Chapter 1

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When I stepped out into the bright hallway from the darkness of apartment, I had two things on my mind: Sandi Jackson and my dream. I was wishing I looked like my mother--- she had chocolate brown hair and eyes like two pieces of pale blue icicles. And I don't--- but I guess my own looks aren't so bad. I have blonde hair and gray-green eyes like my father when he was alive. My hair flows straight down my back to just below the center of my spinal cord.
      I ran into my friend, Stella Travis on my way to the store and we went out an got breakfast. Stell is five-foot-six, skinny, and beautiful. She has dark brown hair with natural blonde highlights. Her eyes are very rare shade of purple. They somehow manage to be Reckless and thoughtful at the same time which goes perfectly with her sensitive personality . But my favorite thing about star is not her charm, but the fact that she reminds me so much of my mother. My parents died in a accident when I was 14, leaving they would take care of my younger brother Jason. that was four years ago. I loved my mother so very much. She was a listener. She would listen to people's dreams and stories and understand everything. Stella is the same way she just don't display her talent to the world. I told her about my dream........

       I was standing in a forest clearing, the sky looks like it had just rained. It's like a bird flying overhead showing the dark silhouette. I saw man standing there looking at me. He had pure black hair, pale skin and was dressed in a black suit. when he came closer,  I noticed two things, his eyes were black with white in the center and he was saying something, but no sound was coming out. I could feel its breath against my neck . He put his hand on my cheek and mouthed something that I couldn't understand. He started to fade and then the dream was gone.........
Star was looking down at our table.

--Whats the matter?     She just looked up. Stell said she didn't know what my dream meant, so we talked and laughed for hours. Finally, we had to go home so we set up our next hangout date and then we went home.
I walked into my apartment, unpacked my groceries and went to change. I stopped when I reached my room. I heard something fall so stood there listening, until my cat Oscar started rubbing up against my leg. I pet him for a minute or two then went on with my business.
--Holy Shit!! Who the Hell are you?--
     There was a man relaxing on my bed. The man opened his eyes and gave me a sly smile. He got up and walked towards me, I stepped back with my arms crossed.
"It's alright , my names Ace. Ace Valdez." He said abruptly stopping with his arms extended out , revealing his perfect chest under his sweatshirt.
--What are you doing I'm my room? How did you get in here?
--Second questions easy, you left your door unlocked and open a little ways.--As for the first, I've admired you since I saw your lovely face in the paper a few years back, highest academics in the state. Chemistry if I remember correctly?(Wow! Stalkerish much!)--Yes. But that does not answer my question. What are you doing in my room?--I asked my niece were you lived and she told me you owned a apartment here.  It dawned on me that this man looked familiar, but I could swear I never seen this man in my life! He had emerald green eyes and brown hair .The man had a green sweatshirt, a gray muscle shirt, and a pair of dark blue jeans on.
--You look familiar but I swear I have never met you. --
--Ah Yes. But that would be my brother your thinking of. ----Oh.--      We stood there in complete silence until finally Oscar came up to me and asked for some food. I picked him up and went to feed him. There was broken glass scattered across the floor , so I cleaned it up and headed back to interrogate Ace some more.
Ave was sitting on the edge of my bed reading something.
--What are you reading?----"Oh, just my passport. Anymore questions?"--he glanced up at me.--Yes, First, did you break my vase? And Second, what do you want from me?"--"Yeah Sorry, your cat was on the counter, so when I picked it up, my arm knocked it over and off the counter. I'd be honored if you would come back to London with me! What do ya say? Yes?"        -- "Sorry, but no thanks. I mean I've always dreamed of seeing London but I need to stay here were I belong.----" Oh!"-- Ace said as he looked down at his hands disappointed.   --"Troy" he said with regret,"I was hoping you would come back with me the easy way but I see know that, that will not be the case. You see, unless you come back with me or something terrible could happen."----"What are you talking about?" I said, backing towards the bathroom door. He started walking towards me.           
I ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. Waiting for him to give up, I sat with my back against the bathroom door and listened for a sign that the man had given up and left but no such sign was given. Finally after what seemed like hours, I got up and peeked out my door.
To my surprise, he was gone. When I opened the door more, I could hear Oscar hissing close by. Since when does he hiss? I thought to myself. Then I realized, he can't be hissing at me. It was to late when I realized who he was hissing at.
Ace grabbed my arm and threw me away from the bathroom and towards my bed. My head cracked off the bedpost. The last thing I saw was him locking the bathroom and bedroom door, then everything went black....

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