Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

A Welcoming to Death

~Skilar's POV~

Jake and Trey walked carefully as they held the corpses in their arms. People had gathered on the street. They covered their faces and mouths keeping the look of pain as hidden as possible. Women cried out and children screamed as the men held them close. We walked closely behind them. Jake and Trey walked past the houses. The paved road soon became dirt as it lead into a field. A large hill sat in the middle that gently sloped down were a little house sat. As we walked closer I could see on the other side of the hill it fell steeply giving it the perfect overlook of the whole field.

We followed as they neared the house. The hill cast a small shadow on the building. The sides were dark with weeds growing up them. The windows were dark and cracked. The once blue paint was a fade sickly blue. The house must have been two hundred years old.

I knew what the house was. It was kinda like a funeral home. Inside they would let the family of the dead visit and then Death Welcomers would prepare the bodies for the ceremony. The thing is that they didn't embalm the bodies but painted them. Also wolves don't decompose they stay the same as when they died until the were burned or the shaw-man did some magic. The bodies would be burned when the moon was full.

Before we reached the door it opened. Two skinny women stood inside each next to a long table. Their eyes where a sickly pale color and the skin the color of paper. Their bones stuck out all over. Covering them were loose dresses that went to the ground dragging behind them. They each had a medallion on. One had a moon, the other a star each made of the black crystals. They were Death Welcomers almost every pack had at least one, however I had never seen one pack with two before. Death Welcomers were gifted in listening to the spirits. The spirits were said to instruct them on how to paint the bodies.

As Jake and Trey entered the women took their eyes off us and onto the tables. Jake laid the father down as Trey laid the son down. They backed away as the women neared the bodies. Jake walked away standing next to us near the door. Trey however stayed.

"He was your pup." She asked. "You were training him."

"Yes." Trey said lowly.

I understood. In some packs the older boys (18-20) would take in a young pup to help train and teach, kind of like an older brother. They weren't suppose to get to attached but that never happens.

The dark brown haired woman held out her hand and in the other she held a knife. Trey looked at the boy then at the knife. He held out his hand. She took it and ran it through his palm slicing it. Blooded ran out as he squeezed it into a fist letting a stream drip into a bowl. After the blood stopped he took his hand and rubbed the center, it was all healed. The woman bowed her head in thanks. Trey turned to look at Becca as pain and hate filled his eyes.

"When will they be ready?" Jake asked.

"Sunset." The women said simultaneously not looking up. The one standing over the father had already removed his shirt and was mixing her paint in an antique looking bowl. The other was cutting down the middle of the boy's shirt. I turned to leave with everyone behind me.

We were steps from the house when Jake and Trey stopped. Their eyes glazed over and it faded in seconds.

Jake snapped his head to the side to look at Alyssa.

"Austin wants us to hurry back." He said.

We all took off in a sprint back to the house leaving the little house with the two women and the two dead wolves. It was only a few hours until sunset the the ceremony would begin.


We neared Alpha's house. Inside I could see meeting taking place in Alpha's study. We walked in and I was proven right. Older people, the bones I saw the first day we got here, stood in the study. They were talking vigorously about something. Then a saw Austin leaned against the wall behind his father. Alpha was sitting at his desk his hand interlaced with each other. As he listened. What were they talking about?

I hadn't realized that I had stopped moving and was staring right into the office. Austin glanced up and our eyes met. He opened his mouth but the study door was suddenly slammed. I jolted back surprised. I looked around to see that everyone else was in the kitchen.

I walked in to Alyssa and Becca arguing with the boys about how sushi is way better than spaghetti. I sat on a barstool next to Alyssa.

"What was that all about?" She asked as Becca still argued their case to the boys who were digging through a book of takeout menus.

"I am not sure. All I saw was Austin and Alpha and those elders we saw when we first got here." I said leaning my chin on my hand to look her direction.

"Were the arguing?" She asked.

"It looked like it, but didn't sound like it. I don't know they weren't yelling but they look irritated at something." I said think back.

"What was it about?" She asked.

"Not quiet sure." I said.

"Well I guess we will find out later at the ceremony." She said.

"Fine we will get sushi." Trey said giving into his persistent mate.

Becca laughed and winked at him playfully.


Hi, guys! So what did ya think about this chapter? I hope you enjoyed! Oh, and thank you so much for all the votes!! I am so thankful to you all! I hope you keep reading!!

Love ya!



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