Chapter 13- Bittersweet Days

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Killian's POV

I wake up to the blaring noise of my phone. "Bloody Hell" I mumble as Emma groans.

I pick up the phone "Hello?" I say still groggy.

"Killian how are you?!" It was Emma's physical therapist.

"Uh.. Good."

"Well I'm about to make you and Emma's morning better" she says cheerfully. "Emma is ready to start walking again!"

"Oh my god thank you!"

"I expect to see Emma in a couple of months to check in but for now she can start walking and you have the crutches if need be."

"Thank you"

"Of course tell Emma I say congrats."

"Will do goodbye."

"Bye Killian."

With that I hang up the phone and look at my Swan. Her emerald eyes are filled with confusion and hope.

I pick her up right out of the bed and swing her around. "Swan you're free to walk!"

I set her down and she puts her hands up to her mouth in disbelief. "Oh my god!"

Abruptly she pulls me into her. Her soft lips caress my rough ones. I feel the spark as my tongue moves through her mouth. When I pull away I see her smile not just any smile the smile I haven't seen in months.

We sit back on the bed and Captain jumps into her lap nuzzling her.

"Love I'm gonna make breakfast for us." she smiles approvingly and starts to change.

"Darling I like what you're in now" I whine.

She looks down and blushes madly she's only wearing one of my big shirts and her black panties.

"I'll make you a deal" she says coming up and traces patterns on my chest "If I change now you can see me in something more enjoyable tonight."

I give back a seductive smirk "Deal"

We both get ready fairly quick and head downstairs for breakfast. I makes waffles, eggs, and bacon. I place the food in her place then go to find her.

As I look through our home I catch a glimpse of her struggling to make it down the stairs. I can see the tears welling in her eyes.

I walk over slowly and up the steps. When I get to the step I rub her back a little.

"Please don't make me go back to the wheelchair" she says barely over a whisper.

"Never again." I say and help her down the rest of the stairs.

When we get to the table I pull out her seat "For the lady."

She rolls her eyes but playing along curtsies. I laugh and push her into her seat.

We eat breakfast in a comfortable silence enjoying each other's presence.

After breakfast I start to clear the table and look over to see a grateful Emma who loaths doing dishes.

After everything is put away I sneak up behind  Emma and wraps his arms around her.

"You wanna go on a walk?"

"Yes!" She said with delight.

We grab our coats and walk through the door.

We're met with the chilling September air. As we walk through the city I take in everything.

The color, the lights, and her god her, her hair the way her lips were slightly parted sucking in the crisp air I marveled in it all of it.


Emma breaks me out of my trance.

"Sorry love just thinking."

She smiles and nuzzles into me "okay" quietly comes out her lips.

As we walk it eventually starts to rain then pour. As we run back to the house Emma slips.

She screams out in pain.

"Bloody hell Emma are you okay?!"

"Damn it" she repeats knowing that she'll probably need to be on crutches after this or even in her wheel chair.

I pick her up against her protests and bringing her into their home.

He sets her down on the bed and she turns away furiously.

"Emma I.."

"I could've handled it you just can't trust me!"

"What?" I stutter "Of course I trust you"

"Doesn't seem that way" she huffs and stumbles out of the bed.

As she starts packing her things I fall into a panic.

"Wait Emma please let's just work this out!" I plead with her.

She looks me dead int the eye "Killian I'm sick of this I'm leaving don't try to follow" and with that she slams the door.

I break down in tears and bang my head against the door 'I've lost her'

Emma's POV

I drive down the highway tears spilling faster than my car is driving.

I pull into a small motel and bang my hands on the strewing wheel.

'Shit I really messed up'

I wipe away my tears and walk to the front desk. The lady obliges to give me a room even though by now it's 12 a.m.

I walk into the small room and collapse on the bed and cry and cry for who knows how long.

I reminisce on all the good times.

'How could someone so bad for me feel so good'

I sit with my haunting thoughts and try to sleep. With no luck I decide to flip open my diary and read some of my happy entries.

Today I went on a date with a guy named Killian he was sooo hot! But can I open myself to him?

Today Killian and me had lunch I swear this man will be the death of me.

I keep going through them until I reach the one about Captain.

'Crap I forgot him there!'

Damn now I have to go back. I try to sleep again exhaustion putting me into a restless sleep.

The whole night I toss and turn thinking about Killian.

'God his jet black hair his piercing blue eyes that dorky smile I really did blow it'

I sit in the deafening silence of the room contemplating how I'm going to be able to face him tomorrow when I go to get Captain back.

AN: hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter love u all ❤️ don't forget to comment and vote!

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