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After being ushered out the computer lab, all newbies were sent to the auditorium for an orientation.
"Welcome to B.D.S.M Academy. My name Mrs. Haywood, I'm one of your vice principals." A pretty women with dyed blond hair says once the students settle down. Continuing she says, "in just a moment you get to find your placement first here's Mrs. Slaughters to go over some basic rules."
After a quick change Mrs. Slaughters begins, "as you were just told I'm Mrs. Slaughters. I'm the head of the dorm keeping. You'll get to learn more about me later." A slide show starts up behind her as she continues, "you'll be broken up into two groups, Dom and Sub, base of the results of your test. At the moment you will share a room with one other of your same rank until your paired by the end of this year whether it be by a Dom requesting or at the pairing ceremony." Clicking to a new slide she goes on, "there are some basic sex classes everyone will take in over the course of your time here. Also because this is a learning process where doms learn to control subs and subs need to learn to submit to doms you'll have some classes with both ranks. Also we want doms comfortable with giving out discipline after this week doms will be allowed to freely punish sub as they see fit when needed."
Mrs. Slaughters finished her segment turning the time back over to Mrs. Haywood. "Now we'll start reading your names. Doms you'll go out the door on my right to classroom 116 and Subs you'll go out the door on my left to classroom 237." Mrs. Haywood said while gesturing with her hands.
A man stood up to help read the names off.
Ashton Irwin Dom
Calum Hood Sub
Ed Sheren Dom
Michael started to listen for his name but by the first 10 he's drowning out names.
Harry Styles Dom
Liam Payne Dom
Louis Tomlinson Sub
Luke Hemmings Dom
Michael Clifford Sub
Then all of a sudden Michael hears his name.
Wait did really just say I was a sub. That can't be right. Cliffords are not subs and everybody should know this since my parents own one the biggest named sex toy business. Michael slumps back into his seat and listens to the rest of the names, deciding to ask Mrs. Haywood about his placement later.
Niall Horan Sub
Perrie Edward Sub
Zayn Malik Dom
"That was all the names. If you didn't hear your name or have any questions please come see me." Mrs. Haywood says finishing. Students start make their way out their respected door. Michael follows the group headed to see Mrs. Haywood.
He waits his turn, finally when it's his turn he asks, "hey I was wondering if you could tell me my placement again?" "Name." Mrs. Haywood asks with clipped tone.
"Michael Clifford"
"Alright... Michael Clifford... Michael Clifford... Ah ha here we are. It says your a sub."
"That can't be right. There must be a mistake, or the test was rigged."
"Mr. Clifford, I can assure you there is no mistakes and we monitor the tests very closely."
"No buts. The results stand as they are. It be best if you run along now."
With an irritated attitude, Michael makes his way off the stage and towards classroom 237.
Upon reaching the classroom Michael was meet with another teacher, "Before you find your seat make should you pick a packet." Michael grabs his packet then finds a seat in the back of the room. While for the teacher, he briefly looks at the packet which contained: basic school rules, dorm rules, sub protection policy, class schedule form, and a welcome letter from the headmaster Mr. Henderson.
Once all the students had found a seat, the teacher walked in with, somebody Michael knew, Mr. Gifford. "Hello, my name is Ms. Blake. I teach the behavioral classes, such as Sub Behavior 101 which all you will be taking. With me today is Mr. Gifford, one of our counselors. He will be help us with you schedules." The teacher, now Ms. Blake introduced before turning to Mr. Gifford asked, "Would you like go over schedules now?"
Gifford give quick yes before take a spot in front of all the students, "Some of you may already know me since I'm your assigned counselor but those who don't know I'm Mr. Gifford as Ms. Blake has said." While Mr. Gifford introduced himself Ms. Blake brought up slide explaining all the classes.
"Now can everybody find the purple form that says Sub Classes?" Mr. Gifford instructed while Ms. Blake went around helping students. Noticing Michael wasn't listening she walked over to him.
"Hey do you need help finding the form?" She asks clearly seeing it didn't get though to him as he was on his phone. She placed her hand over his phone screen which clearly got his attention.
"What the hell?!" Michael yells obviously loud enough to attract the attention of the whole room.
Michael was ticked that someone make him lose the game he was playing. Also he realized it was teacher a second too late. "Well, young Mister since you gotten everybody's attention by being a disruption, you're going to be given the first punishment of the school year."
On the inside Michael was freaking out but he choose to not let it show. "Yeah what you going do to me? Oh I'm so scared." He said with sarcasm dripping from his voice.
"First give me that phone." She said putting her hand out. "No, why would I go that?" Michael spits. Ms. Blake clearly lost her patience said, "that it come with me." After taking the phone from him, she roughly grabs him by his bicep dragging him to the front of classroom. Pushing him over her desk cause him to put his hands out in front of him trying to catch himself which gives Ms. Blake the perfect opportunity lock him to the desk.
Turning back to the other students she announced, "Rude behavior especially towards a teacher isn't acceptable at any time. You may want to take note of this unless you like to end up in the same position as this young boy." As she finished there were sacred looks among the faces of various students. "Don't worry, you will learn the rules soon enough. Hopefully you won't end up here." She quickly added before turning back to Michael.
"I want you to apologize to me and Mr. Gifford for being rude and wasting our time." She states. Michael spits back, "I will never apologize to you." "Well, then I decided you deserve some spanks to wrack that attitude out of you." Ms. Blake says while grabbing some things from a drawer of her desk. Michael gruffs, "Like that ever work."
Roughly grabbing Michael's hair, Ms. Blake pulls his head back to reveal his neck as her clasps collar with a leash around it. "Let's make sure this is tight enough." She said as she slowly pulls the leash tot and watching Michael slowly not be able to breath. Michael desperately wanted claw the stupid collar off but since his hands were securely fasten to the desk he went for the next best thing, kicking his legs.
"I suggest you stop unless you like for me to tie your legs too." Ms. Blake said smart enough to know not to stand directly behind Michael. As soon as Michael stopped kicking she released the tension in the leash then proceeded to unbuttoned his pants. A feeling of uneasiness crept up Michael's back although he tried not show it while pushing away from Ms. Blake best he could tied up. "Wait just a fücking minute, what do you think you doing?" Michael roared. "Hang on, did I give you permission to speak?", Ms. Blake asks.

"Well no..."Michael starts. Ms. Blake cuts him off, "Exactly so there be no more talking unless I said so." "Screw you." Michael mumbles under his breath or so he thought. "Would you like more punishment?" Ms. Blake asks while pushing down both Michael's pants & his boxers. Michael shivers from the cold air now his lower half before replying, "No madam." Then he fell silence to not risk further punishment.
"Alright here's how it going to go. I'm going to spank you with this flexible ruler after every spank I want to apologize to me and Mr. Gifford. Do you understand?" Ms. Blake explained. Michael didn't response causing Ms. Blake to repeat louder, "I said do you understand?" "Yeah, I heard you but I won't do it." Michael snarls. "Well in that case..." Ms. Blake pulls the leash tot again while explaining, "I will just hold this leash here like this until you apology. Also failure to remember to apologize will also cause me cut you breathing until you apology." Finally she let loose on the leash saying, "let's begin. Shall we?"

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