Chapter 16

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Kate's P.O.V.

"Alright you got your coffee now sit down!" I laughed and gestured at the chair across from me. I needed to tell Peyton about Zayn and I. If I can tell Peyton, telling my other friends would be a piece of cake. "I have to tell you something. It's really important and happy but also kid of scary and I'm not really sure how you're going to react..." I would've gone on but Peyton stopped me, "Kate? You're never ramble...what's wrong?"

"Nothing...It's not's right! Just don't freak out ok?" I glanced up nervously, only to be met with questioning eyes from Peyton. "Zayn and I..." Peyton interrupted me, "I swear to God if you tell me you're pregnant I'll kill you myself before your parents have the chance!" I laughed out loud, "No! We're getting married..."

I looked up at Peyton, hoping to see the smiling face I am used to. Instead I was faced with a look of shock and horror. "Are you kidding?" Peyton's mouth was hanging open. Literally hanging. " Why would I be kidding?" 

Peyton stood up and started to pace. "You have got to be joking! You're 18! How could you possibly even consider getting married? Do you know what that even means? You would be obligated to be there for him and only him for the rest of your life? What are you thinking?"

I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. This was Peyton, my best friend, my partner in crime. If she couldn't understand it who ever could? "I...I was thinking that I love him and...and he asked and I couldn't think of anything I would rather do."

Peyton shook her head, walking around our table at the small cafe. "This will never work! He's a pop star and you are a teenage dancer from Norman, Oklahoma!"

"Are you kidding me? You are also dating a pop star little miss hypocrisy! Are you telling me you've never considered a future with Niall?" I was practically yelling now and people were staring. 

"Sure I've thought about it but Kate we are teenagers! We have so much life to live. Who knows how we'll feel in five years, or ten?! How can you just take this so lightly?"

I feel like I've been punched in the stomach. I don't have any more words, I'm shocked beyond belief. I grab my keys and wallet and run out of the coffee shop, hot tears steaming down my face. I start my car, pulling out of the parking lot as I dial the only number that can calm me down.

"Hello?" Zayn's sleepy voice fills my car and echos through the bluetooth. "Shit I'm sorry did I wake you up?" My voice is shaky, my breaths uneven. "No...well yes but that's not important. What's wrong?" 

"It's Peyton. I told her about the engagement and she flipped out. She was yelling at me and making a big scene...if I can't tell her who can I tell?"

"Shhh boo calm down. It's hard for her to understand. We're young, and you are a hell of a lot younger than I am. It would be difficult for anyone to take in. Don't worry, she will come around, as will all of your friends. Just give it time."

I am calmer with every word that comes out of Zayn's mouth. "Okay. Go back to sleep. I'll call you later."

" sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna go to the studio for a bit. Sweet dreams!"

With a slight chuckle Zayn is off the line and my face is dulling from a fiery red to a healthy pink. I pull up to the studio ready to clear my head. Pulling out the spare key my instructor gave me, I grab my bag and run in, dodging the spring rain.

I put on the song for my solo, and  began to get lost in the music. Before I knew it, I was drenched in sweat and all memories of the interaction with Peyton have faded, at least for now. I still can't believe it, but after two hours of me, myself, and my dance shoes I'm a feeling more like myself. I disconnect my phone and head out. I decide to call Emily and Savannah, if I'm gonna get yelled at multiple times I better make it all in one day. 

"Hey! What are you and Sav doing for lunch?" I unlock my car, blasting the AC.

"Uh we hadn't planned that far. Where do you wanna go?"

"The garage?"

"Sure! Meet you in 30!"

I hang up, hurry home, and shower putting on a flowy sheer blouse and jeans. I grab my converse and head out the door to meet Emily and Sav at Emily's favorite restaurant. I figure if I kiss up to them, maybe they won't yell in a public place like Peyton.

"Hey!" I give Emily and Savannah hugs as we slide into the booth. "How are you two doing?"

"Uh fine?" Emily says, looking at me skeptically. "You're acting weird. Spill it."

Emily always sees right through me. I should've known better. "I have something to tell you two and I need you to stay calm and not make a scene." They just nod at me and let me keep going. "Zayn and I are engaged."

I wait. They say nothing. "And?" Savannah asks raising her eyebrows. "That's it!" I say. This was an entirely different kind of shock than the shock of Peyton's reaction. 

"Well psh anyone could've guessed that." Emily said laughing. "I mean I'm happy for you of course but anyone with a brain could see that one coming!" 

I let out a sigh of relief and laughed along with them. We finished our lunch and parted ways. It was nice to have support from my friends. I got back in my car, finally relaxed, and drove home. 

Finally I got a call from Zayn. "Hey!" I shouted through the phone, excited to hear from him. 

"Haha someone is feeling better I see. How was the rest of your day."

"It was great! I told Emily and Sav and they were so awesome about it. I couldn't believe it especially after Peyton's blow up. How  could she do something like that I mean she is my best friend!"

"Woah Kate slow down! Haha well I told you, you'll have friends who understand and friends who don't.  Peyton will come around with time."

"Yeah...what about you? How was your day?"

"Fine. Lot's of sleep. I watched your movie."

"I'm gonna have to send you another one so you don't get bored!"

"Or you could just move here?"

"Zayn you know I would. Graduation is 24 days away."

"But I need you."

My heart melts. Zayn living across an ocean is the worst possible arrangement but there isn't anything either of us can do about it. "I know. I've gotta go, but I'll talk to you soon yeah?"

"Okaaaaay. Love you boo."

"Love you too dork." I giggle as I shut off my phone. I pull on one of Zayn's sweaters that I stole and went downstairs. I made myself a peanut butter sandwich and cut off the crusts, grabbing a Redbull on my way back upstairs. I fall asleep listening to Up All Night and remembering my days as a regular fangirl, never guessing that I would end up falling in love with my favorite boy on the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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