Chapter 3- New Friendships

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Emma's POV
I head back to my apartment to grab my things. Which is only a suitcase full of stuff. I grab my clothes that consist of a pair of pants,2 shirts,a hoodie,and a few bras and underwear. I also grab my toiletries and go to head out. I'm stopped when I remember my baby blanket. I grab it then head to my new home.

When I get to the apartment I knock anxiously on the door. A smiling Killian opens it and I enter.

   "Ya know love this is your house now no need to knock." I blush and he walks me to my new room. It's big but cozy all at the same time but already feels like home.

"Should we go get the rest from the car?" He offers and I look down embarrassed. "I uhh.. Don't have a car and this is it." He gives me a sympathetic look. I scoff a little "Killian I don't need your sympathy." "Sorry love" he stands awkwardly in the doorway. "Well I'll leave you to it." And he walks away.

I sigh looking at the room. I slowly walk over to the bed that already has a comforter and pillows on it. I put my few pairs of clothes in the drawers and my toiletries in the bathroom A real bathroom I think as I put the stuff away. No more gas stations. I lay down on the bed in content. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea.

I walk out of the room when an amazing aroma fills the air. I see Killian cooking in the kitchen and pull up a bar stool. "What ya cooking? It smells really good." He smiles "Grilled cheese." I silently cheer. "Good I love grilled cheese." He looks at me beaming "Well it's ready love so get ready to have the best grilled cheese you've ever had." I roll my eyes and sit at the table.

He hands me the grilled cheese and I devour it since it was my first meal in 2 days. "God Emma it's like you haven't eaten in 2 days!" "I haven't" I mumble so he doesn't hear me. "Swan did you just say you haven't eaten in 2 days?!" "Damn it" I curse under my breath. "Yeah.." I reply slowly. "Emma I have to know what were you doing before you lived here?"

I panic a little but continue "Killian it's really none of your concern." He gives me a tell me look but I ignore it. "Love really I want to know so I can help you." I stand up "I was fine on my own thank you very much!" I say a bit to harshly but he continues. "Emma I was worried about you! You don't have to tell me but I know something up I saw you put away your clothes you only have 2 damn shirts!"

I look down tears welling in my eyes. "I'm trying Killian but you know what we don't all have it as easy as you so go to hell." I walk away before he spins me around. "Easy Emma really? Because having my brother,mother,and love all dead doesn't seem easy the only reason I have this place is because my dad doesn't want me with him."

"I'm sorry Killian but I think we can agree we've both had a lot of shit happen but I'm not ready to open up about mine so please let me handle it." "I'm sorry love I've crossed the line." He looks down in shame "Killian it's fine I'm gong to bed goodnight." I walk into my room and clothes my eyes. What the hell have I gotten myself into?

I wake up the next morning and go downstairs to see oatmeal on the table for me. "Good Morning." I say groggily until I realize it's Monday. "Shit Killian!" I exclaim before he explains "Snow day love." I sigh in relief "Thank god." I say slowly sitting back down. We finish our breakfast and Killian looks over to me. "Love I know you said you didn't need help and I get that but I really want to take you out to get some clothes not as a helper I'm simply giving you a gift."

"I don't know..." "Come on Emma" he pleads. "Fine" I give in and he smiles goofily "Then come on get dressed I'm taking you out today!" I run to my room and put on my old faded Jeans and hoodie. I quickly brush out my hair and teeth and I'm good to go. We walk into the living room until Killian looks at me. "The sweatshirt is most certainly not warm enough take my jacket." Before I can intervene he wraps it around me. And we head out.

  We get to the store and it has everything. I look around astonished. First we walk to makeup. He practically helps me pick out everything. "Guess you got good style Killian." We both laugh and continue on. We go to shirt,pants,dresses,and accessories when we get to the register my favorite thing I got was a red leather jacket.

   When we walk out of the building I stop Killian. "Thank you so much that's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me." He blushes "Of course love anything for a friend." "I promise one day I'll tell you why I just have a hard time trusting people. "Swan it's okay I'm new to this to usually my friends aren't as sweet and kind." Now it's my turn to blush. "Come on let's go home."

  When we get in we both plop down on the couch and snuggle into blankets. "Netflix?" "Sure" I reply as he puts on a show called "Once upon a time" my favorite is Emma I can relate to her a lot. But Killian prefers Captain Hook. After a while my eyes become heavy and fall asleep nuzzled up into Killian chest.

AN: Hey guys it's currently super late but I really wanted to get this out for you!  Also I'm sorry for spelling and grammar errors I'm really tired . Comment and vote for more chapters!

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