Chapter 8

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The next month or so went by fairly fast. Ethan tought me how to use my new strengths and to always watch out for my new weaknesses. I was VERY interested how to shift but he told me that in time i will learn, which annoyed me but I was not in the position to complain to much. Life got a lot more interesting on June 17th, my 20th birthday.

"Hey Troy" Ethan calls from the other room," come here would you". I dried my hands off from doing the dishes and went ino the bedroom to fing him holding a box smiling. I suspiciously walked over and he put the box on the bed and opened the lid then gently pushes me towards it. Inside was the most beautiful off white dress i had ever seen. It had a nit back that went in a circle in the center of the back of the dress and was long enough to reach the floor. It was skinny at the top with long netted sleeves and black ribbon forming a v at the waist. Below the waist the dress flowed out like a white waterfall. I went over to the mirror and held it up to me and smiled in amazment. It was BEAUTIFUL. Ethan walks up behind me and takes my hair drapping it over my shoulders and smiles proudly. "Happy Birthday Beautiful, it was my mothers, she wore it at her assention ceromony. Tonight the clan is throwing a party at the Elks Hall and you will be accepted and seen for the first time by our clan tonight. Stella is comeing over to help you get prepared soon"I look at him smiling and turn so im looking at him and kiss him. Ethan gently takes the dress and puts it on the dresser not breacking contact and lifts me up to sitting on the ledge. After a bit i pull away and he grips my hips and kisses down my neck and gently bites under my jaw. I close my eyes tingles spreading throughout my intire being and smile as he goes back to kissing. I cry out as a mixture of pain and euphoria spreads across my shoulder then through me. I open my eyes to see blood on Ethans lips. My blood. Instinctivly i reached up to touch my neck and he stopped me as i touched the edged of the mark. Ethan pulls me closer to him and in return i bite him, hard. It seemed what i was supposed to do but when i looked and saw the mark i had left on his perfect, now broken skin i felt i had damaged him. He saw this in my eyes and takes my fave and kisses me. Out of knowhere a voice speaks in my mind saying " Do not regret it Troy, i do not" but to my astonisment

his lips




He explains that we are now connected not just in heart and mind but also in soul. Our marks allow us to speak to each other in this way but it's not required from non mates. Our marks are scars within Minutes. Ethan hands me the dress and walks over to the closet and pulls out a navy tux. He smiles nervously and pulls off his shirt. He sees me watching and smirks then shoos me into the bathroom and closes the door gently. I get changed. The dress looks even more amazing filled in then before. I hear a knock on the bathroom door. Ethan is standing there in his tux pants and looks at me amazed. Stell shoves him away muttering about him not being allowed to see yet and rushes into the bathroom closing the door firmly behind her. She makes me sit on a stool and curls my hair adding a little makeup to my face. Dull gold eyes shadow, mascara, and a tiny bit of color to my cheeks. She then runs some liquid red lipstick onto my lips and turns me so i can see the "transformation". She does her own makeup and slips into a tight red sleevles gown that goes down to her ankles with a slit up one side. She hands me black heels and pulls on a pair the same color. She then places a gold necklace around my neck and a matching bronze one around hers. Stell looks out the bathroom door to make sure ethan is gone and rushes me to her car and drives like a half lunitic to the Elks Hall. It's an old looking building, brick walls faded from the rain and sun, old fasion doors.

We enter.

