Why Does bad things happen to good people?

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Luke's P.O.V.
I've in this room 5 seconds,5 minutes, 5 hours, well I don't really know how long but I feel the walls are closing on me. The room is spinning now, I swear I can't breathe. Come on remember what you were taught, breathe in though the nose, 1,2,3,4,5, out though the mouth, Ahh, forget it. This room is so cold that I feel I'm starting to see spots. And..................... nothing.

Ashton's P.O.V.
Well, I've been a wake for about an hour now just waiting to be to let out of this drafty room. It was cold but at least I had a bed to sleep on. Everything in this room is white, too white for my liking but I guess I'll just deal. Last night was such a blur, I don't remember much apart from having to strip and getting locked up in this room. Not even a moment later I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard that my door was being opened. Immediately I was greeted by Mr. Henderson. "Good Morning, Mr. Irwin. You have 5 minutes to Dress, then I'll escort you back to my office." Mr. Henderson said sharply.  Then he was gone leaving the door open. Quickly I made my way out to get my things when I noticed something out of the corner, Pengy. My attention is now drawn away from getting dressed as I'm racing across the hallway. But as soon as I get to Pengy, I can see Luke's door is open and He's is, what I guess, in a heap on the floor immediately I'm racing over, all the while praying to whatever higher being that he's not dead. When I'm finally by Luke's side I'm immediately checking for a pulse, that's when I notice just how cold he is. My worries start to come down as I find he has a really faint heartbeat. "Luke, mate if you can hear me please wake up." I said as I gently shake him in an attempt to get him to respond to me. Nothing happens. Great now my mind is racing with unpleasant thoughts try to think what could of happened to cause him to be like this. After couple more failed attempts to wake him, I slump to the ground pulling Luke in close to my body.  Man, he feels as cold as ice. This is definitely not good.

I sit there rubbing Luke's back trying to share what little body heat I had myself to warm him up. I finally noticed the room that Luke got to spend the night in. It was white just like my room but it has one big difference there was no bed which I thought was odd. Before I knew it Mr. Henderson, was standing in front of us, looking inpatient. Just before I could say anything, he said promptly "Stand up." Not knowing what would happen if I disobeyed, I quickly respond "Yes Sir." As I carefully placed Luke back onto the ground next to me then stood up. Mr. Henderson must have noticed my worried expressions for he said "Don't worry about him. I've already talked to the nurse and they're on their way to take him to the recovery room." I stood there frozen for the first time as far as I could remember. Sensing my uneasiness Mr. Henderson said, "You'll be able to visit him after I'm done with you, now come with me." He started to walk out of the room. Before he could make it out, I called out, "Hey what about my shirt?" Realizing that I was only half dressed. In a flash a shirt was tossed hitting me in the face, "Hurry up." Quickly I grabbed the shirt running to keep up with Mr. Henderson.

I struggled to get the shirt on while following him back to his office. Once inside he gestured to me to take a seat before going to his chair behind the desk. "Mr. Irwin, I'm quite sure you would like to know why I chose to assign you and Mr. Hemmings  to a night in isolation but before I explain, I just want to apologize for my behavior towards you last night. My frustration with Mr. Hemmings and everything else on my mind last night was not a valid excuse to take a vantage of you not even for part of your punishment. I don't expect you to forgive me anytime soon, but I hope with time we can put that incident behind us." I sat there in bewilderment, it definitely takes a lot of courage for a dom to ask forgiveness and I'm guessing even harder for someone like Mr. Henderson. "With all honesty Sir, I don't remember much about last night and since I know that it takes a lot of courage and guts for a dom to admit when they done something wrong, I like to forgive and forget last night too." I say as thoughtfully as I can. I'm honestly telling the truth about last night. I don't really remember anything except for a few pieces if focus hard enough. I know my mind is blocking everything out and I want to keep it that way.

"Well thank you Mr. Irwin, if you can behave then you and I will definitely be able to get along just fine. Now with that out of the way I'd like to talk about the real matter at hand, isolation rooms." My thoughts started drifting back to poor Luke, I hope he's going to be alright. "Isolation room were use a long long time ago as punishment for misbehaving subs. Back before computers and the sub/dom test wasn't as accurate as it is now. We only had about a 75% to 85% success rate of putting people in to the right class. So some subs that were supposed to be Doms just struggled with their training and some to the point of almost hurting others. So the isolation rooms were created. You probably noticed the difference between your room and Mr Hemmings, you got a bed when He didn't, right?" "Yeah" I said unsurely. "Well some subs need to be completely isolated with nothing as not hurt themselves where as others that didn't misbehave could be trusted with a bed. Now that computers give us more accurate testing we hardly ever use those rooms."

This is stupid why would I ever need this "history" lesson   "I seem to be rumbling, why am I telling you this? I honestly don't know. But it been brought to my attention that you too misused your power as a Dom in training, as I put it, Mr. Clifford. Tell me am I wrong?" Mr. Henderson asked. What in the world is he talking about I definitely don't recall doing anything super wrong or at lest I don't think I did anything wrong. "I honestly have no idea what your referring to, sir." I said as confidently as I could. "Well when dealing with Mr. Clifford, last night I noticed some bad bruising and when I asked him about it he said you caused it. Did you use any after care?" "Aftercare? What is that?" I asked. I am also a little bit shocked that I went overboard on punishing Michael but what does after care have to do with this. "Well aftercare how you treat someone after a scene, session, or a punishment and obviously since you had no understanding of aftercare, I'm revoking all your rights as a dom....."

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