Chapter 5- Confrontation

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Killian's POV

Emma is staying home today after what happened. Thinking about it anger boils with in me how could someone say that about someone so beautiful and kind.. But those are friend feelings of course or at least I think.

I get to Mr.Sauls class and slouch down in my seat. I try to pay attention but it's hard I intend on finding out who wrote that note to Emma and then kick there ass.

As the bell rings I go to walk out but Mr.Saul stops me. Everyone files out of the class and I look at him anxiously. "How's the lass?" he asks me which relieves a lot of stress. "After she left class she didn't look so good."

I sigh "Yeah someone wrote her this really crappy note she just needed a day." "Can I see the note to check the hand writing? I might be able to recognize it." I slowly grab the note from my back pocket and he studies it. "You didn't hear it from me but it looks a lot like Gold's handwriting." "Thanks" I quickly grab my stuff and leave. Gold better be ready to get his ass kicked.

Before I head back home I stop at Gold's apartment. I knock and he let's me in. "Hey Ki.." I cut him off by socking him in the eye. "That was for what you did to Emma!" I holler at him as I punch him again. "Bro you don't understand" "No I do you're jealous of her so stay the hell away from her and me I'll never forgive you after this.

After that I storm back home to see Emma intently writing on her bed. I calm down when I see her and sit down. "Hey love what you writing?" She slams it shut. "Uh nothing it's my diary.." "It looks pretty old how long have you had it?" "Since I was 12 my very first time running away.

She pushes the hair out of her face and meets my gaze. "Wow that's a long time" I say softly. "Yeah.." "Oh and Killian what was the problem when you came in here?" My fisits clench. "I uh had a run in with that person who wrote that ." "Killian did you.." "Yeah I kicked there ass" She looks shocked.

"Thank you Killian I guess I'm just usually use to handling things myself." "That's what friends are for."

"So love how was your day?" "Uneventful Ruby,Mary Margaret,Regina,and Belle came to visit me though." "Oh great millions of women in my house greattt" I say sarcastically. "I know Ruby had a giggling fit." "Of course she did." I say not surprised. "Whatever how was the rest of your day Kilian?" "Besides kicking that guy's ass nothing else." She laughs and it warms my heart.
Hours later..

"Come on Emmm please!" I beg everyone is going to a party tonight and I really want to go. "Fine" she finally caves. "Yes! go get ready." I instruct and she heads to her room.

Emma's POV

I go into my room and flop on the bed and text Ruby.

Emma: Hey Rubs going to the party tonight?

Ruby: u bet are u bringing Mr.Handsome?

Emma: 1 shut up and 2 yes I am

Ruby: Ok see u to there!

I return to trying to find something to wear. Since it's winter I put on a pair of tight jeans and a half shirt that cups my boobs. I touch up my makeup and leave my blonde locks down and I'm ready. I meet Killian in the hall and he's in a pair of jeans and a white shirt. He looks really handsome.

He's seems to be at a loss for words "Umm Em you uh ready?" "Yep now Killian stop staring out my boobs and let's go. His face turns beat red as we continue to the party.

I open the door to the apartment and see it's already swamped. Me and Killian go to sit with MaryMargaret,David,Regina,Robin,Belle,Will,and Ruby. They look Killian down for a second but gladly invite him in.

After many hours of drinking and laughs Ruby makes a proposal "You guys wanna come play truth or dare at my place and ditch this party?" We all nod in agreement and head to her place.

Once we get there we all sit in a circle and Ruby picks first. "Emma truth or dare?" The alcohol in me kicks in "Dare" everyone cheers. "Okay everyone shh Emma your dare is you have to... Kiss Killian!"

All the girls shout things like finally and the boys whistle. I turn to Killian very nervous he gives a drunken but reassuring smile.

I lean in slowly and my lips caress mine. We slowly start moving together kissing each other more hungrily. The room was dead silent until we pull apart. David breaks the silence when everyone starts passing around money. "Damn it I thought they'd wait longer" Regina mutters.

"Were you guys betting on us?!" Killian and I shout. "Well maybe..." David drifts off. "Well the winners were Mary Margaret,me,and Ruby who bet this month. "You guys couldn't have just waited 1more week!" Regina whines and we all laugh again.

After playing a bit more truth or dare everyone heads home. Killian and I walk the cold streets of New York being to drunk to drive.

"What is this Emma?" Killian says breaking the peaceful silence of the night. "What do you want it to be?" I reply unsure because what if this relationship breaks my heart. "Emma I want it that kiss I want to feel it and I want to fight off your nightmares and hold you close forever." I stop walking and turn to him. "Good because I want it to." I pull him in and meet his sweet lips again. His warmth radiating on too me.

We get inside and he comes into my room to say goodnight. Just as he's about to leave I speak. "Stay" I say barely over a whisper. "Always love." He climbs in next to me and wraps his arms around me. This better work no it will work I say to myself as I fall asleep.

AN: Helloo guys hope you enjoyed this chapter finally some CS action. Please comment and vote 5 votes and 1 comment for next chapter!


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