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Michael's P.O.V.
Hi there, I guess I should explain who I am. My name is Michael Clifford and I've just turned 18 about a week ago. I've been dreading this day ever since learned about it a year ago.
What is this day? You might be asking. Well glad you asked today's the day I'm being shipped off (or in the case of my parents dropped off) at some boarding school. Now I betting you're asking what kind of boarding school. So let me tell you in my world everyone is either a dominant or a submissive. Where I live they don't force you into either category when your first born like other parts of the world, no they require enrollment into a BSDM Academy when you become of age which I am. So today's the day which I get to find out my place in this world.
I was required to report to the school for check in between 7:45a.m. and 8:00a.m. So I wasn't too pleased when my mom woke me at 5:30a.m. this morning to make the two hour trip to the school. Once arriving we meet with one of the head ministration people in big gym like room with all the other students that where checking in. While my parents finished signing some last minute paperwork, I decided to let my true colors show. No, not the color of my hair though it is a nice bubble gum pink at the moment. I mean my punk-I'll do whatever I want attitude by putting in my earbuds tuning out any instructions and chewing my gum loudly. Though I didn't catch most of the  conversation that my parents were having but I did hear my mother say, "you'll have to excuse Michael, he not always like this." "Hey Michael, I'm Mr. Gifford your counselor looks like we are going getting to know each other well this year." The ministration person, now Mr. Gifford said. I just scoffed at him. I don't think so mister I thought. I was brought back to reality by Mr. Gifford saying, "So want say your final goodbyes." Hell no I don't. I thought to myself but instead just rolled my eyes at him before turning to my parents. My dad just wanted to leave but my mom just couldn't part (typical moms always getting emotional). She did leave but not before said, "Honey look I know you don't want be here but we're just following the law." I just looked at her and said, "Fuck Off."
"Alright Then", Mr. Gifford starts pulling my attention back to him, "If you want you can put your bags against that wall." Mr. Gifford now pointing to a wall on the far side of the gym where other students have piled their bags. Reluctantly I add my bags to the other's before I was then instructed to go to the computer lab where I be given further instructions on taking the Dom/Sub test. Oh this dreaded Dom/Sub test. I'm so not looking forward to taking this test. But I'm hoping to be a Dom since that what the rest of my family is.

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