Chapter 9

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The next day was so beautiful it didn't seem fair. Jaxx had never returned that night but really we didn't expect him to. Everytime we passed through the bedroom, we'd see the stain on the floor and we kept trying to forget what that stain meant but it kept coming back to us. Ethan came down with a mysterious sickness a few days later but no matter how hard i tried to convince him to go to the clans doctors, he refused. Then one night he went out to feed Rex and Tank and i found him in a coma on the ground 20 minutes later. I called the doctors and they rushed out. They left one person there to take care of the dogs and we all rushed to the pack house and they took scans. The doctors couldn't tell me what was wrong with him so i had to just wait. Annoyed.

I never left his side for a month. Even when i came in heat again id growl at anyone who came near except the doctors or Jaxx. Now Jaxx was a new experience. I had never met anyone quite like him. He was tall, courageous, smart, handsome, kind, talented, and stubborn. We became good friends, well as good a friends we could be with the circumstances. Finally one day Ethan moved. I near jumped out of my skin when i felt a finger brush my arm. I was about to call the doctors when he gripped my arm so hard he shattered my bone. I cried out in pain but didn't move as he continued to tighten his hand. His eyes shot open and he salt bolt upright in his bed and let go. I scrambled out of my chair and cradled my arm on the floor. His eyes widen and he tries to get out of bed to help but i jump up and flinchingly push him back against the pillows against his protests. I tell him to stay quiet and don't move as i go get the doctors. The doctor sees my arm and attempts to get me to go have one of our healers heal it but i refuse and follow him into the rom ethan is in. He looks at me apologetically and i smile and give him a thumbs up confusing him and i give in and go get it healed.


Jaxx meets me in the hall on the way back to Ethan's room and looks at me horrified. He reaches his hand out for mine and i take it to comfort him and when his hand goes into mine hundreds of images relay into my mind. The man from my dreams all that time ago was the major focal point of the images and i let go of his hand. One message was clear. He was searching for me and soon, he'd find me. I look at Jaxx nervously and he nods his head once and runs away. I realized at that very moment just how special Jaxx really is and just how BAD of an enemy he would be to have. I continue on my walk to Ehans room nervously replaying images in my mind.

"- it could be in her now, we must do scan to makes sure. It may not have killed you sir but she hasn't even shifted yet, it WILL kill her" the doctor says quietly. Now i know it was wrong to eavesdrop but i dare you not to listen in when a doctor is talking about you to your mate. I stood by the door frozen as the doctor ept talking. " Sir, i know you want to protect her but she must know" Ethan says something i can't make out and the doctor responds "Yes sir i know but just know that the infection was in your blood when you switched her, it could very possibly be in her now. " Ethan looks away. "Either we find a way to give her the test soon or she will die. " the doctor says. Ethan starts to respond when i scream in horror. I fall to the floor my bones cracking and moving under my skin. Ethan appears seconds later next to me and gingerly picks me up. The bones stop moving for a few minutes. I cry out as my spine snaps and heals into a new position, my skin moves over my cracking and mending bones ripping my clothes to shreds. Ethan rus, carrying me, out of the building and into the woods. He puts me on the ground and shifts . He backs up and sits five feet away from me. My bones settle into a new form a d hair starts growing over me. I collapse onto the ground, now a pure white wolf. Ethans howls in worry and rushes over to me. He nudges me with his nose a d i look at him not able to move. Jaxx's wolf comes running into the clearing. He sees me and stops relieved and tell Ethan that my coat is beautiful then runs away again. I grunt and get up and step towards Ethan. Ethan looks at me surprised and stays put. I take another step forward and he back up putting more distance between us. He tells me to keep coming towards him and i turn and start walking away feeling hurt because he backed away. He jumps in front of me and looks at me sadly. I yelp when he suddenly bites me and run past him deeper into the woods. He follows. His wolf tackles mine and i fall onto the ground. His wolf rolls off me and looks ta me worried. I get mad and growl at him. His beautiful eyes widen and he quickly tells me he is just trying to help. I huff and turn and run around in a crazed frenzy, enjoying the power and adrenalin i got from the pounding of my paws on the ground. Ethan runs along with me and we take off deeper into the woods our paws hitting the dirt side by side in an hypnotic rhythm. A couple of wolves join us. We all howl as they join the rhythm of our paws then they vear off to the left. Ethan and i keep going forward and i only slow when Ethan runs ahead and stops. He is sitting at the edge of a cliff looking over a huge forest of pine trees, the sun setting in the distance. I stop next to him and he moves closer to me. I lay down and look over the forest and setting sun. Ethan licks my muzzle and i look at him both of our eyes glowing with happiness. He gets up and gently pushes my shoulder with his paw. I lay on my side and gently touch him with my paw. Playfully he nudges my shoulder with his nose and growls gently. I get up and run back into the woods. Ethan follows and sees me stop. I turn and howl happily at him and go behind a tree. He stars to follow then stops. I shift back into human form and peak around the tree. Ethan is nowhere to be seen. I look at the tree sadly and happily cry out in surprise as he wraps his arms around my waist and bites my shoulder. He laughs behind me and pushes me against the tree He steps up behind me and misses the side of my neck. I growl softly and he turn me to facing him. I blush. He kisses me and pushes me harder against the tree. He runs his hands all over my skin and down my stomach. When his palm reaches my abdomen he pushes his fingers inside me and deepens the kiss. I growl gently as he pulls away from the kiss. He takes his fingers out and traces circles around my skin and against my stomach holding me hard against the tree with the other. I look up into his eyes and they are a deep black. It's like staring into an abyss. He picks me up by my hips my back scraping the tree and pushes himself into me. I grip his shoulder as he picks me up and SLAMS me down against him. I gently cry out and he kisses me continuously picking me up and slamming me back down. We move like this for what feels like hours. Me tracing him, him slamming himself into me, my back scrapping raw against the tree, me tracing him, him slamming harder in to me. He emptied himself and we rocked against each other and slide to the ground. I lay against him looking up at the stars my back already starting to heal itself. "We have to head back. People are gonna start searching soon" Ethan says holding me in his arms. I close my eyes, kiss his cheek and shift. He shifts with me and we head back. We reach the building a few minutes later and he run upstairs not caring who sees us. Ethan jumps on his childhood bed and relaxes then i join him and he covers us and we fall to sleep cuddled against one another.

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