Chapter 6- Secrets In Stone

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Killian's POV
"Emma!" I call all through the house.

"Emma!" I call again but nothing she must already be in a class.

I shrug and peek into her room to make sure she's not there. When I look in I see a small book on her bed thrown over her diary.

I try to turn away to resist the temptation but I'm to curious for my own good.

I slowly open the old book and see her soft small handwriting. The page is marked off on a entry from 4 years ago..

December 4th
Today Neal left me. And I found out I was pregnant. Great who's gonna want an orphan 16 year old that's knocked up. I will never trust some one again after this. The pain is to unbearable of loosing someone. And nothing can take away the pain drugs,pills,alcohol nothing works. So Emma I plead to you if you're looking back on this entry remember DON'T FALL IN LOVE AGAIN. They will leave you just like Neal just like your parents just like everyone so don't do it again I beg you.

The entry has tears stained on it. Old ones from her and new ones from me. This is one entry what hell has her life been? Just as I'm about to close the small notebook I hear something fall.

Emma is standing in he hallway horrified. I've broken her trust.

"Killian how could you.." She says biting back tears.

"Love I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.."

"No Killian you invaded my privacy my trust! How could you?!"

"Swan really I was just curious and it was wrong of me but this was past you and you don't need this silly piece of paper to tell you not to be with someone! Emma I'm here so please don't put up more unnecessary walls."

  She stands silent not sure what to say. "Killian I got to go to class and so do you we'll deal with this later.."

  She exits before I even have a chance to interject.

Emma's POV

  I've practically avoided Killian all day. 'Is this a bad sign that were already having problems?'

  Probably not I understand but now he just thinks I'm a girl that sleeps around. What if he asks about my kid?!

  My thoughts are broken when Killian taps my shoulder.

  "Love try to pay attention" he smirks.

  I just roll my eyes and go back to taking notes.

  When the class ends I practically dart out avoiding Killian at all costs. That's when I bump into Mary Margaret.

  "Hey Mary" I say in a frazzled tone.

  "Hey Emma you okay you seem frazzled?"

  I sigh and explain to her what's going on with Killian and about how he read my diary.

  Usually I don't open up so easy but Mary and David have became a mom and dad figure in a sort of way.

  "Oh Emma you can't keep avoiding him! You have to talk to him about this you're gonna have to tell him about your past one day or another."

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