Chapter 4- Everyone Can See

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Writers POV
Emma and Killian have lived together for 3 months now. Rather comfortable with each other and now even friends. Everyone can see something happening that they don't.

Emma's POV
I lay comfortably in bed until Killian smacks me with a pillow.

"Love get up!" Killian hits me with a pillow. "But it's Sunday!" I whine. "I know love but I'm going out with Sean and your going out with Ruby remember?" "Shit" I mumble and hop out of bed.

   I run around frantically as he stands in the doorway and laughs. "Hahaha so funny I know." I say my voice dripping with sarcasm as I finish getting ready. "I wear a simple white top and my red leather jacket with my jeans and boots.

   I hear the door bell ring assuming it's Sean I open it. "Hey Emma." He says and I reply "Hey Sean I'm heading out so you and Killian can have man time." He rolls his eyes "Byee Emma."  "Bye Killy Bye Sean I'll see you later tonight?!" "Yep see you then love oh and tonight you and me are renting a movie!" He calls "I know it's my pick night!" I shout as I continue down the hallway

  I pull up to Ruby's in my yellow bug Killian helped me buy. And walk in. "Hey Rubs!" "Hey Em! I'm in my room." I walk over and peak my head in. "Ready for lunch?" "You betcha"

  Ruby and I arrive at Chipotle and order out usuals and take a seat. "So Ruby what's up I haven't talked to you in a while." "Oh nothing much but what about you and Killian what's going on there?!" I nearly choke on my drink. "Nothing were just friends possibly best friends at this point the amount of times he's saved my drunk ass is unbelievable."

   "Oh come on Em you have to see the way he looks at you!" "Ruby it's nothing." I say flatly once again. "Whatever helps you sleep at night honey." She retorts taking a sip of her drink.

Killian's POV

  "So mate where to?" "I don't care wherever works." We pull into a small burger place and sit down. "So what's up dude?" "Nothing much we've been missing you at the parties Killian where have you been at?" "Oh just haven't really been feeling it." I lie right through my teeth.

   "Man it's obviously that Emma girl!" I choke on my drink "What?" I ask confused. "You to obviously have a thing for each other she's changed you.. In a good way" he adds at the end.

  "Dude there's nothing between me and Emma were Just best fiends." "Whatever you say Killian.." He says in a mocking tone.

Emma's POV
I arrive home around 9:30 and I see Killian in the kitchen making popcorn. "Hey Killian" I call as I put down my stuff. "Hey Swan how was your time with Ruby?" "Eventful" I mutter. "How was Sean?" "Good.." He replies scratching the back of his ear. "So ready to pick out a movie?" "Yeah let's go."

  We sit on the couch eating handfuls of popcorn watching What we both settled on season 5 of Once. We both go for a handful of popcorn at the same time and our hands touch. I pull back quickly but the feeling was electrifying. No damn it Emma no feelings!! I mentally scold myself. We finish the movie and both shuffle off awkwardly to bed. I don't know why but we both were acting weird. "Night Killian." "Night Em." And we both clothes the door sighing.

  The next morning me and Killian are actually some what on time for Mr.Saul's class as we take our seats. Half way through the class someone slips me a note and I don't catch the face I open the folded piece of paper that reads.

You Slut thinking that pretty boy can protect you! No one likes you your an ugly whore who pretends to be broken for sympathy.

  Tears well in my eyes I raise my hand shyly. "Um Mr.Saul can I go get some water..?" I hold back my tears. "Your excused Ms.Swan." I quickly run out of the classroom to the back area of the lunch  grounds where I can't be seen. I quietly sob for who knows how long.

  I eventually hear foot steps and start to move but a strong grip and familiar voice stops me. "Emma" he says softly "I've been looking for you for 2 whole periods! What happened you just ran out of class." I couldn't talk so I hand him the note.

  After he reads it I can see anger evident in his face. "Who wrote this?" He clenches his jaw and I sniff "I don't.. Know" I stutter quietly. "Well Emma if I find out they'll be sorry I'll kick that persons sorry ass now come on let's go home." He extends his hand and I take it.

  "Once we get home we sit on my bed and I start to cry again. "Love you wanna talk about it?" I shake my head no but pull him in to me for a hug. He sits there for what seems like hours as I soak his shirt with tears.

   After I stop crying he looks at me. "Swan I know you've had a tough past and by what happened today it seems tougher than I thought but I don't intend on leaving and that's a promise." I smile slightly but look down. "That's the thing about people they always make promises they can't keep."

  He looks at me intently. "Emma what happened to you to make you be like this to put up so many walls?" "More than you can imagine." "Well Em I'm going to make a promise one I will keep. I'm going to break down all those nasty walls of yours so you can be happy again even if it's the last thing I do." I hug him again. "Thank you Killian."

"Oh and many people are why I'm like this and if your planning on breaking downs these walls strap in for a chaotic ride." I smirk a little. "Love I'm well and prepared when your ready I'm ready." I smile once more.

  "Killian you really are to good for me." He grins like a dork. "Well the same goes for you to I don't know what I did to deserve someone as amazing as you." I blush and hug him one more time for the night. "Killian you are my best friend thank you for that." "Of course love I'd  probably be very lost without you as well."

  After that we fell asleep in each other's arms warmed by the comfort of each other.

AN: Hey guys! Sry if there are many spelling errors in his chapter to lazy to go back and check😂 Also sry I didn't update yesterday but after that episode I couldn't function. Anyways comment and vote❤️

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