Chapter 6

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"Well I guess its only fair for you to know the truth before we go any farther. My real name is Ethan Ace Valdez, i'm 21. You already know about Nickoulus, so what else is there to tell?" he responded innocently. I look into his eyes and wait for the rest of what he has to tell. Ace now Ethan sighs and turns his back to me. "My mothers name was Elizabeth Silverwood. She was born in 1856 and died at the young age of 288 in 2000. She died when i was 5 but she had left an impact on me my entire life. My mother was from a clan of wolves off the coast of England. I am all that is left of that once thriving clans royal family. This is why i have been out on a wild search to find my mate to prolong the survival of my family and this is why when i saw your picture in the paper i had to find and protect you, even if i was what put you in danger. I love you Troy Jackson, I have since the day i met you. You are my mate, and i will never give you up nor let you go. You are mine and only mine. That will never change" Ethan turns back to me and smiles shyly. I didn't know what to say. I had so many things going through my mind, so many questions I wanted to ask, so many things I wanted to say. Ethan broke my train of thought by leaning forward and kissing me.


The rest of the day went by fast, nothing really happening to spice it up. Ethan didn't talk much but i didn't blame him. Ethan decided to let Rex into the house then he left me to make sure he didn't break anything. I honestly think that Ethan was trying to distract me but i had fun playing with Rex all day while Ethan shot glances at me while he worked in the kitchen. Later in the day i found him sleeping on the couch, Rex laying on the floor next to him. He looked so young and peaceful laying there so i gently put a blanket over him and sat on the floor scratching Rex's ears and face.

Ethan woke up shortly after and upon seeing me he smiled and picked me up bridal style. " Hey Troy, you wanna see something cool?" he asked and then he bit hard into my hand making a deep mark and licked the blood. Ethan then smiled and said something in his mind and it sent an image to my mind. Ethan smiled at me knowing i saw it and i looked into his eyes holding my hand to my chest.He put me down then sat on the couch. Ethan jumped off the couch moments later, startling me and got on his hands and knees and he sent me an image to look away. I looked away and when i looked back Ethan was gone. There was a wolf standing next to me
looking directly at me. I jumped away and Rex growled then stopped and jumped around playfully. I on the other hand turned and ran out of the house. i ran to the tool shed and locked myself in it. Ethan ran over moments later, unlocked the shed and hugged me. " Are you okay?" he asked me as I looked down at his hand in horror. He saw that i saw it and hid it from my sight but not before i saw the fur slowly receding back into his hand.

( sorry for such a short chapter, ive been quite busy as of late.)

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