Chapter 9- Painful Accident

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Emma's POV
Killian and I wake up still in the middle of the sea. I nuzzle into him before I realize it's a school day.

I check my phone and see we have class in 30 minutes. "Shit Killian wake up!"

"What's wrong love?" He asks still half sleeping.

"Killian we have class in 30 minutes!"

He quickly jumps out of bed into action. He runs up to deck and instructs me to take the wheel while he lifts the anchor.

We zoom to the docks. Now only having 15 minutes.

We race off the boat and practically sprint home. No time for anything else we hop in the car which luckily already has our bags inside.

We twist an turn through streets when I see the school up ahead. Just as Killian makes a sharp turn I hear a blaring noise then nothing but silence.

I realize soon after something must have happened and I look down.

I have blood pouring out of my head and my feet are turned in opposite directions. Then Killian races through my mind.

I turn painfully towards him and I see he's trying to say something through the pain and blood but he simply can't speak.

I grab his hand but wince at the pain. Finally I get what he's saying.

I love you.

I look at him feeling very light headed as I grab his hand a little tighter I say one more thing before blacking out.

I love you to.

Killian's POV
I wake up in a bright white room. I try to sit up but I groan in pain.

All the memories from before come flooding back we were in a car accident..


Is all I can think I push on the nurse button about a million times quiet relentlessly.

Soon a kind looking woman walks through the glass doors. "Killian I'm so glad you're awake!"

I cut right to the chase. "Where's E-"

She cuts me off and starts telling me my injuries.

"You have a minor concussion a broken arm and some cuts and bruises nothing to bad." She smiles at me.

"What about Ms.Swan, Emma Swan?"

Her smile falters for a second but she covers it up. "Ah yes Ms.Swan she's okay but had some eternal bleeding and.." She goes to continue but stops.

"And.." I try to continue for her.

"Well she uh in the car accident you see she was hit in a place that paralyzed her. She can't move from her hips down."

I sit staring shocked at the news. I try to compose myself and continue. "Is she awake can I see her?"

"Yes I'll bring you down and Killian you know there's a possibility that we can treat her with physical therapy."

"I know I just don't know how she bloody feels."

"You're right lets go find out."

And with that the nurse brings me to Emma's room.

Emma's POV
'I'm paralyzed' is all I can think. I want to ask about Killian see if he's okay but I can't function. I can't believe something like this happened.

My thoughts are broken when they wheel in a bruised Killian.

"I'll give you two some time alone." And with that the nurse exits.

We just stare at each other for a few minutes  in silence before Killian tries to stand up.

"Oh Killian be careful!" I exclaim as he drags himself next to me.

"I'm fine love" he takes a breath "but you're not in so sorry I'm a awful person if I was just driving more carefully-"

I don't let him finish. I grab his cheeks and nuzzle his nose.

"Oh my god Killian it's not your fault I'm so sorry you even thought that! I'm so happy you're okay I was so worried. And I would've came but you know.."

I slowly gaze down at my paralyzed body. Tears well in my eyes.

"Killian I'm so broken inside and out." I say in a whisper.

He envelops me in a hug despite the pain I know he's probably feeling right now.

"Love it's okay it'll be alright." He coos as I cry softly.

"Killian" she looks up at me. "You still love me even though I'm broken?"

He looks at me with great intensity "Of course Swan I love you so damn much."

He gives me a soft kiss after we part he sighs. "Emma I have to go get discharged I'll be right back. Also I'll ask Ruby to bring us some new clothes."

I nod slowly. "Okay I love you" I love the way it sounds and makes me feel when I say that.

He smirks and says "I love you to Swan" and walks out the door.

After Killian is discharged...

Emma's POV
We sit in the hospital room together waiting for Ruby. We here a knock expecting Ruby but instead we get  Regina,Mary,Belle,Ruby,Sean,David,and Will.

"Hey guys oh my god we were so worried!" Ruby explains as we all give hugs.

"So I see Killian's discharged but when are you getting discharged Emma?"

I look down hoping Killian will explain because I can't bear to do it.

"So Emma had more injuries then me and she's actually paralyzed from waist down." I hear many gasps but keep my head down. "So she'll be discharged tomorrow but she'll have to do much physical therapy."

"Awe Em" Mary says and wraps her arms around me. Eventually everyone else joins in and it becomes a big group hug.

After a while the nurse comes in and says that everyone but Killian has to leave. They all say there goodbyes and head out.

Now it's just me and Killian. We sit huddled next to each other.

I still can't help but think about not being able to walk and what this will do to me 'what if physical therapy doesn't work?!'

Killian's reads my mind as he kisses my head softly "Emma it will work we'll get through this together now get some sleep."

I sigh giving up. My lids become heavy as I soon fall asleep on Killian's chest.

AN: Heyy guys! Don't have much to say today just don't forget to comment and vote!

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