Chapter 5

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I woke up to Ace gently shaking my arm. He put his hand over my mouth and points to a Jaguar slowly stalking towards us. I let out a small squeal and hold still watching the animal as it reaches the blanket growling quietly. Ace keeps his hand on my mouth and moves to a crouch like position making the animal growl louder. The Jaguar pounces and lands next to me making me jump. The animal claws at me and bats testingly at Ace. Ace enters into a full crouch, closes his eyes and seconds later a huge wolf charges out of the woods and attacks the jaguar but not before it claws Ace across the cheek making a deep long gash and sending him back. Ace wipes his face on his arm, not seeming to care about the blood. He looks me over and see's the two claw marks through my shirt and on my arm, where the animal landed. Ace takes my hand and runs pulling me behind him back to the house, pulls me into the bathroom and rips my shirt to clean the wound on my side and arm. When he opens my shirt i recoil and hesitate then let him continue. Ace's blood drips onto my jeans as he works on the wound below my ribs, making a big stain on my jeans. I take a rag and put it on my cheek making him jump and look at me. I gently put the rag back to his cheek. " Ace i'm fine, this is bad we have to clean it." Ace looks at the rag in my hand and shakes his head and keeps cleaning my cut. I push him away and close my shirt pointing to his cheek. Ace growls at me his eyes dark and then gives in and lets me clean out the gash on his cheek. I finish all the time watching Aces eyes change from color shade to color shade. I let go of his face and put a dry cloth to his cheek making him flinch then he grabs my cut arm and gets back to work unfaltering on cleaning the wound. He works like a doctor trying to save the patients life, making me nervous. " Are you alright? i mean I've never seen anyone so intent on treating a cut like this one" I say angling myself to look into his now black eyes. Ace remains silent and wraps my arm with a bandage then takes off his shirt, gives it to me and walks out of the room. I watch him go, then put his shirt on and follow him around the corner. He's sitting on the couch looking down at his hands and i walk up and put my hand on his shoulder. Ace looks up at me quickly then takes my hand in his and stands. Ace looks down at me and smiles, his eyes green again. " I'm sorry Troy, i didn't know that would happen." he says looking away. I look up at him and gently turn his face so he's looking at me then i smile at him and kiss his uninjured cheek. Ace laughs and looks at me astonished, "You didn't even notice did you!" Ace smiles and kisses me roughly then pulls away quickly looking at me apologetically making me laugh and he smiles happily and kisses me again. There is a knock on the door and Ace puts his hand on my cheek then goes to answer it. A tall man with deep blue eyes enters the room, glancing at me then quickly looking away while he talks to Ace. Ace looks hard at him and the man stops talking. They walk into the room and the man smiles at me, not looking me directly in the eyes. Ace introduces him as a friend of his called Blu. Ace tells me that he lives nearby and was passing by the house and decided to stop by to talk. I looked at Ace and then at Blu. I try to get Blu to say something but he just stands somewhat behind Ace then says something to Ace and looks at me. " I'm gonna get going know, have a nice day " he says out loud and then turns and leaves. Ace smiles and walks over to me then tells me he's just a quiet person then goes to make breakfast. He smiles when i walk over to him, handing him a few eggs he asked for, taking my hand Ace gently bites it in thanks. I laughed and walk away and go feed Tank and Rex. Rex runs up to me and jumps on me licking my face and Tank pushes Rex over and starts playing with him. They were Ace's two-year-old Great Danes and they were the most adorable dogs I have ever seen.


Later on in the day we Ace sat me down and put on a long movie and we watched it. Ace kept glancing over at me like he couldn't believe i was sitting there. Ace pauses the movie and turns to me taking my hands and looking down then back up me quickly, then smiles and pulls me into his arms and holds me. He turns the movie back on and holds me tightly against him. When the movie ends he shuts off the TV and picks me up and carries me to the bedroom and lays me on the bed,Ace then walks out giving me the impression that i should stay where he left me and i slowly fall asleep.

Ace was sitting on the living room couch, But he was not alone, I was sitting there with him, my head resting on his shoulder, his arm around me. The weird thing is, I was not seeing through my own eyes. I heard a woman talking quietly into my ear as I stood there watching Ace and the copy of me. The voice said, " You do not know me but i am a friend. i only came to you to tell you that your companion has secrets he has hidden from you. You must know what these secrets are if you are to survive the next few weeks. Now i am not saying your life is in danger i am just saying that you need to know these things. Your companion is not human, im sorry i can not tell

you more but i must go. Good luck and be careful. Now Wake ....... and the dream dissolved.

I woke to a beautiful morning. The sun shone high in the sky, casting its shadow over the room. I started getting up but noticed that Ace was lying next to me asleep his arm around my waist. His arm tensed and tighten around me and pulling me closer he opened his eyes and smiled. "morning beautiful" ace said leaning in to kiss me but stopped when I pushed his chest ending the kiss before he finished. "Ace, who are you and what are you" i say noticing that his face was completely healed.

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