Chapter 12

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Peyton's P.O.V.

His car smells like heaven. I take deep breaths trying to savor the sweet smell. I'm not talking. Should I be talking? Why isn't he talking? Why is this so difficult?

"So have-"

"When was-"

Niall and I start to speak at the same time. Of course. Just my luck. He laughs and tries again. "So have you ever been out of the country?"

I tried to think of my answer. Have I? Why can't I think of anything. "Yeah actually I have!" Thank god my mouth is working in my favor. "Have you?" I spoke too soon.

Niall began to laugh, filling the car with the wonderful sound. I mentally slapped myself and hid my face in my hands.

"Well I think we are almost there but you might have to help me out a little bit here."

"Turn left!"

Niall pulled into the small drive in, already starting to fill up with people. We parked and Niall opened his door, gesturing for me to do the same. I was a bit confused since usually you watch a drive-in movie in your car.

Niall helped me climb up onto the roof of his car then climbed up after me. we leaned back on the windshield as the movie started. It was some action movie that Kate watched constantly. The Avengers? Yeah that's it.

I shivered. When I planned this outfit, I thought I would be toasty warm in Niall's car, not sitting outside as the sun went down. It's spring so it's not cold. Just a little chilly.

Niall sat up and took off the blazer he was wearing, handing it to me with a grin. "Thanks."

I slid the jacket on. Niall laughed at the way it hung off my tiny frame. He leaned back and sighed as the movie started. Niall took my hand and began playing with my fingers, and I leaned in closer to him. This was foreign but I liked it.

Kate's P.O.V.

I drove up to Redpin, taking the scenic route and showing Zayn where I lived in the city before moving to Norman. My took control and before I knew it I was shouting obscenities out the window. "Boo calm down," Zayn took my hand, trying to smooth talk the anger from my face. "Although I love it when you talk like that, it's much less appealing in this...scenario." His voice faded into almost a whisper as I sweerved to make the turn before the light turned as red as my cheeks were becoming. "You are also going to get us pulled over." Zayn laughed, sticking his tongue out and catching it in a smile with his teeth. 

"Psh," I rolled my eyes. "My dad is a cop in this city babe, I don't get pulled over." And with that I was off going way too far past the speed limit. I wanted to be on time, but there was so much to show Zayn before he had to leave and I had to go back to school. 

"Ok so this is the park where I shattered all of the bones in my wrist.......and this is the hospital where I got my cast and the got all of the woodchips out of my face!" I grinned at Zayn's horrified expression and continued to my favorite place in all of Oklahoma. 

We pulled up to my first home. It wasn't the first house I had ever lived in, but it was the first house I remember. I turned off the car and hopped out, running towards the giant tree and the swing that still hung there after all these years. 

"Push me!" Zayn came up behind me and swung me high into the air. I came down giggling. "So was this your house?" He asked with the sweetest sincerity in his eyes. "Yep! I survived two tornados, a broken wrist, my first dong being stolen, an almost burgerlery, and a little brother here!" Zayn laughed and twisted the swing so I was facing him. He looked from me, to the house, back to me, back to the house. "It suits you. Not as well as my flat and my room and my clothes suit you. But this is all a close second." I smiled as he leaned down for a kiss. A perfect, controlled, give you all of me kiss, and in that moment I was floating on air.

A.N. Holy wow its been a long time. Well everyone keeps reading so I hope that means you like it? Vote, Comment, Share. I love you all. I feel oddly accomplished for this crappy little fanfiction and boy do we have a long way to go! 

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