Music Class

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It looked like us  four, Calum, Luke, Ashton, and me, had the next two classes together and thank heavens they just extracurricular ones. We're in now in some sort of music class and the teacher is just droning on about rhythm or something like that. As you probably could tell I'm not paying attention. I just want to get to playing instruments. "Hey when are we going to be playing instruments?" I ask nudging Ashton.

"Weren't you playing attention this music theory and I quote 'if you are looking to be playing instruments then you come to the wrong class.'" Ashton said. "Ugh", I sigh. "You better knock off that attitude right now,I won't hesitate to spank you again." Ashton warned.

Just then Calum turned to me, "hey what's your problem? You're giving subs like me a bad name." How dare he said that I'm so not a problem. "Leave me alone" I seized back.

"Hey is there something going on that the four of you would like to share with the class?" Ms. Thompson asked. "No, Ms. bitch." I mumble under my breath just as I noticed both Ashton and Luke giving me harsh glares. Luke looks like he wants to strangle me. And Ashton has this weird look that I'm guessing means did you really just say that you know I would of handled it. "You know what all four of you can go to the dean's office." Ms. Thompson decided. Ashton just sighed and gathered his things along with Calum as Luke said, "Why me I didn't do anything wrong."

Ms. Thompson looked at her clipboard (probably looking at a class roll) before speaking again, "Mr. Hemings, I suggest that you don't back talk elder doms. It could get you in a lot of trouble and here even revoking your dom title." "Sorry, ma'am" Luke said regretfully. And I don't think I've ever seen any dom look as down tottered as Luke did in my entire life. "Now you four scoot, so I can get back to my lesson. " Ms. Thompson said handing us, well technically Ashton, a note to give the headmaster, I guess.

We quietly and quickly made our way out of the room and up to the dean's office. (Ashton made sure that we actually followed though in going to the office) we were first greeted by a nice secretary that asked why we're here Ashton simply said that we were sent to see Mr. Henderson and showed her the note. She took it saying that she let him know that we were here and to have a seat while we waited.

We waited for, what it seemed to me, hours upon hours on end in these every uncomfortable plastic chairs. Eventually the secretary came back and said that Mr. Henderson would like to see all of us now. We filled into his office quietly. I was quite scared, even though I didn't let it show, as to what kind of punishment we would be getting. Looking at the others I guess they were scared too not if more scared than me.

"Well boys, you're in serious trouble. Interrupting your class, swearing to a teacher, disrespecting an elder dom and above all refusing direct orders." Mr. Henderson said.

[This chapter goes out to @broknsatellite as she(?) helping me with a new cover for this book]

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