29- please Tori, please

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Harry's pov

I ran out of the appartement as fast as I could, needing to get to her quickly. I ran back down the flight of stairs and jumped right into my car.

Once I started my car, I realized something. Something really important. I had no clue what hospital she was in. She could still be in this towns, or the next one over, or even one in New York.

I huffed in annoyance and punshed the center of the wheel causing the horn to go off and almost giving me a heart attack.

The only person that I know that would probably know where Tori is, is her mother. I jabbed my hand in my front pocket getting my phone out and scrolling through my contacts to find Tori's mom's name.

I got her number a while back just incase anything happened to Tori that I would have to call her.

I dialed praying that she would pick up. I had to be there for Tori. She might not make it and I don't think I would forgive myself for not trying hard enough.

My thoughts were cut off by a mans voice on the phone. Rob.


"Hi. Do you by any chance know what Hosptal Tori is in?" I ask frantically. I needed to know NOW.

"She's at South Peters Hospital. It's about an hour and 15 minutes away. We were already informed and are on our way. She's in surgery right now." He said through the phone. I could here sobs in the background that belonged to Tori's mom.

"I'm on my way" I said and hung up. I buckled up quickly and sped off the South Peters Hospital hoping that by the time I get there, Tori's surgery is over and she's alive.


When I turned into the parking lot, I parked in what seemed to be where only pregnant woman can park but I don't give two shits right now. I have to get to Tori and see if she's going to be okay.

I walked in and went straight to the front desk.

"What room Is Victoria Louise Hudson in?" I asked the lady at the front desk.

"I'm sorry sir but she's back in surgery." She said with sad eyes.

"What?!" I yelled. "She was in surgery an hour and a half ago?"

"When they thought they had everything under control she started to cough up blood again so they had to put her back in surgery. I'm not aloud to tell you anything else"

"But I'm her boyfr-"

"Yes I can tell that you are her boyfriend. I can see how you care about her but I'm not aloud saying anything else because I don't want to tell you something that I can't promise will be the truth"

I glared at her once more before going down the hall into the waiting room. I saw Tori's mom and Rob sitting in two chairs. Rob had his arm around Simone as she cried and his hand was rubbing her back. I walked passed them giving Rob a sad nod and I sat on the other side of Simone and touched her shoulder gently. She slowly opened her eyes and turned her head towards me. Once she saw it was me, she turned more towards me and gave me a hug.

"Thank goodness you are here" She said into my shoulder. I guess Tori hasn't told her mother about what happened to us yet, thank god.

"I don't get why she woudn't answer my calls and then I find out she was going somewhere on a PLANE and it crashed I and now she's in surgery and my baby might not even make it...." Simone kept going on but I blocked it out. It was my fault she wouldn't answer her moms calls, why she felt the need to move away. I unwrapped Simones arms from my neck and got up. I needed some air.

I walked out and stood against the wall. I kept a straight face from when I saw the news on the tv in Tori's appartment till now. I guess I was just in shock. I wasn't one to cry but right now, standing outside against the hospital wall, I bursted into tears. I slid down the wall onto my butt and my knees up to my chest. I really didn't care if passer byers saw me crying. For once I didn't care about just myself. I cared that Tori would make it out alive and healthy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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