Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Magic in the Smoke

~Skilar's POV~

Mags began to head outside. We all followed her filing out of the old home.

Outside the sun was high and there were clouds but none threatened us with rain. The grass was beginning to turn green. Trees surrounded the old brick home and the sound of a small creek ran near by. My there were no house or paved road near by. There was no sound of roaring engines or blaring horns, only the sound of birds chirping away. Alpha was no where to be seen. He probably went down the little worn path that was across the way.

Mags walked in front of the group. She stopped and looked around. She knelt to the ground were a fire pit was placed. She snapped her fingers and a fire began to steadily grow. She turned to us. "Let us begin." She said rubbing her hands together.

"We start first with how to take on the Dark Bloods." She said turning back to the fire.

"Austin, you first my boy." She said not looking at us.

"Mags, how do we practice if there is nothing to fight against?" Austin said.

Mags laughed lightly. "This is how." She said. The smoke from the fire began to dance around and grow darker and circle Austin. Then deep growls came from the thick smoke. Red eyes appeared in the circling smoke. It began to take the form of a Dark Blood.

Suddenly one leaped out at Austin. Austin morphed into his dark brown wolf. The smokey figure and Austin moved in a circle waiting for the first to strike. Then the smoke launched at Austin. It took Austin down hitting hard against the ground. It snapped it jaws near Austin point ear as Austin pushed it back with his front paws.

The smoke snapped its jaws onto Austin's outstretched arm. Austin howled in pain. That was enough me and my wolf couldn't take seeing this happen to our mate. I shifted into my wolf.

The instant I did another Dark Blood smoke thing jumped out of the air. It landed in front of me blocking me from Austin. It crouched low and snarled, so I did the same. It launched itself at me, but I was ready. I moved quickly letting it rush by. I locked my teeth into its hind leg.

It was strange something whole was in my grip, yet there was no taste, no blood. Still I kept my grip.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Becca and Alyssa had both shifted and about to join the practice fight. They leap near me. Alyssa took the smoke figures neck and slammed it into the ground as Becca moved on top of its rib cage. A crack sound came from the figure. Alyssa then in a swift movement snapped its neck.

The figure stopped and then transformed back into smoke, evaporating from underneath us. We all three looked up to see there were 5 new smoke figures around the boys. They were all shifted now and ready to attack.

'What are we waiting for?' Alyssa said as she headed toward one of the larger figures. Becca followed closely behind her. The boys toke this as a way to get there own. I was left with a smaller one. I launched toward it, but it was faster than I thought. It moved behind me. I turned as it moved to bite my leg. It jumped from my movement.

I looked around and saw a boulder. I had an idea. I headed towards the boulder knowing the smoke figure would be right on my tail. As we neared the boulder I slowed my pace wanting the figure as close to me as possible. I then jumped on the side of the boulder and came down on top of the figure. I locked my jaws on its neck and snap. It disappeared into the air.

I looked up to see every one had just finished of theirs also. Mags stood by the fading fire. She had a smile on her face. I looked at Becca and Alyssa. Becca looked fine, but Alyssa had a 4 claw mark across her snout.

Jake moved quickly to her looking at the wound he licked it and then growled deeply looking at Mags.

I moved to at Austin's wounds. I looked at them. I moved my head and ran my face next to his.

Jake had moved closer to Mags still growling deeply. "Calm, down liver boy. It isn't real, just like the smoke figures." She said as she snapped her figure the fire went out and all of out wounds were no longer there.

We all shifted back to our human forms. Austin and the guys were just wearing basketball shorts, showing their muscular perfect chests. We were wearing only sports bras and spandex. I couldn't help that my eyes were glued on Austin perfect body. His bare chest was amazing.

"Well, you guys are mates, that is for sure." She said laughing at us staring at one another.

Becca and Alyssa snapped out of it, their check turning red. But, I was kind of proud. I loves the fact Austin was mine, and mine only. I tore my eyes away from him, really not wanting to.

I walked over to him and stood beside him. He smiled at me and moved closer.

"Now we-" Mags said.

"What do we do now?" Austin said crossing his toned arms over his perfectly sculpted chest.

"We bring out you powers." Mags said.


Hey, so sorry I was late again! I hope you enjoyed reading this!! I really liked the whole battling smoke, that was pretty creative right?! I love writing this book!! I hope everyone is happy with it!! Please comment and vote!!!

Love ya!



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