Chapter 2

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Sorry it takes so long for me to publish each chapter, i can only work on the when i go to my aunts house which is only 3 days about every 2 or 3 months. 


     When I woke up, I was lying under my bed covers with a damp cloth over my eyes. I ripped it off and looked to my side. Ace was sitting in a chair at the opposite side of the room reading one of my books. When I started moving he looked up and smiled.
"There you are, I was gettin worried I'd given you brain damage or something. Your lighter than I thought my dear."
" Yeah, thanks for throwing me" I say sarcastically rubbing the side of my head.
" No problem, babe." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and went to leave my room but my doors were locked.
I spun around and glared at him with my arms crossed.
"Well how long do you intend to keep me locked in my room, pervert?!?"
He stood up and walked over to me with a grin, " Just long enough forms to make sure your feeling fine, my love.
"STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!! Maybe you haven't realized , but I know who you are, Ace and if you think that you are going to demand anything from me after you killed my brother and you are going to get it, you have got another thing comming buddy"
Ace looked at me with surprise, then it turned to anger. Ace tackled me and varied me bridal style to my bed were he dropped me. Before I could move a muscle, he was hovering above me on the bed. My eyes wide, I struggle against him trying to prevent the inevitable.
"SO YOU KNOW WHO I AM DO YOU, WELL SORRY TO TELL YOU SWEATY, MY NAME IS ACE NOT NICKOLUS!  I did not kill your brother, as I told you before that was my brother. He killed your brother, not me! Oh and you know what, now that you have called me a perv. I just might. You know very well that I could rape you at the snap of my fingers, but I didn't, did I? Exactly, I was trying to gain your trust, but I'm done trying. You are comming to London with me whether you like it or not. I'm not gonna loose you to. So deal with it." he said as he stormed out of my room locking the door behind him.
I lay there in my bed and cry myself to sleep.
When I woke up, Ace was lying next to me. I tried to scramble away but he rapped an arm around my waist.

" Please don't go. We need to talk, please." He begged
He lets go of me and I lean against my head board.
Ace looked down at his hands and stayed quiet for a little while.

He told me about his brothers motives to kill my brother and that his brother was originally going to kidnap me and torture me because Ace loved me. He confessed his odd love for me and were it began. He told me that nick was after me again and thats why I have to go to london with him.

"Alright, Ill go with you on one condition, he wont go after anyone else out of anger. "  

Ace walked out of the room while I called Stell.

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