Friendship Never Dies (a One Direction Fanfiction)

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Chapter 3

The next morning, Liam, Louis, and Niall sat eating breakfast. Harry was up doing his hair, but Kate and Zayn were still asleep. Liam went to wake them, laughing to himself with a bucket of water in his hands. Louis had another bucket and Niall had a video camera.

The boys entered the room and made their way to the bed. As they got near, Kate started to rouse, peeking out from the covers just as the two buckets of water hit. Both of them shrieked and jumped out of the bed. They were both yelling about their hair getting curly and Kate was going on about killing the boys.

Harry came out of his room. "Trouble in paradise?" He asked. The boys held up the buckets, still racked with laughter. Harry began to laugh with them while screams of "Turn on the straightner!" And "where did you put my hair dryer?" were still being heard.

An hour later, the two came downstairs. Kate was wearing red skinny jeans, converse, and an oversized sweater. Zayn was dressed in almost exactly the same thing, but with blue skinny jeans.

"Your hair looks stunning you two." Liam remarked sarcastically. Zayn glared and Kate mumbled a string of curses. Louis chuckled and Niall chimed in with, "I sent it to Peyton! She thought it was great!" "I'm sure she did," Kate shot back, grabbing a pack of Poptarts.

In 10 minutes, all five boys were ready to walk out the door. "Are you sure you want to stay by yourself love?" Zayn was lingering at the door, not wanting to leave Kate at the flat alone. "I'll be fine!" Kate insisted, pushing Zayn out the door. "I need to call my mama anyway. Go! You're holdin' everybody up!" Zayn kissed he forehead and ran to meet the boys and Paul at the car. Kate blew a kiss an shut the door behind her.

The boys piled into the car. "She's so southern," Louis remarked. "Yeah did you hear," Harry added, "she had to call her mama!" Zayn leaned back, smirking and saying, "I find it hot." The boys rolled their eyes an began chatting about new songs, concerts, and videos.

After shopping at a couple stores, the boys slipped back into the car. Zayn was getting antsy and the boys knew it was time to get him home. The drive seemed to be taking longer than usual. "Hey Paul," Liam spoke, "Can we actually head home?" Paul checked his phone. "Nope." Niall groaned "why not?!" Paul looked down at the device once more. "The boss lady needs another half hour." The boys looked at one another, confused. All the sudden, Zayn whipped out his phone and put the call on speaker.

"Hey sugar! How'd the shopping go?" Kate sounded busy. "Great love. Now why can't we come home? I haven't seen you all day!" Zayn sounded desperate. "Sorry babe. I'm just about done I promise. Y'all head this way! I'll see you soon! MUAH!"

Zayn put his phone back in his pocket and Paul headed home for real this time. "I think it's hot too." Harry said. Zayn punched him in the arm...a little harder than your average joke.

When the boys walked into the house, they were hit with the smell of homemade food. Kate came out of the kitchen wearing a plaid button-down, jeans, and caramel colored cowboy boots. She had a vintage apron tied on and some sort of batter smeared on her forehead. Her hair was braided half way down her back. "Did you get me anything?" She asked grinning wildly.


I really hope y'all are enjoying this! I'm going to be starting another fanfic soon, stay tuned for the title of that one! Please comment and tell me what you think! You're opinion matters to me!

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