Chapter 17 - Accusations

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Chapter 17



   The noise in the crowded room is deafening. Angry shouts and cries echo back into the irate horde. People shove against one and other demanding to be heard.

   Above it undulating sea of accusation sit five figured dressed in the black.

   Cries for justice and blood were ignored.

   Now was the time to accuse not condemn, judgment will come later.

   The short heavyset man pushed his way through to the front. The hysterical woman's screams could be heard above the din as she attempts to force her way through.

   "What is it Siimon?" a cloaked figure asks.

   The cacophonous crowd quietens.

   "I want to name my son as an unnatural!” The room becomes still. “Show them what you can do!" shaking the boy roughly by the arm.

   "No! Don't!" Ashley cries over the murmur of the crowd.

   "Do it!" Siimon commands shaking harder.

   Timidly the boy raises his hands, the room falls silent again, apart from the sound of sobbing, as two small balls of light begin to appear in the boys hands.

    They get bigger and bigger till the warm yellow glow over powers the indifferent green. They rose up and dance in the air till Siimon shook the boy again causing them to disappear.

   "Guilty!" the gavel was slammed against the arm of the stone chair. "Take him away"

   The obviously guilty are taken away immediate to be bitten by a captured Kassalik and placed in cells. Those who stood accused without proof where placed under guard and constantly watched in case they faltered.

    The screams got louder and louder but no one cared.


Ariel's POV

   We wait. In cells so small you can touch both sides arms outstretched, we wait.

   Leira’s plan has work as far as our method of death goes. Now instead of being burned alive if found guilty we are to be sacrificed, brilliant.

    I see what she has planned, what she believes will work, but I do not think she can save us. Every time I ‘see’ a problem she works dispersal to change the outcome. We are still doomed, though she admits it not.

   The Tryii exist. There are some in this town have began to doubt, I know it for a fact.

  When I was small I would ‘see’ them circling round the henge waiting. I have never discovered what they look like, or what they do. But I have seem them watching, waiting, anticipating; in my vision they are always covered in shadows, a blind spot that I know is there but cannot see.

   The trials will begin today. We who stand accused have been brought out to witness the courts power in action. So we can be made to fear, made to confess.

  Leira, Griffin and I stand tall against the torts and jeers. Rotten fruit is being thrown, along with other things. But the guards soon stopped this.

  My knees go weak as I see the still partially paralyzed Jared dragged to center stage. They leave him slumped over kneeling before the council.

   “Jared Chambers, you are accused of being an unnatural. How do you plead?”

   “Noio Ihdoh.” Jared moans, dribble runs down his chin.

   “Say again?”

   “Noootknv…Guikjbkty.” His has not yet recovered enough to speak, but he flops his head around until he is looking straight at me.

    With tear trickles silently down my cheeks and my wrists bound I blow him a kiss.

     I think he smiles.

   “If you do not answer…”

   “He is saying not guilty. Any one with half a brain can tell that Father.” Lei explodes pointing at my crumpled love.

    “Silence, condemned one.”

    ‘Oh Father, and you always were such a loving family man too.’

    I knew what Lei was trying to do. Her sarcastic comment is meant to lighten my mood.

     “You were seen by witnesses using your unnatural gifts.” Fertherstone stated.

    “That was in defense of the town!” Jared’s Aunt defends pushing her way to the front.

    “The crime is not about how they were used. Just that they exist at all. Guilty.” Siri explains.




    “Guilty. You are to be taken away to wait until the time of your execution.” Uncle decreed. “Remove him.”

   Now it is Sofi’s turn.

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