11- girls night

196 11 1

Tori's pov

After Harry left, I walked in to my appartment and closed the door. I leaned against the door and asked myself "did that really just happen?" Oh my gosh I think Harry was gonna ask me out! I walked to my room and picked out some black lulu lemon gym shorts and a pink flowy tank top to wear after my shower. I walked into my bathroom, stripped and jumped into the shower. After my shower I got out and got dressed. I put my hair in a messy bun and walked to my kitchen to make myself supper.

Once I got all my ingrediantsI just stoped for a second to think what me and Harry did earlier. I felt tears in my eyes. What happened to my rule I swoar I would never break? The one where I wouldn't let any guy come ino my life? I can't believe I let myself be fooled. But, no it can't be. How could one guy mean so much to me and make me forget about my promise to myself? I feel safe with Harry. I trust Harry. He wouldn't hurt me right?

"oh gosh no Tori don't let your past make you think that you can't trust him!" a voice in my head said.

"Harry seems like the kind of guy to break hearts and move on. He would never love you" Another voice in my head said.

LOVE? what! How can I be thinking of love!? This whole promise thing is begining to be hard. When I'm with Harry, he makes me forget about all the bad things and only good. So should I finally let a guy into my heart again?

I decided to forget about it for now since Maya will be here soon. I went on to make myself supper and then I watched a re-run of pretty little liar.

Half hour later, I heard knock on my door. I ran to the kitchen and dumped my plate into the sink and ran to the door to open it. Maya ran in and jumped straight on the couch sitting indian style.

"Soooooooooo, tell me about you and Harry" She said smirking. I closed the door and walked to the couch slowly and sat down next to her.

"No no, tell me about you and Josh, he asked you out?" I asked trying to change the subject. Maya cocked her head to the side and looked at me but just shrugged it off and started yapping away about her and Josh. I could care less because I hate him but I don't want to be rude. I just nodded to show her I was "listening".

After what seemed like hours, she finally ended.

"Now, don't try and change the subject this time. What's going on with you and Harry?" I sighed. I'm gonna have to tell her sometimes. But I swoar I would never tell I was raped. She only knew about the person who cheated on me so she thinks all my trust issues and worries to get close and touchy with a guy is because of that, and she's gonna keep thinking that.

I explained everything with me and Harry accept the thing with Josh I just said some random person and she said some aws and ouhs. After I explain everything I started tp explain how I'm scared to get close to Harry. After I finished, she cleared her throat and started talking.

"Listen Tori, I know some bad things with guys have happened in your life but you can't punish yourself from finding a guy to fall in love with. You just gotta let that go and say it's in the past. Not all boys are like that and I truly believe Harry is into you and I can tell you're really into him but your mind is messing with you by remembering things from your past".

Wow. I've never heard her talk so deep before but what she said made perfect sense. I should try it with Harry, see how things go... But now I'm gonna take it slower and not rush things.

We talked and talked about random stuff and decided to watch a movie.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" I asked.

"I'm in the mood for a romantic movie" maya replied.

"How about titanic?" I suggested.

"I've never seen it!! Could we watch it? I've always wanted to and I heard its really good and sad!".

My eyes widened. She's never seen titanic before?!?

"You've never seen titanic before??"

"Nope" she said shaking her head.

"We'll we are definitely watching this!" I said and plopping the DVD in the DVD player.

When the movie appeared on screen I pressed play and the movie begun.


We were at the part where she realizes Jack is dead and me and Maya are in tears.


"Oh my gosh what a sad movie! I can't believe something like that actually happened in real life!" Maya said while still sobbing. The movie had just finished and we were still crying on the sofa.

"I know right!" I added.

Once we were all out of tears we decided to put in the movie 'white chicks'. That'll surely bring a smile on our faces again.


"Bzzzzzz. Bzzzzzz"

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked around to see that the movie had ended and Maya and I fell asleep on the sofa during the movie.

I picked up my phone and saw it was 11:42 pm. I slid my finger across the slide button to answer the my phone.

"Hello?" I answered sleepily.

"Hey babe" it was Harry.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I was kind of wondering if you wanted to go somewheres with me tonight?" Harry asked. Does he know what time it is?

"Um, sure. I guess"

"Ok, I'll be there in 15 minutes. Wear something casual." Harry said then hung up.

What are we gonna do this late at night?

I snuck off the sofa, making sure not the wake Maya and ran to my room.

I put on a jean vest that had a hood on the back, black skinny jeans and got my river island white stud high tops. I took my hair out of its messy bun and let my hair cascade down my back. I brushed my hair and it went to my normal waves. I put on a little bit of make up so I didn't look like I just woke up from the dead and prayed some 'our moment' perfume and walked through it. I got my black ring that said 'love' on it and put it on my fingers. Last but not least I got my phone with my glittery silver cases.

I looked over to the clock on the wall and saw I had 3 minutes left. I decided to brush my teeth while waiting for him.

After I brushed my teeth I got a text from Harry saying he's outside of my apartment. I got some money and my keys and quietly left my apartment making sure I locked Maya in.

I turned and saw Harry leaning against wall across from my door.

"Hey" Harry said while pulling me into to a hug and kissed my cheek. I mumbled a small hello.

"So what are we doing tonight?" I asked as we walked down to get to his car. He had his arm over me too.. Aw.

"It's a surprise" harry said winking I just rolled my eyes and sat in the passenger seat.


That you so much for all the reads! I can't believe it! I know it might not seem much like other stories but I'm just in shock that people are reading my story! I thought I would get like 10 reads... Lol. Thank you so much to everyone who reads my story❤

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Tori's outfit at the end: http://www.polyvore.com/one_toris_outfits_in_my/set?id=88572251

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