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Tori's pov

After that night me and Harry first made love, I felt so much closer to him. He sometimes slept here and I sometimes slept at his new house. I still work on that little scrapbook I made of our good memories. I can't wait till we get older and look back at it and see all the great times we had together.


Right now I'm taping a picture of Harry and I at a football match (soccer) when all of a sudden I hear my front door open and slam shut. I hide the scrapbook and hurry into my living room and see a drunk Harry.

"Harry, what are you doing here? And why are you here drunk?" I ask.

"I went out with my boyzzzzzz and I want-ed to check in with myy plan" he slurred. What plan?

"What are you talking about, what plan?" I ask in a soft tone. I don't want to get him angry or upset because he could lash out. I could also be over thinking this and he could be really soft. Harry wouldn't hurt me, he promised.

"Now now, you can't know about thatt... Yet but you'll find out soon enough" he explained. Ouh I wonder if he has a surprise for me.

"Maybe a hint?"

"Noooooppe" darn.

"Go lay down and I'll get you some water" I said and he nodded. On my way to the kitchen I could hear him talking to himself about cats. I laughed to myself and opened the cabinet. After I got the water, I brought it back to him but he was already passed out on the couch. I set the glass down on the coffee table but when I passed his hands, they were full of blood and had a couple scratches. I gasped. Why would he have that? Did he get into a fight?

I went to get my little first aid kit my mother got me incase of accidents and got a cold face cloth. Once back to where Harry was, I moved the glass of water so I could place the kit on the coffee table. Once I opened it, I took the face cloth and started to wipe his bloody knuckles. After they were all clean, I put some rubbing alcohol on the small cuts and put band-aids on them. Once all the cuts were taken care of, I put away the first aid kit and went to my room and laid in bed. As I was drifting off all I could think of is what could Harrys plan possibly be?


Harry's Pov

I had this strange dream last night. I was at the bar last night and this guy was all over Valerie and she was denying but he wouldn't stop so I pushed him off and punched him a few times.

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. Why am I in Tori's apartment? I moved my head to look around more but it hurt. Great. I felt a stinging sensation on my knuckles and looked down at them and saw bandages. My dream was actually real? My head was pounding more and more. Damn you hangover.

I sat up and took a sip of the glass of water that was on the coffee table. It was warm, Tori must have put it there. wait, Tori?! I hope she's not mad at me! Things won't go good if she is!

I got up and went to the bathroom, took a couple pills to ease the pounding in my head and searched the appartment for Tori. She must be in her bedroom. I quietly walked to her room and opened the door. There she was, looking like sleeping beauty.

I silently walked over to the side of the bed she was at and nelt down. I had this strange feeling in my stomach that I've never felt before. Guilt? I can't thought.

I shouldn't be feeling things like this. She's just part of the plan.

I kiss her forehead and walk back into the livingroom to wait until she wakes up.

She's part of the plan.

She's part of the plan.

She's part of the fuckin plan.

I had to keep reminding myself.


so anyone guess what Harry's plan is?

What's he talking about she just part of the plan :o

I was debating weither I should have gave that spoiler away or not but... I'm nice so :D

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sorry for any grammar mistakes I'm prob going to edit this whole fanfic after!!


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