Mr. & Mrs. Watkins Part 2

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broknsatellite gets this dedication I've enjoy reading comments her has left.

Ashton's P.O.V
I'm so going make him regret ever disobeying. I'm already sick of his behavior and this only the first day with him. I warmed him up with a few smacks of my hand. Then real punishment began.

Michael's P.O.V
Click-clack sounds filled my ears causing my heartbeat to speed up. Ashton was removing his belt. Turning around I tried to plead with Ashton not use the belt. It's not that I don't like the belt or it brings back bad memories, it's just that I've gotten in trouble once or twice as kid so my dad has used the belt on me. I know this going to sting like a bitçh and to no prevail Ashton wouldn't let up. "Michael, turn around before I decide to worsen your punishment."

Not wanting have to take more hits than he was already planning on giving me already, slowly turned back around bracing myself for what was to come. "K, let's get that underwear down." Ashton said while pulling my underwear down. I flitched a little due the cold air now hitting my exposed bum. "Hey, stay still or you will be regretting it." I heard Ashton said while rubbing my bum.

Then all too soon his hand disappeared and I felt the sting of the belt. Since it took me by surprise so I naturally jumped but I mentally cured myself after Ashton whacked me again saying, "move again and you'll be getting extra hits."

I tried to hold still but after about the tenth hit I couldn't take it more & jumped slightly. "I thought I told you to hold still" Ashton said while accenting each word with a whack.

I jumped each time during those hits. "You know what just turn around." Ashton commanded. "What, no." I spate back. "Excuse me. What did you just said to me?" Ashton demanded. "You heard me, no I will not turn around." I sassed. "That it's you just earned yourself more hits to the cock." Ashton said as took by my ear turned me around. Again ouch.

As Ashton was flipping me around I heard the oohs of the other Doms and could see the terrified looks on many of the Subs. I almost felt bad that the had to witness this but not sorry enough that I was willing to submit to Ashton. I needed to stay strong to who I am. I, Michael Clifford submit to nobody that's just not in my nature.

Ashton's P.O.V.
I'm so going to make him pay wishing that he just kept his mouth shut. Finally I got Michael flipped to my liking. "Alright let's get this started." I said as I pulled my hand back. Then all too soon the crack of belt was heard and it making contract with Michael's cöck. Before I could get other hit in, Michael winced quickly covering his cöck. "No, more please." Michael pleaded trying not to show his wreaking spirit. "Move your hands now, Michael" I demanded trying not to feel sorry for him. "No, I'll be good" Michael tried again. I'm not dumb so I don't believe his words.

I took a moment before I remembered seeing a hook of sorts above the white board. Turning back to teachers I asked, "what is this hook for?" "Ah, that's for some of our bondage practices." Mr. Watkins said "Well do you mind if I use it?" I asked. "No not at all." Mr. Watkins said while getting a piece of rope out of his desk then tossing it to me.

Once receiving the rope and turning back to Michael, I made quick work of tieing one of Michael's wrist to one end of the rope then looping the other end though the hook before tieing it to his other wrist. "Now you can't put your hands in my way." I started again "I want you to count each one."

Michael just spited in my face before saying, "never!" "Well. Then. I. Guess. I'll. Just. Hitting. This. Cock. Until. You. Cooperate." I said smacking his cock after each word.

Well I guess that got though to him when I heard him shout, "alright, alright I'll count." "K. Let's begin again."

Whack "one" Whack "two" Whack "three" Whack "four"

Michael's P.O.V
Those Whacks, that I counted, continued until it reach ten additional smacks. Beside my cock really hurting, every time I attempted to protect myself from the harsh blows I would forget that my hands were tethered together so pulling one down brought the other one up. My wrists were getting really sore too. Eventually Ashton said my punishment was over but before he would release me he wanted me apologize to our teachers and thank him for being nice enough to put me back in my place. Like No Way on earth would I ever apologize.

"How No and you just let me go! What did I ever to deserve this kind of treatment?" I spat. "Well you'll best be hanging around." Ashton stated while jogging to his backpack.

"K, while Ashton finishes dealing with that troublemaker. Let's get the rest of you guys paired off." Mrs. Watkins said taking the attention off me and now returning Ashton. Ashton has something concealed behind his back which I can only guess can't be something good. "Since you keep running your mouth, I've got something that should help you keep it shut." Ashton said as he revealed a ball gag.

No way I'm I letting him put that in my mouth. Who knows where that thing has or the germs it has. So what if I am a bit of germaphobe at least I feel safer knowing my hands are clean after washing them around 20 times a day. "K, be a good boy and open that pretty mouth for me." Ashton commanded. "Hmm, nmm." I replied with my lips sealed tight. "Come on, we can do this the easy way or the hard way."

"Hmm, nmm" and shook my head.
"Well, I guess we'll do it the hard way." Then suddenly I felt the air slowly being squeezed out of me, making it quite the struggle to breathe. I tried to keep my mouth shut for as long as possible but with my twiddling air supply, I couldn't hold on. Then all to soon I gasped for air which was the wrong thing to do as it gave Ashton the prefect advantage point to stuff the gag into my mouth. Wriggling and squirming I did just about everything I could think of keep Ashton from tighten the gag around my mouth but I had no such luck. "There. Don't you wished you had just been a good boy?" I just shook my head. "No, well then just so you know I do not enjoy hurting my sub but if the only way they'll learn I will."

Exhaust and fatigue was starting to take over my body the longer I had to hold my arm above my head. "I'm going to untie you but don't you dare defy me, taking that gag out." Finally I'm getting what I want. Angry red marks litter my wrists, I guess I was pulling too hard. I didn't get much time inspect my wrists because I was soon pushed to my knees. By this point I finally realized that we weren't doing the assignment that everybody else was doing. So attempt to ask Ashton what we were supposed to since I could speak by looking at the teachers then back at Ashton then repeating that action. "We going things a little different than everyone else. Since you don't have use of your voice I'm going do most of the talking. If don't like something and need me to stop then, since you still have use of your hands, can place your hands flat on my upper thighs. I promise I'll not continue until you remove your hands."

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