28- I have to tell her

151 8 3

Harry's Pov

It's been two days since I told Tori the truth. Two days since I watched her heart break and leave my house. Today when I went out for dinner with Valerie, I realized something. I wasn't in love with her like I thought I was.

I was always in love with Tori.

God I messed up so bad! I got too caught up in this plan of mine and it got the best of me. Now I've lost her forever. But what if I explain her everything, will she believe me? Will she forgive me? Will she take me back?

The only way I'll get these answers is if I go to her appartement and talk to her, and that's what I'm going to do.

I got up quickly from the table, Valerie looking at me wide eyed.

"I'm really sorry Valerie but I just realized something. I don't love you like I thought I did. I guess I fell for Tori and didn't even realize it. Sorry" I tried to lay the news on her easily before I ran out of the restaurant. I took my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door, jumped in and sped to her appartement.

Once I got there I skipped the elevator and ran up the stairs to floor 3. Once I found her appartement I knocked frantically. I wanted to get her back. Shit I don't even know what to say. After two minutes of standing there and still no answer, I tried knocking again.

"Tori please open up, I really need to talk to you".


I sighed and put my hand through my hair. I then realised she gave me a key when we were together. Duh Harry she ran out crying so she couldn't of taken it back.

I searched my keyring looking for her key. Once I found it I unlocked the door and ran in. My eyes ranked the living room not seeing Tori. Only broken glass on the floor. I sighed knowing I got her mad and I seriously regret doing everything to her. Lying and telling her what I thought was the truth.

I looked in the kitchen, bathroom and guest room and no sight of her. I finally got to her room. Her door was closed so I knocked. No answer. I opened the door and saw a mess. Things were pushed off her desk or tipped over, stuff on the ground, the tv was on a weird news channel and her closet was open.  I took a step forward only to step on some sort of book. I steped off and picked it up. I opened it to the first page seeing it was a picture of me and her. I skimed through it seeing she put together some sort of scrapbook of us. This is why she would take pictures of us all the time. My heart broke even more. She was so happy and I was just using her at  that time. I felt ashamed.

I closed the book and placed it on the bed. Where could she have gone? To Maya's house maybe? Or her mothers? Hopefully she's safe. I looked around the room a little more and notice some envelopes with some names on it. I grabbed the one with my name on it and ripped it open. I tipped it over and a letter fell out along with the H necklace I gave to her.

I opened up the letter and began to read.

Dear Harry,

I'm not very sure how you got this. Maybe you went in my appartement? Probably not. My mother probably gave it to you.

Anyway I just wanted you to know that I will always love you. Even though you hurt me, you will always be in my heart. I shouldn't, but I do. I don't understand why you had to use me thought!?!! You could of just asked and prevented hurting me like this. My heart hurts. It hurts so bad.

I don't want to take the chance seeing you and Valerie around town together so I decided to move in with my aunt. I had to. Bad things keep happening to me in this town so I also needed to get away.


There were tear stains on the letter. I wonder how long ago she left? Maybe I could go to the airport and reach her in time and explain everything to her and convince her to stay?

What if she's already gone Harry? A little voice said in my mind.

I'd get on a plane and fly to wherever her aunt lives and explain everything to her. She told me when we were together that she only had one aunt. Where did she say her aunt lived? New York, that's it!

 I was just about to leave the room when something on the tv caught my eye.

"BREAKING NEWS, flight 521 to New York has just crashed in a strawberry patch. There are firefighters looking through this horrible wreck trying to find any living people. So far nobody has been found alive. If- oh my goodness! They just found somebody!"

It showed the wrecked plane and firefighters dragging a living body out of it. I was in shock. Was Tori on that plane?

"It's a man in his 30's. He's horribly injured but paramedics are bringing him to the hospital right now to get surgery. We will get his identity later on. There may not be any- They just found another person! This is a girl in maybe her late teens early 20's. She's barely breathing but paramedics are working to get her a more stabble until they get to the hospital to get surgery. We will keep you updated." The reporter said. I watched as the peramedics rolled the girl to the ambulance. They passed right in front of the cameraman and he pointed his camera towards the girl. I reconised that face anywhere. Even if it had scratches, gashes and bruises.

It was Tori.

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