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Michael's P.O.V
The rest of my first class went OK, I guess. Ashton just talked about his kinks with jumping in to stop him on ones I didn't want to hear about. About 5 minutes before class ended the teacher, Mrs. Watkins stop us asking for people to share something they learn about their partner. Ashton removed the gag, which I grateful for, making me share. I decided due to the burning pain of my cöck I choose to trend lightly as to not receive anymore punishment. After that Ashton allowed me to stand up and fix my boxers and pants which were still around my ankles.

"Do you have any water?" I said to Ashton hoping to wash the taste of the gag that out plus my throat was dry. "No, sorry."
"That's fine. I guess I can wait until lunch." Then the bell rang letting us go to our next class.

Looking at my schedule I noticed that I had a math class next. I don't remembering signing up for a math class. Oh well I guess I can endure it.

Just finished math class and my first submission class. Math was half bad. Looks like Luke is in that class. The teacher just gave us an assessment to see our math levels then, bad side, she assigned us to do the pre-chapter assignment, which is about 50 problems of basic or elementary math, from our arm killing text books. What a joy it will be caring this book around.

My submission class was called basics of submitting. I really don't mind this class. It taught by Mrs. Copper, a sub, and for her first lesson she just went over the roll of sub which is really only one thing, to please your Dom. She said that we learn more about that in future lesson. She did assign homework but it was just looking up a kink we didn't know about or like to learn more from a list she gave us and be prepared to share with the class next time what you learned.

Sitting though both of my last two classing was tough as i really couldn't sit on my bum as stung like a flaming fire. I starting to regret my actions but not enough that I want to change. As for now I'm headed to lunch.

"Hey Michael!" I stop and turn around seeing Calum. "Oh hi, Calum"
"Weren't you in my last class?"
"Don't know, wasn't paying attention to who was in my last class."
"Last class, basic of submitting with Mrs. Copper?
"Yeah that was my last class. I'm sorry I didn't see you in there."
"It's fine. Let just get some lunch. I'm starving."
"Yeah, me too."

I got pepperoni pizza which is the best besides pineapple. If your pizza doesn't have pepperoni or pineapple then your eating the wrong pizza. I'm kinda a pizza enthusiast and could talk about pizza all day as is my favorite food item. Calum just got a salad. "Where do you want to sit?" I asked Calum.
"How about over by Ash and Luke?"
I rolled my eyes then said,"fine"
Calum starts walking as I follow and just sits down. This causes Ashton to go off on him. Luke jumps in. "Ash you're scaring the poor kid. Just me deal with this." "Fine be my guest." Ash says allowing Luke to take over. "Calum, are you aware that you need to ask before you sat with Doms?"
"Yes, I'm sorry I forgot."
"I think you need a punishment so you don't forget. Don't you think so?"
"Yes, I was a bad boy and deserves to be punished as you see fit."
"Ash, how do think we should punish him?"
"Well, Luke. I don't think you should be punishing him yet but since we can't let this slide, I think he definitely can't sit with us as he didn't ask."
"You're so right, Ash. Thank you. Calum, come crawl under the table and sit by my feet."
Before Calum complied he asked," what about my lunch?"
"Here we'll just move it on to the bench next to me." Luke moved Calum's lunch.
"Hey Michael, aren't you gonna sit with us?" Ashton said.
"With all due respect, I would like to remain standing, if that is OK with you" I said.
"But wouldn't sitting be more comfortable?" Luke asked.
Without thinking I snapped, "no it would not be better!"
"Michael, you're yelling." Ash said reminding me to behave.
"Oops, sorry." I said. Well it's more like sorry not sorry. Finally I sat down my tray then before eating washed my hands with hand sanitizer as I already wash my hands before even grabbing my lunch.

It looked like Luke got the special. What it is I can't tell as he has eaten most of his lunch. Ash seems to have gotten a salad like Calum. "So how were everyone classes?" Calum asked. The Doms shared a look and choose to ignore Calum like they never heard him.

"Hey didn't you hear him, he asked how were your classes? Personally mine could have gone better but they were alright." I said. Hey don't think I'm about to be nice since I'm not. With Calum being my roommate, I need him not to hate me. "Well you since most of you are in all you guys already know how my classes went, so what's the point in me telling you if you already know." Ashton said like Calum wasn't even there. I don't get how Ashton and Luke can acknowledge Calum one second and ignore him the next. It's just rude and if anybody is going to be rude it going me. Besides I'm only rude because I'm sick of this system. Nobody should be putting labels on me.
Lunch went by kinda quick. "So what is everybody's next class?" Ashton asked, not even acknowledging Calum.

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