Chapter 10- Mending As One

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Killian's POV

I wake up to a nurse lightly tapping me on my shoulder. "Sir it's time for your wife to be discharged " I quickly sit up not even bothering to correct the nurse.

I look over to Emma and expect to see her beautiful smiling face, but it's replaced by a long and tired looking frown.

The nurse shoves the release forms in my face to have me sign before I can even ask Emma what's wrong. I sign the forms with intent.

"Well you two are clear to leave!" The nurse gives a cheery smile. "Do you need help with her wheelchair?"

In the corner of my eye I see Emma look down. "No  I think we'll be fine."

"Okay I wish you love birds the best of luck!" and with that she walk out.

I walk over to Emma and caress her cheek. "What's wrong Swan?"

"Nothing" she pulls away.

I frown but decide it's best to leave it be. I help her into her wheelchair and she uses her arms to move the chair down the hall.

"Love sure you don't want me to push that?" I ask gently.

"No! God Killian I'm fine I may be crippled but I'm a human being!" She shouts.

I don't know what to say or do so I continue on to the car. I help her in even though she refuses. The rest of the ride is dead silent.

When we get home I look to her as to see what she wants. "Em you wanna watch some Netflix?"

"Please just let me go to my room." Before I can object she rolls away.

I expect her to go to our room but she rolls into hers.

I follow her quietly so she doesn't see me. I know she won't be able to get out of that bloody wheelchair by herself.

I peer into her room and watch her struggle to get out. It pains me to see her this way. Eventually she gives up and I see the tears start to flow.

I debate if I should go in or not. I decide against it she probably just needs space.

1 Month Later..
Things are still miserable. Emma has pushed away more and more each day. Killian has been trying to stay strong but can only take so much.

Killian's POV
I wake up in my cold bed. Emma hasn't come to bed with me once since the accident. I miss her smile her beautiful laugh. It's all been replaced by silence.

I wake up and get ready for school as usual. I've given up on even trying to help Emma get dressed and ready because I've been yelled at to many times before.

The only things I do is purposely leave her favorite cereals in the low part of the cabinet so she can reach them.

I'm pretty sure she's caught on but hasn't said anything about it.

I walk into the the kitchen and start making coffee when she rolls in.

She's in the same sweatpants as yesterday and has a big sweatshirt on. Her hair is quiet messy but is put into a bun on the top of her head.

She looks miserable but then again so do I.

We really need to talk but she's been avoiding me but today after school I'm talking to her.

We get into the car and drive off to school in silence as we have for the past month.

For me this is torture it's like having everything I want right next to me but it's so out of reach at the same time.

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