Chapter 7

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The next morning I woke too shouting.

Ethan was in the kitchen with another man arguing about something. I walked up to the doorway and thats when I saw the dagger. The strange man had a dagger in his hand that he had just pulled out of his sleeve from behind his back and threw it at Ethan. It sank with a thud into his chest and Ethan dropped to the floor.

I went to go help but as i passed the man, he grabbed my arm and threw me into the wall.

Before I knew it, he had me braced against the wall, my hands held over my head and a hunting knife held to my throat. "Where is she" he demanded gripping my hands tighter. I didn't say anything back to him, until he picked me up and ran out of the house with me. I called the dogs and they came bounding towards me. The man threw me into the ground and grabbed my crawling body and pinned me with his weight onto the ground and bite the front of my throat. He drank until i couldn't move anymore then grabbed me and ran faster than any man has ran before. But was he a Man? At the time i couldn't tell.The trees around us seemed to shimmer as he ran faster and faster. The suddenly they stopped moving. The man put me down and gently licked the wound on my neck then i blacked out......

I woke up covered in blood not able to move anything and barely alive. Ethan was in full on battle with the man who had kidnapped me. One minute I could see his form the next I could see a wolf.Ethan shoved his hand into the other mans chest and ripped his heart out. Ethan crushed the heart under his foot then turning back into a wolf, rips the mans throat out. Ethan got up and came over to my side. He bite his wrist open and gently put the blood to my lips and force fed me it then carried me the long distance back to his house.


I woke up to the smell of wet pine needles and fur. A huge wolf was laying next to me, looking intently at me. I couldn't move. I didn't know where i was and the beast next the me just sat there looking at me, almost like it was expecting something to happen. I started getting up, my entire body was tingling and numb and I had a splitting headache. The wolf gave a low growl when i tried to stand, then just watched me as i wobbly made my way over to the dresser next to the door. I looked into the mirror and gasped.

My hair was light brown and my face was more slender. My skin was darker than usual and my eyes were a light golden brown color. They were beautiful. My lips were fuller and i seemed fitter, stronger. Then i saw movement to my left. The wolf jumped off the bed and stalked towards me. Terror filled my heart and veins as it stops next to me. I slowly stepped farther away from it but stopped when i heard a loud crack then popping noises. My heart stopped. I looked to my left and saw the bones of the wolf breaking. holding back a scream i watched as its fur receded into its skin revealing a man in his hands and knees on the floor. The man slowly got up and looked at me. I looked away wide eyed after realizing that it was Ethan and he had nothing on. I still couldn't walk so all i could do was stand there while he got dressed then cleared his throat.
But i refused to look at him.  He stands behind me and turns my face towards the mirror. instead of looking i close my eyes. "Troy please look at me, im dressed. i promise, just please open your eyes" he says as he moves his hand from my face to my stomach sending a shock through my body and making my eyes open. I meet his eyes in the mirror and blush. It was Ethan but he looked even more attractive and handsome than before, even though he was just the same. His eyes where glowing green and he was smiling "im surprised you didn't recognize the wolf. " He smirks at my silence and steps closer. I let out a growl my eyes widening and i cover my mouth. Ethan looks at me shocked then smiles and answers the growl with his own. My eyes start glowing and i let out a cry and look away not recognizing myself in the mirror.

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