Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

Real Nightmare

~Skilar's POV~

It was the horrible gut-wrenching scream/howl that I had heard merely seconds earlier in my dream. Only this time it was not a hundred yards away, but a few feet.

I pulled the covers over my head childishly thinking it would protect me. But something inside me told me to get up ,but be careful.

Slowly moving the covers down from my face and off my body. I swung my legs off bed and slid off. My feet felt the wooden floor beneath me. I looked around my room and then something happened.

It was like someone turned a light on, but the light switch was still off. It hit me. I was seeing in the dark, but how? I wasn't "connected" to my wolf yet.

I moved slowly towards my bedroom door. I reached for the doorknob then someone or something said 'Wait. Don't go out yet. Listen.'

I moved my hand away from the doorknob and placed my ear on the door and listened.

"Where is she?!" A raspy voice demanded.

"If you touch her I will rip your throat out!" My mother said allowing venom to run through her words.

"Now. Now Ashley. Calm down." The same hoarse voice said.

They began to speak ,but I couldn't make it out. Then a loud crash and more loud threatening growls. They were fighting most likely to the death, because knowing my mom no one threatened her family and got away with it.

I flinched away not wanting to hear the claws ripping flesh and teeth snapping, but I forced my self to put my ear back as I did I heard footsteps. They were getting louder and closer. I backed up quickly from the door.

It swung open. A horrible smell entered the room. It was like a mixture of a dumpster filled with rotten eggs and meat and spoiled milk.

A woman with dirty blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail stood at the entrance of my bedroom. The smell was coming from her.

I looked into her eyes. They were a black soulless pit. She smiled an evil smile that showed all of her pointed teeth.

A quick flash and she was gone.

I heard loud snarls come from down the hall. Then silence. Footsteps moving back to my room. I moved backwards until I felt my back hit my bed. I was stuck. I was so filled with fear I could hear my heart beating in my ears. Everything went into slow motion.

A figure appeared. I couldn't make out who it was because my tears were blinding me. They were covered in red and black substance. I knew that the red stuff was blood ,but what was the black?

"Skilar?" My brothers voice asked full of concern.

I felt his arms pick me up. He walked out of my room a down the hall. I looked up and watched the pictures of my family pass by. I couldn't look anymore, so I hide my face from the eyes looking at me from the photos. He turned a corner and headed down the stairs.

We were in the living room. He still held me in his arms. My face was buried in his shoulder. I heard something. My mother's voice.

I looked up hoping to see her that is when I saw it.

A hand. It was covered in blood and was sticking out of my father's office. It laid there motionless, lifeless. I knew who it belong to.

My father. It wore the same wedding band that had belonged to my grandfather and my great grandfather.

"Ryan! Get her out of here! You know where to go!" She said out of breath, "Go!!"

I turned to look at the woman who was so concerned. The woman who I called mom. The one who loved me so much . She was covered in a black liquid that smelt like the woman who had entered my room earlier. She had 3 parallel cut across her stomach and one going across her cheek and blood smearing her makeup.

She then looked at me. I could see she was scared. She opened her mouth and said the one thing I didn't want to here "I love you sweetheart." I knew she was really saying goodbye.

And with that she turned around and shifted into her brown wolf. They attacked one another. I couldn't look at the monsters ripping their claws through my mom ,so buried my face into Ryan's shirt.

He tightened his grip on me. I felt Ryan begin to run. He halted and picked something up off the ground.

The front door opened and I felt the cool breeze run over my body. I heard the door open.

He puts me down in the backseat. He throws what he must have picked up ,a book bag, in the seat beside me. I look up at him. I can see it in his eyes he is scared and really hurting. He shuts the door and runs around to the driver seat and gets in.

"Shit!" He says slamming his fists into the steering wheel.

He turns around to me.

"Ski, I forgot the keys inside. Stay here and stay low. I will be right back." He says using an alpha tone.

Before I have time to answer he is already out of the car and back in the house.

'Get low.' A voice in my head says so I do.

Just as a duck my head a black hulking figure begins to circle the car. It drags its claws around the edge of the car creating a ear bleeding noise. It lifts its head and smells the air. It makes its way over to my side of the car.

It begins to lift itself up to see into the car. When BAM! It slams hard into the side of the car and rocked it. I scream but immediately cover my mouth with my hand.

I look out of the car to see a dark grey wolf face to face with the dark figure. The grey wolf was just barely bigger than the other thing. I couldn't see very well ,but I knew thing the grey wolf was my brother.

My brother lunged for the monster and managed to latch onto its neck. He twisted hard and the monster whimpered. It then swung its claws and they went deep into Ryan's side. His eyes grew large with pain, but he didn't let go. He then dug his claws into the side of the opponent. He clamped his jaw harder and with one swift movement snapped its neck. The body slumped to the ground.

The wolf then looked at the car and swiftly moved towards it.

'Ski? You okay? I couldn't find the keys.' He said.

I looked at him my eyes wide. Did he just mind-link me?

"I-I did you just?" I said out loud.

'Yes. Now we have to go put the book bag on.' He answered.

"Bu-But... How?" I said confused.

'Not now Ski! Put it on.' He said in his alpha tone.

His eyes turned red. He was alpha now that dad was dead. I felt my heart drop at the thought of my father dead. I looked at him and did as he said. I grabbed the bookbag out of the seat. I slipped the straps over my shoulders.

'Buckle it.' He said.

I buckled the straps across my chest. I felt something lift me up. It was my brother. He had the bag part in his mouth.

The front door of the house swung open and the woman who had entered my room earlier was moving quickly towards us. So Ryan took of in a full on sprint down the street as fast as he could with me dangling from his mouth.

I could hear the footfalls of the woman behind us ,but she didn't speed up, she slowed.

Ryan turned his head taking me with him. She just stood there staring. Ryan turned his head back. And kept running forward and never looked back.


We had been on the run for hours it had to 8 or 9 in the morning and the attack was at like 12:30ish. Ryan hadn't mind linked me once the whole time ,you can imagine how bored I was.

I was so confused and had so many questions. Most of all my shoulders were hurting from all rubbing.

"Ryan?" I said not wanting to worry him.

'Yeah?' he asked.

I rubbed the straps of the book bag, "This is hurting me. Can we please stop?" I asked shyly.

He huffed and dug his paws into the damp forest floor. We were going so fast he had to dig his claws in the ground to stop us.

We finally came to a halt. Ryan lowered me to the ground and I sat down taking the bag off. He walked around to face me. The wolf then shifted back into the brother I knew and loved. He was wearing a black Under Armour shirt and crimson Under Armour basketball shorts. Some werewolf was tired of ripping clothes while shifting ,so he created a material that change with us and called it Under Armour and made a fortune.

He sat down in front of me out of breath and bleeding heavily from his side. He moved a hand to the wound and shook his head. His hair was matted with blood and the black liquid that came from the monsters.

"Look I know you have a lot of questions ,but right now we need to sleep. I will explain later." He said leaning back on a tree.

I got up and moved beside him. He put his arms around me. For that one moment I felt safe. I let my eyelids slid close.


Hi!! So I know this chapter may be a little confusing ,but please stick with me!!! Does the under Armour thing make since? If it doesn't I will be happy to explain it more!

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