Chapter 8- Adventures For Two

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Starts off from last chapter..

Emma's POV

 "Come on love put on some clothes we're going on an adventure!"

So frazzled and caught up in the moment I do as instructed. I throw on a pair of Adidas shorts and Killian's shirt.

Just as I put on my sneakers Killian comes out of the bathroom in a simple tee shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I don't care what other people think he looks damn sexy.  

He walks over to me and interlaced our hands together. We walk to the door and quietly creep down the halls being cautious not to wake other people.

When we get outside it's actually quite warm, lucky for us. He walks a bit closer and takes a small breath.

"Ready for an adventure?"

It gives me goosebumps I give a small nod but flash him the biggest smile. 

"Dork" I hear him mutter under his breath. I give him a small shove. "You're the only dork here!" I protest.

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes and laughs as we continue to the docks.

Killian's POV 

As we walk to the docks I can't help but look at Emma. She's bloody perfect, her long blonde hair flowing in the breeze, that smile that warms my heart I just relish in all of it.

My trance is broken by Emma snapping her fingers. "Killian you just totally zoned out on me!"

I quickly try to recover "Sorry I uh-"

I'm cut off by Emma giggling "You're such a dork what the heck were you even staring at?"

My cheeks go pink and a wave of embarrassment floods over me. She looks at me blushing as she connects the pieces.

"Oh" She simply states as we continue to walk. 

Finally we arrive at the docks. We sit on the edge of the docks. Our feet dangling over the sea. 

I stare out and take a deep breath. "What are we looking at?" She asks innocently.

"The horizon I find it calming. When I was just a lad my brother was all I had well that and the sea. When my mother died,when my father left us the sea always seemed to calm me."

"Wow for me I use to go to this little swan pond. This swan use to come up to me and I would feed him little pieces of bread. I know it sounds stupid but I felt like he was an orphan to ,different from everyone else."

"I'm guessing that's when you decided Emma Swan?"

She nods and laughs a little. "Yeah I felt like that swan was the closest thing I had to family.

I sit there as a wave of sadness passes over me. It makes me sad that the closest thing to family for her was a bloody animal!

I wrap her in a tight embrace and she gladly excepts. "So love you ready to sail?"

She scoffs a little "Killian we don't even have a boat!" 

I smirk "I know a guy we can use his boat." I grab her hand and drag her down to the vessel.

We finally find the boat and I carry her bridal style on.

"Behold The Jolly Roger!"

She looks around in awe "Wow it's amazing I've never been on a ship."

"Come on love let's sail out." We head to the wheel and start to leave the docks.

As I see the docks in the distance I let the anchor drop and walk over to Emma.

She looks at me seductively and jumps on to me. I start kissing her with pure passion. The kiss was intense but fragile all at the same time. It was like a dream that we were fighting to keep going.

Eventually we had to break away from each other needed air. Once able to talk I ask a question praying she would say yes.

"Swan do you wanna take this downstairs?" I say in a deep husky voice. She nods still catching her breath.

I take her down the stairs leading her to a small bedroom. I look at her and she looks really nervous.

Emma's POV

Once we get downstairs I start to get really nervous. 'What if I'm not ready?' 

Killian obviously can read me. "Love are you sure you want this?" I pause but I'm so scared. 

"Just be slow and get a condom." I say almost whispering.

I start to take off my clothes slowly as Killian takes off his clothes and slips on a condom. Once were both done I feel so exposed. 

I slowly get in the bed with Killian. Once more I remind him to be slow and he get's to work.

He spreads kisses all down my arms and legs kissing anywhere I had ever cut as a depressed teen. 

"Moreeeee" I moan loving the sensation of Killian. 

He kisses me and slowly goes over all my crevices. I moan once more from the pleasure.

Finally he get's into position and slowly slides in allowing me to feel everything.

"Killian fucking Jones" I moan as he goes in and out once more.

"Ya like that love?" He says in a raspy voice.

"Mmm.." I respond.

Again he pushes in making me grip the sheets so tight I'm pretty sure I ripped them.

I finally hit the climax feeling it wash over me. I let out another moan feeling Killian was something I've never felt before.

After we lay there I try to muster up enough courage to say the.. l word. It's sad to think we had sex before we even had the courage to say I love you!

But I decide to push the thought aside we'll say it one day hopefully.

Soon after Killian drifts off to sleep and so do I. Sleeping in his arms makes me feel what I've never felt before finally I'm not just an orphan that I actually mean something to someone.

'How could it honestly get better than this?' Is what I thought before drifting off to sleep. Little did I know something was going to happen that would change our relationship forever.

AN: Hey guys sry this isn't the best chapter but next chapter oh god you're in for a roller coaster of emotions! *Laughs evily* Don't forget to comment and vote for more chapters! Ily all.


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