. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" She screamed as Zayn jumped up. It was quite the scene. Zayn had blood dripping from his nose and a cut on his forehead, my cheek was swelling, Harry knocked out in the ground also covered in blood.

She quickly ran out of the room, only to return moments later with a giant bag and a package of some kind of meat in her hands. She sat Zayn and I both down on a bed. She ripped open the meat and pressed it to my face, putting my hand there to hold it up.

Then, turning her attention to Zayn, Kate pulled out a piece of gauze and pressed it to Zayn's forehead. Once it stopped bleeding, she put some gooey ointment out and rubbed it on the cut, covering it with a bandage. She examined her work, frowning him and shoving a cotton pad to his nose instructing him to hold it there. "I can't leave you boys alone for five minutes! What were you thinking? One of you need to go get a broom and sweep up this mess! Good God look at Harry's face!" Kate was yelling at us as she cleaned us up.

Now she was knelt down next to Harry, trying to wake him up. She eventually gave up and began to wash out the cuts with hydrogen peroxide. As it started to bubble up, Harry began to wake up. He was still opening his eyes as Kate strategically place the bandages over his face.

"Work it out!" Kate pointed us and stormed out of the room. We stared at each other. "I'm sorry mate." Harry was looking at the ground as he spoke. "I never should've talked about her. She's yours." Zayn nodded. "I'm sorry too. I overreacted." I looked from Harry to Zayn. I think it went pretty well.

Kate's P.O.V.

They were such kids! I couldn't believe my boyfriend, who is a full grown adult, got in a fight. A fist fight. It was like high school, no, middle school! I'm not even sure when the last time I had to break up a fight was.

As I was putting away my first aid kit someone knocked on my door. I opened it to reveal an ashamed looking Zayn. He looked at me and gave me a small smile, "my nose is still bleeding." I groaned and pulled him into my room. "Lay down." I instructed, grabbing a handful of tissues. I sat down, straddling his stomach, and held the tissues to his nose, forcing him to stare at my ceiling. "This is what happens when you act like a 13 year old." He laughed as I removed the tissues. The bleeding had stopped but he winced when I touched it. "Does it still hurt?" I asked a little concerned. "Kiss it?" He was smirking like a 13 year old would. I rolled my eyes and kissed the tip of his nose, hopping off the bed to head down stairs.

Zayn's P.O.V.

She jumped off of me and went out the door. I watched her go as I picked myself off of her bed. I took this chance to look around her room. She had so many books! She had two full bookcases, plus a drawer full, and books scattered around in various places.

The walls in her room were covered with framed posters of all the shows she had been in. She was hoping to go to college in musical theatre and then she wanted to live in New York. I smiled as I looked at all of the drawings little kids had made for her. She was a great babysitter and children loved her. As I was trying to count her MANY pairs of shoes, I heard someone clear their throat from the doorway. Kate was standing there smirking at me. "Wachya doin' sugar?" I laughed and walked up to her, putting my hands on her waist.

"You want to go do something? Ice cream maybe? A movie?" I asked. She shook her head at me. "Uh-uh." She pouted, sticking her bottom lip out. "How about a movie on Netflix?" Her face lit up as she ran back downstairs yelling "I'll get the popcorn! You start looking!"

A few minutes later, Kate was back upstairs. In one hand she had a bowl of popcorn, in the other she had an envelope. She looked at me, her face blank. "What is it boo?" I asked a little concerned. "'s from......Carnegie Melon. This letter will tell me if I am going to my number 1 choice school....or not." She was stuttering and nervous. "Do you want me to open it?" She was staring wide-eyed at the letter as if it was going to bite her. "No no I need to do this."

I nodded as she sat down and opened the letter. She started to read. As she scanned the page her eyes filled with tears. "Boo I.....I'm so sorry." She looked up at me and smiled, a tear falling down her cheek. "I got in." She whispered. "I got in to Carnegie Melon!" She was yelling now jumping up and hugging me.

Harry and Liam ran in when they heard her yell. "What's going on?" Liam asked. "I got in!!!!" Kate ran up and hugged both of the boys before running down the stairs to her parents. I smiled as I ran my hand through my quiff. I knew she would make it. She was so great on stage and this school was her chance. She was going to be so great.

I decided on the film we would watch as she finally made her way back up. We spent the rest of the night laying there watching the film and then chatting about the college until she fell asleep.

I smiled and played with her hair. It had air dried after the storm today and was in a mess of curls. I never really understood why she's straightens it. Her curls were so pretty. I looked around her room once more, noticing this time, her Harry Potter books all in order with their own special place in the bookshelf. That was one thing that made Kate slightly different. She was a total nerd and loved proving it to people. She was going to college as a national merit scholar, which was paying all of her tuition, plus room and board.

She shifted and I heard a jingling noise. I looked at her wrist and saw the charm bracelet I had gotten her for Christmas. She never took it off, even when she slept. I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes. Tomorrow was date night and I was already excited.



Sorry sucky chapter! I needed a filler! I was planning a double update today but my dumb brother had a soccer tournament so ya know.....anyways, I will try my best to update tomorrow! Please vote and comment! Y'all are so great thank you so much!

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