If you thought the outside was beautiful in an old fassion type of way, the inside looked ten times better if not twenty. It looked like someone rich lived there the floors were polised obsidian and a HUGE crystal shandalier hung from the high ceiling. To enter, you had to climb a set of stairs then open the door and almost inediatly there was another set of stair leading down into the ballroom chamber. It was amazingly beautiful and crowded with people. Stell interlocked her arm with mine and we walked down the steps together and two men came up to us. Ethan smiled at me and the other man did the same. He looked like Ethans father. I was looking at his father so i didnt notice Ethan disappeer. His father started talking to me but it was so loud in the room i couldnt really understand his words to much unto he told my mind that Ethan would be right back. Stell had disappeered somewhere and as i was looking for her Ethans friend Blu came up to me smiling and took my hand gently in his and led me towards the center of the room. A few minutes later Ethan came and before i could say a word he got down on his knee and looked up at me " Troy Elaine Jackson, these people need a new luna for ours is getting older and reguests retirment. And i need a wife in order to become leader." Everyone in the room goes scilent and looks at us " Will you be my wife and accompany me in leading these people." Ethan smiles up at me holding a small box and raises to his feet. I step forward and hug him tears falling and smiling. He wisphers they are waiting for an answer and i step back slightly and take his hands. " Yes, Ethan Ace Valdez, I will marry you." He smiles and puts a ring on my fingure and music starts and people start making toasts to us and the future and everything seems majical. Stell comes over tears in her eyes and smiles and hugs me. There is a man with her and she goes back and hugs his side. His name was Jaxx Lionhearte. He seemed like a good guy from what i could tell from him. He had JET black hair and ally cat eyes. One was colbolt blue and the other was emerald green. He was very handsom and i was gald to FINALLY meet Stells long time boyfriend. After they left and Ethan went to go speak to the present leader, a man came over smiling. I sorta recognized him but didnt realize exactly who it was till than came over and got im front of me and growled Menacingly at him. Nick stepped forward more and i growled with Ethan making the entire room stop moving and look in our direction. Nick looked around nervously and grunted. He passed Ethan and I and left the bulding looking angry. The rest of the night ethan stayed by my side but honestly i didnt mind.

Eventually it got late and everyone started heading home. Ethan picked me up bridal stile, carefull to make sure my dress stays on my legs and runs the short distance back to our home.

Ethan puts me on the bed and his eyes now black he kisses me and runs his hands slowly up my things under my dress. When he gets dangerously close he unbuttons and unzips the back of my dress and slowly slides it off my shoulders. He kisses each shoulder and very gently pull the dress the rest of the way off me then carefull folds it up and jumps on me. I fall back and he pins my wrists and kisses down my stomach and my sides and up my chest and across my shoulders. I close my eyes and smile.

A gun shot wrings loud right ourside the house and our eyes catch each others and he runs outside telling me to stay put. I turn off the lights and look around the room and windows making sure im alone. I make sure i am and sit on the bed miserable and wait. A smell eners close to the window and i hold in a growl i get up quetly and crouch against the wall next to the window. Nick checks to see if the window is locked and i scilently curse myself. He slides the window up and jumps in. I wait a few seconds the pounce. I knock him over and pin him to the floor. His eyes turn black seeing me undressed and i spit at him disgusted. He recovers quickly and throws me off him. I land in a crouch in front of his and wait. He slowly comes towards me witha silver switch balde and i very slowly rise. He jumps at me and i kick the blade out of his hand wimpering slightly as the blade skims my foot. The blade goes flying and gets stuck in the wall next to the window. Nick looks over at it and i attack him. I jump at him twist his right arm behind his back snapping it sending him into a rage. He grabs me by my neck and throws me into a lamp, glass shattering everywhere. I get up blood dripping off my jaw and grawl as he pulls the blade out of the wall. Ethan howls outside distracting me and Nick pounces. I counteract his angle like Ethan tought me. Nick stabs the blade DEEP into my left arm. Im blinded with searing pain and i kicjk him into the wall howling in pain. Ethans wolf jumps through the window and attacks his now dazed brother. Ethan hesitates for a split second and Nick Stabs his brother in the shoulder causeing him to loose his shift. Nick pounces on his wounded brother and goes to kill him but not before i tackle him off making the blade cut Ethan in the face and straddle him against the floor. "Troy. It. Doesnt. Have. To. Be. Like. This." Nick says as i push my non wounded arm against his throught. Nick looks into my Golden eyes and and i press harder. He rasies the blade to kill me when suddently im hit by a wall and knocked 5 feet off him. A beautiful gray wolf with brown eyes attacks Nick and kills him in a split second but not before he drives his blade into her spine then again into her chest. She howls and walks away from his now dead body. She drops to the floor and involuntarilly shifts. Stell is lying on the floor before me blood seaping out of her back and chest. I run over to her and try to stop the bleeding. She looks at me and smiles, her skin paler then it's supposed to be. I hear a distant howl of pain but i cant take my eyes off her. Shes smiling at me. She is dieing but she is smiling at me. A black wolf with ally cat eyes jumps through the window and Ethan tries to hold the now shifted Jaxx back. Jaxx attacks Ethan and he lets him go. Jaxx runs over to his mate and pulls her into his arms and cries. She looks at him and smiles taking his hand weakly. She tells him she loves him and she will see him again and he cries harder. Her eyes drain their glow and she lies still in Jaxxs arms.     

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